Chapter 20

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Rose's POV

Waking up, I noticed Dimitri wasn't in the bed with me. So sad! I sighed and sat up. I ran my fingers through my dark curls as I blinked the sleep from my eyes. I looked up and saw a note by the bed. I picked it up and read:

'Dear Roza,

I thought I'd leave you to sleep, because well, you looked so cute while doing so. Anyways, I am gathering bags to help move your things and I have a surprise when we finally are out of the hospital.

Much love, D.'

I smiled softly at the note and decided to give my Mother a call. I didn't know if she knew I was alive again. I dialed her number on the telephone that the room offered and waited.

A few mintues later, she answered. "Hello?"

"Mom?" I held my breath, almost feeling myself break apart inside from hearing her voice.

"Rosemarie? " I heard her voice shake, like she was trying to hold tears in the same way I did. "Y-your alive." She breathed.

I sniffled."Yes, Mom. I-I'm alive."

"When, uhh how? " I felt a small laugh come from me. Leave it to my Mother to be speechless.

"A few days. I have been out most of the time though."I informed her. "Thats the only reason why I haven't called you."

"I-is anyone with you, Lissa? Dimitri?" She rushes "is someone there with you at the moment?"

"Mom, calm down. I'm perfectly fine. Dimitri's actually getting things to start packing. I get to go home today."

"Oh, alright. I'll just drop by later on, alright ?"

I nodded, although she couldn't see me. "Yeah, absolutely. "

"I love you!"

"I love you too, bye mom!"

I hung the phone up and looked up, seeing Dimitri in the doorway.

"Comrade." I smiled up at him as he shut the door.

He set the bags down on the couch/bed and came to my side, holding my hand in his.

"I'm glad to see you awake, Roza."

"Yeah?" I teased.

He nodded and I saw his brown eyes filled with love.

"So, now what?" I took a breath. "Did you find anything out about what time I can leave?"

He shakes his head at me and I reached over, moving a piece of hair away from his face. He smiled at me as I did it. "You're too eager, Roza."

"Oh tell me about it, Comrade." I teased and you could absoutely feel the sparks in the room between us. I leaned over, using the railings for support as I pressed my lips to his.

He kissed me back, wrapping his arm around my waist, bringing me almost practically over the hospital bed. I let out a small giggle.

"Dimitri, we're in a hospital room." I said as I pulled back slightly, a small smile on my lips.

"Okay, fine. I will behave for you, Roza."

"Good!" I said and pressed my lips to his once more.

He kissed me back tangling his fingers in my locks. He pulled away and gave me his full, rare smile. "God it's getting harder for me to behave, Roza."

I grinned lightly and leaned back into the bed. "Isn't that my job, Comrade?"

He shrugged and gripped my hand. "I honestly think it is, Roza."

I grinned as the doctor came in, but Dimitri didn't let go of my hand.

"You're free to go, Mrs. Hathaway. "

I smiled and looked over at Dimitri. The doctor left and he said, "You ready?"

"Hell yes!" I said as I leaned over, kissing him again. "Let's get the hell out of here."

Destined To Be (* Shattered Wishes 2nd Book.) -CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now