Chapter 17

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" So, your saying that you were never the wards yourself, correct?" 

I nodded and put my hair into a ponytail. "Yes. Like I said, I had to pay my respects to one of my students." 

Celeste snorted and said, " Oh, please.  Do you actually believe that he wouldn't have gone out for a patrol after he played his respects?" 

I clenched my jaw tight to keep my outbursts inside of me. I already suspected that Han's, Celeste -clearly, and Emil all are thinking that it was me. Which is absurd. I wouldn't do such a thing in my life. Taking away a ward from a place is not in my skill set. 

"I believe Guardian Belikov." Alberta finally spoke as she leaned in. " he was inside the whole time paying his respects to Miss Hathaway. It couldn't have been him." 

" Well, from what Queen Vasilisa had told me a few months ago, him and Hathway were a thing, even if it is agasint the rules. " 

I blinked, watched him as a burning rage filled me. " It could be quite possible that Belikov  wanted to avenge her death by cutting the wards down and leading a full Strigoi attack." 

At the mention of an false accusations, I got up, mad as hell. "Look Guardian Croft. You can't  just pin this whole thing on me, just because I had something with Rose doesn't necessarily mean I'd sabotaged the wards and let Strigoi attack. " 

"Maybe you had an accomplice there to do your dirty work for you?" Suggested Celeste. 

I shook my head and chuckled low in my throat, Fed up with all the accusations. " Look, I am not going to sit here and false accusations. I'm out of here." 

I exited the room walking down the hall as rage radiates off of me in waves. I suddenly stopped, gaining co tell of my emotions. As I did, I felt a tap on my shoulder and found Alberta standing before me. 

"You okay, Dimitri?" 

I nodded. "Yeah. I juat had to get out of there before I snapped on that guy. " 

"Well, I wouldn't blame you for doing that, Guardian Belikov. He was out of line, accusing you of things." 

I nodded and felt my pocket buzz. I took out my phone and saw a text from Rose's docotor.

'All is well. She is good, but needs rest. Try not to wake her when you return.'

I text a brief reply. 'Okay, thank you.'

"I'll be fine." I said as I pocketed my cell. "Look, I need to get back to Rose. She isn't doing too well." I lied.

" Of course, Guardian Belikov. " Alberta said as she gently placed a hand on my left shoulder, and then left.

Destined To Be (* Shattered Wishes 2nd Book.) -CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now