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Rose Pov

I walked out of the room that the docotor or even Dimitri had put me in after I collasped. It still felt unreal. That I had passed out the way I did. It shouldn't have happened but it did, this feeling inside me was making things worse. I whipped my head around as I heard a familiar voice: My mother. Janine Hathaway. She must be on her cell because I didn't hear any one replying back. I bit my lip as her back was turned to me. I crept up to the side and eavesdropped.

"Abe, we need a few more days! Please, you have to help us."-pause, "No! Abe your not listening to me. Rose and I need this, please. Can you do the cover up or not? "-another pause, "ugh, you piece of shit! Just please help us out. We don't want to get caught in a lie."-pause and an frustrated shriek from my Momma . "Just do it! I am begging you Abe. I-I can't handle this on my own! I need to get these letters out by a week. Your the only one." I knew the letters that she talked about. I quickly backed away as I didn't want to hear anymore. I couldn't take it any longer. I bit my lip as I made my way down the hall, towards the evaluators that were down the hall. It was a good ten second walk, but, with my health it was harder to walk, my balance was getting so weak and unsteady like that it was hard to tell if I was really walking or not. I heard a beeping sound of the intercom was coming to life as Dr. Liz's voice sounded from the nearest sound system. "Rosemarie Hathaway you are wanted in the patient lab, I repeat, Rosemarie Hathaway you are wanted in the patient lab, please make your way there." I inwardly groaned as I turn around to make my way there when everything went swaying and I fell down, everything falling in darkness.


((A few hours later))

I woke up and felt a searing pain in my hip. It was excruciating as I tried to move but couldn't because the pain was searing. I looked to my left and saw my Momma and Dr. Liz, who wore an unreadable expression.

"You shouldn't try to move, Rose." Dr. Liz said as she came to check my vitals. I blinked, confused as I tried to talk but my mouth was dried, like sandpaper. "What's going on?" I asked, looking at her. "Why does my hip hurt?"

"Rose, honey, you fell and broke your hip bone in three places. They are saying your on bed rest for the time remainder."

"Don't worry, Rose. It won't affect your blood test, which we will do in a few mintues, get some rest and we will be back later to do blood tests." Dr. Liz said and walked out with the same expression : Unreadable.

((An hour later))

"Well, Rose, with your condition it doesn't seem likely that you'll make it through the night, but, we are just going to try and keep you comfortable as best as we can." Dr. Liz's voice was flat, but in her eyes I saw sadness, and regret, like she hated to tell me this. All I did was nod and she left. A few mintues after she walked out my mother came in and sat in a chair beside my bed.

"I went ahead and called Guardian Belikov, he'll be-" I looked up as the door burst open and a very hard to read Dimitri came in, but in his eyes I saw how worried and caring he had for me with just one glance. I bit my lip and wished Momma hadn't called him.

"Roza..." he breathed as he made his way to me. I blinked tears away as I tried to sit up, but a searing pain filled me, making me clench my jaw through the pain. I hadn't ate anything in the past 48 hours, and I felt like my throat was closing off from where the cancer was spreading like wild fire. I blinked rapidly and pointed to a piece of paper that was on the sink. Dimitri grabbed it along with a pencil. I quickly wrote a letter, tears flowing down my cheeks as I did.
When I get done I wrapped an arm around Dimitri who pulled me to him. "Roza.. please. You can't leave me, not yet. I didn't get to marry you yet. Your not suppose to leave me like this. I want our love to be eternal. I love you so much Roza, and nothing is going to change that. " Dimitri wept as he didn't read the note. I needed him too though. I pushed through the pain as I grabbed the letter, giving it to him:


Please, you have to tell them, or get the others to come here. I want everyone here, no matter what. I love you forever Dimitri. That's a promise."

Dimitri POV

I read the note and looked over at Rose who had tears coming down. I quickly kissed her and said in a whisper, "Rosemarie Hathaway I want you to be my wife forever and right now. I don't care if your Mom is here right now. Your not leaving me without being my Wife. So, will you marry me?"

I waited with gentle eyes as she quickly nodded and I leaned in kissing her. She pulled away and I knew I had to get the rest here. I quickly made the calls and soon everyone- including Adrian was here. I bit my lip as Rose's Mother told everyone what was going on. It brought tears to my eyes as I held her hand, never letting go.

Lissa POV

I blinked tears away as Guardian Hathaway had told us what was going on. Christian held me as I cried softly into his arms, never wanting to let it be true, but, it was true. Rose was dying of Stomach Cancer and she only had a few more hours to live... I couldn't take it anymore and quickly ran off, with Christian running after me.

Eddie POV

That was the reason Rose left... God, I should have known. I should have realized something was so wrong with her, but, I had had a time handling one nasty bitch named Harley Badica, and I just felt horrible. So horrible that I was completely oblivious to what was happening to Rose. I blinked tears away as I went to her side, hugging her for support.

Adrian POV

Hearing that she had a few more hours to live was pure hell. I had imeadiatly left afterwards needing something to take my mind off of it. I couldn't handle it and needed a bottle. I sat in my apartment looking at the pictures I had did. I felt anger rise in me as I threw the bottle agaisnt the wall, shattering the glass in to tiny pieces. I walked over, slinging the drawings all over the room, yelling in frustration and anger. Fuck the world who had placed this wonderful, sarcastic women to death that she doesn't deserve. It isn't right! Rose shouldn't be dying. Someone else should have it, not her! I collasped onto the couch feeling numb.

Christian POV

I saw Lissa walk out sobbing hysterically after Rose's Mother told us everything. I imeadiatly went after her knowing she needed me. "Lissa, shh it's alright. You're gonna be okay." My voice was soft as I held her trying to comfort her as best as I could. This wasn't easy for her, I knew that because I watched her and Rose since the second grade. She wasn't going to be able to handle it all and I was going to have to be there for her to pick up her Tira when it fell.

Rose Pov

I blinked tears away as Dimitri stayed beside me. The docotor had put me on a breathing machine as I had that to breath. Dimitri blinked tears away as he kissed my lips and said,"I love you soo much Roza. We will be together again soon, I promise. Wait for me up in Heaven." I cried and placed a hand on his cheek, rubbing it lightly with my thumb.

"I love you too, Comrade." I wheezed out. I kept watching him as my mother held my other hand as Dimitri bent down to where I was plugged, and murmured, "I love you forever Roza." And my life was gone.

Destined To Be (* Shattered Wishes 2nd Book.) -CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now