Chapter 9

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Dimitri POV

An hour later from my visit with Lissa I wounded up at the track, slowly and maniacally, I walked the length of the track. My mind hasn't been right since the day I had found out about Rose's Cancer. Even now, I blame myself, wondering why I tried to be her lover... It was already a futile thing, our love that we had shared, now all shattered by her untimely passing. The wind blew a few strands of hair into my face; but, I just didn't have the will to push them back. That was Rose's job.. I thought to myself as I kept up my pace along the track.

This is the place where Rose and I had gotten to know each other; piece by piece. Detail by detail. It made me sad to the point where I got very angry. 'Cram it away, Belikov!' My grief monster had growled at me. 'You have nothing to to get emotional about! You didn't even know about her Cancer til it was already too late.'  The monster had kept jabbing at me, a never ending onslaught of pure, refined self doubt and above all: Guilt. I bit my lip as I made another walking lap.

Was there something I could've done to prevent it from happening?

I already knew the truth, in my heart, I knew that there wasn't a single soul I could have done to stop it. I blinked unwanted tears away as I got off the track and headed over to where Lissa was waiting for me. She hated lateness; which is rather coincidentally funny because Rose was always late for something. It was always how she'd been.

Lissa POV

I tapped my foot as Christian sat on the edge of my bed, playing with Oscar. "So, how long is this shopping trip?"

"Shouldn't take longer than an hour, why?" I asked as I had tilted my head to the side.

"I mean I kind of want to go with you, to make sure you don't have a mental breakdown.." Christian's voice was soft, concerned almost.

I gave a light sigh as I came over to the bed, sitting beside him."Christian, I'll be fine, okay? I promise. Dimitri is going to be there guarding me and so will Alberta. "- who had taken Rose' s place. "So, there isn't really a reason for you to come along. I'll text you when we are on the way back though, I promise."

Christian looked over at me and his hands went to my waist pulling me into a gentle kiss, one that I immediately deepened as I wrapped my arms around his neck. It had been a few days since either of us had touched one another. Mainly because we've been kind of busy with our own personal things lately. His lips parted mine and his tongue found mine. We worked as one and it felt so, so right to have him by my side. I loved him and he truly has helped me with most of my grief. Not all, but some.

A knock on the door separated us and I had to straighten my clothes as I had to get the door. Dimitri stood outside  and I immediately gave him a smile. "Hey, Dimitri. You ready?"

He gave me a rare smile but I saw that it wasn't real. "Of course. You got everything you need? It's a long ride to Missoula. "

I nodded and looked over my shoulder at Christian. "One moment, Dimitri." I went over to Christian and gave him a long, slow kiss on the lips and pulled back a few seconds later.

"Now I am."

Dimitri POV

I walked with Lissa out into the court yard, making our way to the front gates where the black SUV was waiting for us, with Alberta already in the Driver's seat. I had to have let her drive because I was originally the Princess' s Guardian.

We got to the car as I had opened the door for Lissa. She thanked me and got in as I got in after her, closing the door behind me. I sat in the very back while Lissa sat in the middle row of the SUV.

When we were on the road I felt a tap on my shoulder, I frowned wondering who it was as I immediately grabbed my silver stake from my duster pocket. I finally turned around and almost cursed out loud as Christian was in the trunk of the SUV.

Destined To Be (* Shattered Wishes 2nd Book.) -CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now