Chapter 6

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Dimitri's POV

A  few days after Han and I's conversation I tried to forget about what he had said to me. About how Rose was 17.. And how he figured that I somehow knew what was going on. I mean she's dead and I couldn't tell him. Even if he is the head of the Guardians', I just can't tell him about Rose's death. Even if he had a right to know. I bit my lip as I walked out of the Staff Wing, completely in thought of Rose's funeral. How would I do something like that? I can't bury my Roza. I just can't. I felt so horrible that she died and had only told me two weeks before. It felt as if she were trying to keep it locked in until she had died. Stop dwelling, Belikov!  I scolded myself as I went to the lunch room, where Lissa and Christian, and even Adrian was sitting at. I went up to the table, trying to get some sort of a smile on my face as I stopped at their table. " Hey guy's. "

"Belikov!" I heard someone say as I turned around to see Guardian Tanner.  His eyes looked frantic and a bit regretful. "Have you seen Sonya?" 

"No, I haven't. Why? is everything okay?" I asked.

"I don't know. We had an argument and she left but never came back." 

At this Lissa had rushed over to my side, her features worried about Mrs. Karp. " Mikhail, what is it?" 

"Sonya went missing." He replied urgently. "You haven't seen her, have you?" 

Lissa bit her lip and said in a soft manner, " She had visited my dream yesterday. She said something was going to happen and that I should be on alert for anything and everything." 

"What!" I exclaimed, looking at Lissa. " Why didn't you tell me?" 

"I-I didn't know that something like this was going to happen!" She cried out in anguish, making Christian get up and put a protective arm around her. 

"Leave her alone. This isn't her fault, not entirely. " Adrian piped up.

I set my eyes on him and shook my head. "We will have every Guardian out of here in ten to look for her, Mikhail, promise." I reassured him. He nodded and walked out with a sorrowful expression, and I finally realized that I probably had that same look on my face for weeks now. I sighed as Lissa and Christian sat back down at the table with Eddie and Adrian there as well. 

I slowly went to sit between Eddie and Lissa. Adrian was on the other side of Eddie as I cleared my throat. " So, what is going to happen with the funeral is I think Lissa should do Rose's clothes for when we put her in the uh.. Casket." My words choked a bit as I had said Casket. Get a grip, Belikov! My subconscious snarled at me. Rose would have been ashamed at me for how I was acting right now.  I cleared my throat that had a tiny lump in it as I tried to speak again. Every eyes were on me including Adrian's. I blinked and said," Is that okay?" 

"I think we should just let her be naked, ya know to let people see what she had before she died terribly." Adrian said lazily as he twirled a drink that looked to be like Alcohol or a mixed drink of some sorts. It enraged me. 

"Excuse me?" I said in a deadly tone as I pushed back from the table so I could look straight at him. His expression was unreadable as he watched me as well. "What did you just say?" 

" You heard me. I think that'd be a good thing, not a bad thi-"

I cut him off with a low growl that came from my throat. " Why the hell would you say that? Rose did nothing but took your sorry ass in even when you had pushed yourself on her when you knew that she was in love with me!" My voice was rising octaves like crazy as I stood up and walked over to him. My anger boiled in my veins at his disgusting words. How dare he talk about Rose like that when he had no fucking clue what she was. How she carried herself. All he saw was his next Vagina hit. It made me angry to think that anyone would think that about my Roza! "Stand up!" I growled at him. Adrian looked up at me and was somehow smirking at the whole situation. 

"Dude calm down. It was a joke." He said. Oh the excuses he's making!  My subconscious sneered at me angrily.

"I said stand up now you arrogant asshole!" I roared. 

Adrian's face paled as he knew I was serious, but, kept his sardonic smirk on his face. " What are you going to do? Hi-" I punched him and dragged him out of his chair, my body shaking with anger and all kinds of other emotions. He tried to defend himself with compulsion but I just punched him again. I felt my body take over and I wasn't in very good control of the situation myself. Finally Lissa got up, her voice filled with so much power. " Dimtri stop!" I kept punching til all I heard was my rage of breathing as I landed punch after punch on this asshole's face. Someone grabbed my arm and I knew it wasn't any Novice. No, it was two Guardians' dragging me out of the cafeteria, with me fighting tooth and nail every step of the way.

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