Chapter 12

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Lissa POV

I woke up the next morning, still red eyed and puffy from my breakdown yesterday over Rose's chotki. I didn't want her to be dead, I wanted her to stay alive and be my only Guardian. Who will they give me now? No one else can do her job like she could. I don't want anyone replacing Rose. And that was the truth. Rose was my Guardian. She wasn't suppose to die that way. Not at that age, at least. I sighed and just laid there in the bed for a few seconds longer. I knew that at anytime I'd have to go and get ready, but, I just didn't want too. How was I suppose to get through this? The answer was super clear: I didn't want too. I had too. It was as simple as that.

As I laid there, I heard a knock on my door. I rolled over, groaning as I didn't want anyone to come in and tell me to get a move on with today. I looked and finally said, " Come in!"

I saw the door open as Christian's blue ice eyes came into view. I took a deep breath as I watched him, wondering why he was here. " Hey, Lissa." He said gently as if he didn't want to upset me, but, the truth was, I was very very upset. Nothing would change that. Nothing. I looked down into the depths of my pillow, breathing in gently as I looked back up at him.

"You're not going to say 'Hey' back?" He asked, I could hear the sadness creep into his voice as I breathed in again, feeling the urge to just break down completely. I couldn't though. I needed to be strong for the others. They needed me more than my grief did.

" Sorry.." I whispered as I sat up in the bed from where I was lazliy slumped like frog on a log. " I haven't really been wanting to do a whole lot at the moment."

" No, no. I get it, Lissa. You're greiving. It's a natural thing. No need to worry." He sat on the edge of the bed, watching me as I sat there looking down at my hands.

" Has Dimitri gotten the flowers? What about Tasha with the casket? Is everything settled in? " I asked.

" Yes, Lissa. Everything is set. She's in the casket, with the clothes you had recently picked out for her."

I ndded as I watched him carefully, his blue eyes looked at me with a soft verve. "Everything is set up, unless you want to get a few pictures of her and you to put out on the table?"

I felt my throat start to tighten as I nodded. I quickly got up, heading over to my desk and grabbed two pictures of me and her that had been facing down on us so that way I wouldn't have to see it every single time I come into my room. I swallowed as soon as I touched it. It felt like salt pouring into a recent cut. I breathed in and quickly gave the photo to Christian who imediately pulled me into a hug. I rested my chin on his shoulder, holding him to me as tears came over my face.

" It's okay, Lissa. I promise, everything is going to be fine. We'll get through this together. Okay?" He whispered.

I nodded and told him I had to get ready for the funeral that would be in about a good four hours from now. The whole gang was suppose to meet at Rose's room that would serve as some kind of meeting point. I blinked rapidly as Christian bent down, pulling his lips to mine as I kissed him gently back.

After he left I took a deep breath, going to my closet I chose a blue silk shirt and leggings that hugged in all the right places. After that I went to the bathroom and washed my hair under the facuet. After that I blow dried my hair and straightened it. I took a deep breath as I didn't bother to put any make up on. After I was done I went in search of my black flats. I quickly slipped them on and went out of the apartment with my bag slung over my shoulders. Completely composed.


After two hours passed the majority of the gang was surrounding what use to be Rose's bed. When I'd first gotten here, I remembered I had went straight into her bedroom, curling over her bed and taking a big whiff of her scent as I let out single, silent tear. I hated that she was gone, but, that I'd somehow would get myself together before the others came in and saw me breaking down. That's not what I wanted them to see. A few mintues later, I found myself in the kitchen, a bit talking in the back ground as I silently moved around the Kitchen, grabbing a boost that me and Rose would always drink before we went off to bed. Tears pooled in my eyes as I silently ripped the packet and put the straw in the hole as I sucked. Tears streamed my face which I almost always wiped away.

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