Chapter 4

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Lissa's Pov

I woke up feeling drained as I got up, without fail, that I'd somehow just end up back in bed by the end of the day. It was so tough, the hardest thing I've ever gone through in my entire life. Some might say, " Oh, it was just how God wanted it to be." Others may say, ' It happened for some reasons we can't ever explain.' Which implies to me that I was somehow responsible for her health issues. Although, Christian and Dimitri have both told me time and time again that there wasn't anything I could have done to stop it. it was going to happen whether or not I knew about it earlier or up to the time that I had known. The important thing was that: I couldn't grieve right because, I had others to worry about. Dimitri was her lover, he must be devastated by her passing. I flipped the covers back and got dressed, putting on a black skirt that had stopped at my knees and it fit perfectly to my thighs. I put on a royal purple silk shirt and flat iron my hair as I put some strands up in a clip. I didn't bother putting on makeup because I knew I'd probably be in tears when I saw him anyway.

I went up to the front desk clerk and asked, " Excuse me, can you please tell me where Guardian Belikov's room is? I haven't really been trying to connect with him but I am now. Could you please give me his room number or directions to his room?"

The lady looked up at me and nodded. "Sure thing your Majesty."

A few seconds later she had told me the directions and I quickly followed them as I went to Dimitri's room. I hope I didn't appear to be on the verge of a huge breakdown, but, I more than likely did look like that. I blinked as I knocked on the door. Dimitri answered and he looked as if he had just gotten out of the shower because his hair was still a bit damp. I smiled a little, knowing that Rose would have probably loved to have seen like this.

"Princess.. Is everything alright? Please, come in." He moved out of the way for me so that way I could come in.

I smiled softly as I entered his room. The room was in more or less no better condition than I was in. The room had pictures of Rose and him up on his wall and his famous leather duster hung on one of the hooks up on his door. I looked all around his room and took him in.

" Princess Vasilisa.. Uh, I mean your Majesty." He paused but I cut him off.

" Please Dimitri. Call me Lissa. Even Rose had told you about that."

"My apologies, Lissa."

I went over to his bed and gently sat on the edge with a big sigh as I felt the covers under my fingers. How could this have happened? My thoughts came hard and heavy but I suppressed them as I watched Dimitri shut his door as he sat in a chair that seemed to be too small for his frame. His brown eyes watched me, showing concern and protection and it made me feel guilty that he was looking at me and not Rose like that, tears sprung into my eyes as I blinked them back every few seconds. I swallowed hard as I propped up my heels on his rail of the bed, gently bringing my knees to my chest as I studied him.

"Why did you come by Lissa?" Dimitri asked me softly as he had cleared his throat.

I shrugged and knew the answer: I wanted to check up on him... "I wanted to see how everything was going with the Funeral procession. " I lied.

He nodded and a sad expression took over his features. " I haven't been able to get much done. I mean, yeah, I have picked out the flowers and the memorial brochure... but, that's about it. " He let out a breath as he ran a hand through his hair. " I can't stop thinking about her. How much I loved her, how much I cared about her... All of it is gone. It won't ever be the same without her.. I just.. I don't know, Lissa. It feels like I can actually feel her presence, but, I can't touch her or even talk to her. It's weird. I miss her more than words can describe. " I could see the fight he was wavering in his control to be strong. I scooted over to him, wrapping him in my arms.

" It's going to be okay, Dimitri. It will be alright. We will bury her and hopefully she is in Heaven by now, watching us."

He nodded and let the tears fall down his cheeks. Going through this wasn't easy without one of us having to be strong for the other, but, I guess maybe that's why families grow together when a loved one passes away. I can't imagine what people go through in their own lives, but, this was happening to my friends and family. We all had to be there for one another. No matter how terribly bad we want to break down, no matter what we feel we try to be strong for the other person because, they are going through it more roughly than what we are... I let him sob into my shoulder, his big, muscular body shaking ferociously as he cried. "I miss her so much. S-she can't be gone, she just can't be. There's no way she's not here anymore."

"Shh. " I whispered softly, rubbing his back as I tried to calm him down. I hated to see someone cry. Especially if they were as big as him, but I have learned in life: It isn't the person's physique, it's how big their hearts are, and Dimitri Belikov had one hell of a big heart, well, at least where Rose was concerned. It made me appreciate them that much more. Their love that they had shared. The love and gentleness they brought out of each other... It was always passion between them. Not to mention it was very much so True Love. That was what they had had. True love and passion. I let him cry himself to sleep and then I put him to bed, with a heavy heart ache in my chest.

This shouldn't have happened to us, to any of us, but, it did happen and we couldn't change it. All we could do was be there for another and hope that pain will lessen. Someday...After Dimitri was wrapped up in blankets I went back to my room, exhausted and sad. I crawled into bed and cried myself to sleep that night only to be dragged into a spirit dream.

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