Chapter 24

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A/N: This will be the last chapter. This book has meant everything to me, and it's even especially hard to end it because it's been a EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER for me to even write this. So I just want to say a HUGE thank you for everyone who has been with me throughout this whole crazy journey and I know that my wonderful Granny is smiling up from Heaven as I end this wonderful book that I have done just for her.

Rose's POV

I stand in an amazing wedding dress, my long dark curls that were in ringlets by my Mother's Hands rested in a princess like way. My heart swelled as she came back with one of her own piece of jewlery. A simple necklace that has a guardian symbol on the silver chain that was clasped behind my neck.

I grinned up at her, loving it. I even loved the fact that she was just here!

"Mom." I say to her in a quiet voice. "You didn't have to do that. Just you being here is enough for me."

"Ah, my sweet girl. I know that, but well, I wasn't here for your prom day, might as well be here for your wedding day. Besides, your Father gave me that when I was his guardian. "

I blinked tears away, smiling at her again. "You were Abe's guardian?"

She nodded. "Yeah. I was. And the fact that I had been moved to the seklezy's was a big bust. "

I grinned, shaking my head at her. I wrap my arms around her, shutting my eyes tightly.

We broke apart when the door opened and Lissa entered the room. "Hey, Liss."

My Mother stepped away, nodding at me. All vunerbilty washed away. "I'll leave you guys alone."

She left the room, shutting the door with a soft click as my attention went to Lissa.

"You look amazing. " She told me softly.

I grinned at her. "Really?"

"Yes." She nodded at me. "Are you ready to be Mrs. Belikov?"

"As ready as I'll ever be Lissa." I said with a soft smile on my lips.

"You'll be fine. Just own the day. After all, it is your day." She tells me.

I laughed and nodded. "Yes it is. "


It was before the wedding and Dimitri had finally convinced me to marry him.

"Roza." He said in a soft voice. "Please. Please you have to understand that I would do anything to be with you for eternity. When you died, my world fell apart in pieces. I couldn't handle it. " He walked up to me, his brown eyes held all kinds of emotions that were particularly overwhelming to me.

"Comrade.." I spoke softly, my voice weak from all the emotions on his face. His brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail, but my hands were itching to let it loose. To run my hands through it. "You can't say that. I am here now though. That's all that should matter at the moment."

"It does matter." He told me. "It does, but you have to understand I had went through hell seeing you dead in that casket. It was the worst thing I had to go through in my entire life. Worse than when I saw my Father beat my Mother. "

I knew that was a sore subject do him, but the fact that he had brought it up meant he was really serious about his words. That's not to say he wasn't ever serious about his words because he was. It just kind of caught me off guard when he said that to me because he rarely speaks about it.

"I am sorry that I told you that I was dying when I was on my death bed. I should have been honest with you all along, but I was a fool then. I thought that I could handle it on my own. Forget that I had the cancer." I said in a weak voice, not looking at him now.

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