Chapter 10

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Dimitri POV

I watched Christian as he had a smirk on his face. " Don't be too surprised to see me, Guardian Belikov." He said as he pushed himself onto his elbows, watching me as the car started to move.

" You know Lissa will freak if she sees you there, right?" I asked him in a low tone so that way she wouldn't hear us.

"Yeah, I know this, Belikov." He said as he groaned a bit as he had to shift to lay on his back.

I shook my head and cleared my throat. " I'll find a way to sneak away once we get there so I can come back for you, alright?" I said, Watching him through the corner of my eye. " Is that okay?"

Christian nodded and shut his eyes, falling asleep as we drove to the mall.

Lissa POV

I felt a shake of my shoulder, opening my eyes as I saw Alberta leaning over me, a gentle smile on her face. " Hey, we're here." She said softly, but very wary as she met my eyes, but always dancing around, always watching the outside for any potential threats. I sat up with the help of Alberta. " Where's Dimitri?"

" Oh, he's here, he's just making around the grounds first. You know, making sure nothing is there."

I nodded and thought 'Of course he would.' When I had finally got to my feet Alberta and I went on in, knowing that Dimitri could always contact Alberta if he couldn't find us right away.

'So, where shall we start, my Queen?"

" Um, how about Belk's? "

" Belks, excellent choice." She said smiling.

I nodded and we both started heading that way. I crossed my arms as I tried to not think of the time Rose and I had came in here and had actually resulted in her having a broken ankle from a rotting bench, but that I had actually healed her, so it was as almost as if it didn't even happen. I gave a sigh of my own as I swallowed hard, not wanting to cry. We finally made it to Belk's as I looked at all the clothing items, Shirts, shorts, pants, jogging pants, dresses that came to the floor, etc. I liked the dresses and as Alberta and I looked at the dresses I came across one that had lace all over it and saw how tight and clingy it seemed. It kind of looked like something Rose would wear. Should I? I didn't know if I should get it in honor of my best friend or not. I finally just decided to just get it and worry about the consequences later.

After Belks, Alberta and I went over to the food court to get some food and after a few mintues Alberta frowned. "What is it, Alberta?" I asked softly as I stirred my chocolate milkshake.

" Nothing. I was only thinking of what's taking Guardian Belikov so long to get back to us. I hope he didn't encounter any Strigoi. "

" I hope not too." If that did happen, and I lost him as well with Rose, there would be no more life for me. I'd literally end right there and then. I blinked as she got up, going to a corner, but still close enough where I was still in her sight. I saw she had brought a Cell Phone out as she dialed a number, putting the phone to her ear.

Dimitri POV

I walked the grounds, buying me some time so I could get Christian inside the mall. " So, what are we going to do, Dimitri? "

" You're going to act like we had ran into each other and ask me to guard you, alright?"

Christian nodded, completely on board with my plan. " Okay. What else?"

" Um, that's practically it; meet me at the fountain and we will go from there."

Lissa's POV

I sighed, biting my lip as I sat at the table watching Alberta still try to get a hold of Dimitri. It was futile because if he hasn't answered her calls now, why would he answer them now? I twiddled my thumbs as the doors opened from the entrance to the food court and saw Dimitri and... Christian!? Oh no.. I looked up and over to where Alberta stood still trying to get a hold of him.

"Alberta!" I called out, trying to get her attention. "Alberta, Dimitri is here now."

When she finally heard me her eyes widen in relief as she walked over. "Belikov, I tried calling you, you never answered."

"I am terribly sorry. I had got caught up in a argument about how reckless Christian had to be to come into the mall area on his own; without a single guardian with him."

"Mr. Ozera, you know better." Alberta said whirl I said at th booth, steaming mad at his stupidity. I told him I would be fine, that he didn't need to come and look after me. Beaides, it was a waste of time coming here because I have already gotten my dress for the funeral which is in two days.

"I'm sorry, I had to know she was alright."

"We know, Mr. Ozera."

I sighed wearily and said, "look, can we just go and get back to the Academy?"

Dimitri eyed me and then nodded. "Of course your Majesty."

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