Chapter 11

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Lissa POV

I walked into the throne room and asked Mikhail to round up the gang where he simply nodded and brought them all to where I was seated at. I narrowed my eyes as I saw Adrian being wheeled into the room in a wheel chair. He really didn't look good. I averted my eyes as I saw Dimitri, Eddie and Christian walk in. I blinked tears away as I cleared my throat.

" I guess you can all guess why you're here. Today we must do a rehearsal of Rose's funeral. Before we all have to say good bye one final time."

As I talked my eyes sweeped the room and landed on every single person who was in it. My throat was closing up pretty fast so I started to rush my words. " So, who wants to decide the flowers that are going to be at the end of her casket?"

" Rose hated Roses. So, I suggest getting her yellow lilies . " Dimitri spoke.

I nodded and wrote it down on a paper clipboard that was sitting on the right side of me. "Okay. Dimitri, have you picked out the casket that she will be in? "

Christian POV

As Lissa talked, it really didn't sound like her at all. It just seemed as if she were just trying to speed things up and as I watched her, my heart broke. I hated seeing her like this. So, so upset and in a rush to get things done. It wasn't like her at all. It actually frightened me to a point where I stepped up, gently grabbing her wrists when I spoke softly, " Lissa, calm down. This isn't sounding like you. "

Her jade green eyes watched me and they spoke to me saying ' Shut up, let me get this done before I break down.' She was that tired and needed to find her release of emotions and not hold them in like she had been doing. She bit her lip, unsure of my words I had just spoken. "Christian don't." She whispered, her voice trembling. I knew I had to get her out of here and fast. I looked over at Dimitri for help and it wasn't him who said anything, but was Adrian.

" What are you going to do about Rose's Chotki? You know the one that you gave her on that skiing trip?"

I turned around, glaring at Adrian. " Don't say that, you asshole."

" What did I say? All I said was that maybe someone should get the bracelet off of her wrist and put it in safe keeping." Adrian said as he watched Lissa. I turned around saw Lissa had tears running down her cheeks. Oh god.. This wasn't going to be good. She was breathing heavily as she shook her head silently. " No. I- I can't do this. Not now at least. "

" Lissa.." I said quietly walking over to her but she took a step back from me as she clutched her chest. Oh my.. She was having a bad breakdown. " Lissa." I said again, carefully walking a step towards her. She quickly stepped back and kept repeating, " No.." In a whisper as if it were somehow the truth.

"Lissa..." I repeat again and held up my hands. " I promise you, nothing bad is going to happen."

" No!" Lissa yelled out as more tears streamed her face. " No one is getting her bracelet. She is my Guardian, and no one else can do her job like she can. "

She was talking in present tense and that hurt me the most. She didn't really believe that Rose was dead, or in this sense, denial. I hated to see her like this again. It just wasn't her, and I had to figure out how in the world was I going to calm her down. I tried again but she growled at me, slapping me in the face. " I said don't!"

At this time Dimitri had stepped in, carefully and worried about her. " Your Majesty, may I bring you out of the room to calm down?" His voice was soft, melodic, and right then and there I knew why Rose fell for him. She felt his emotions through his eyes and voice. Sometimes, but not all the time. I swallowed and decided to let Belikov handle the situation.

Lissa had locked eyes on Dimitri and she took a shaky breath as she went into his arms. Dimitri comforted her as he swiftly took her out of the room.

Dimitri's POV

I took Lissa out of the throne room as I had brought her to an adjacent room. Inside the room were chairs, one bench and a pictures of fruit on the wall. Don't ask me why, it's just how the builder's wanted it to be. I sat Lissa on the bench as I sat beside her, taking her little hand in mine. I made her look at me as I wiped away her remaining tears.

"Majesty... I know it's hard, but, I think all of us knows that you can't do everything all by yourself. You have me, Christian, Eddie, and even Christian's Aunt to indulge your feelings in. You can't hold them in any longer. You just can't. Rose wouldn't want you too." I spoke to her like I would with Rose, making sure she was alright.

She hakes her head at me, more tears rolling down on her face. " Why did this happen? "

"I guess it's what God wanted. And there's just somethings that we could never, ever explain. "

As I talked, I saw Lissa regain her composure from her breakdown. She sat up a bit straighter and wiped all the tears off of her face. " I am ready to go back in."

" Liss-" She had cut me off.

" No, Dimitri. I need to get things ready for Rose's funeral. Are you helping or not?" She demands.

I nodded and ran a hand through my hair as I quickly stood up, guiding her towards the Throne Room once more.

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