Chapter 14

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Dimitri POV

Where I stood wasn't where I was supposed to be at. I knew that right off the bat. It scared me shitless to be completely honest with you. My surroundings were white, white as the clouds, but, you could still see the remaining pieces from the world we live in. All around me I saw people in ghastly like shapes and sizes. They never said anything and then, without a shred of doubt, I heard a laugh. A laugh that I would know anywhere. Roza's laugh. But wait? Why would I be hearing her laugh if she was technically dead? Oh no... Please tell me I'm not dead either. My chest rose as I looked around again. I heard the laugh as I turned back around.

"Roza?" I called out as the edges of the white turned a tinted black. I frowned, utterly confused as to why. As I watched the edges turn a bit darker I felt hands- familiar hands on my shoulders. 

"Roza." I breathed.

"Shh, Comrade. We could have a lot of fun, ya know, in the after life. " she whispered in my ear as she pressed her lips to my ear. I shivered. Oh. My. God. I was truly dead. But how? The last thing I remembered was that I had felt a searing pain on my neck. My fingertips brushed the spot lightly, as I remembered. Oh no... Strigoi. Strigoi had attacks me while I was trying to say goodbye to Rose. Holy shit, Lissa!
I stepped away from Rose and turned around to face her. She looked like the rest of them, and I immediately wondered if I looked like that as well.

"Roza, we got to find a way out of here, now."

"There isn't a way out, Comrade. " Rose said.

I rose an eyebrow at her. "What do you mean there isn't a way out, Roza? There's always a way out."

"Not in the after life, Dimitri." Rose muttered.

"Your saying that I am dead?"

She nodded, not saying a word. Okay, this was seriously too fucked up for words.

"Why is the surroundings black at the edges then?"

"Because I am here. " Rose said. " I was shadowkissed, remeber? The darkness that I took from Lissa is still with me, but, it's spreading throughout the afterlife. Searching for a soul to claim. "

"T-that doesn't make any sense Rose."

"Hey, nothing about Spirit makes sense. " She remarked.

Oh how I missed her witty quips. "Maybe there is a way. "

"I don't know, Dimitri. It seems highly unlikely that it would work. "

"Have a little faith, Roza."

"I don't believe in that crap, or have you forgotten?" She snaps.

"No, Roza. I haven't. "

The ground under us starts to shake. I grabbed Rose's arm as she was stumbling to he a grip on the ground beneath her.

"Rose, has the afterlife ever done this before?"

"Once. When Lissa brought me back to the living two years ago."

"Your telling me that someone is bringing us back to life?!"

She nodded. "I don't know who though."

Suddenly, we were ripped apart but I held onto her hand tightly, never letting go.

I saw a bright blinding light as we were suspended into time and suddenly I was back in the real world, looking into the grey-blue eyes of Avery Lazar.

Destined To Be (* Shattered Wishes 2nd Book.) -CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now