Chapter 23

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Rose's POV

((Two weeks before the wedding date))

I sat on the bed, waiting for Dimitri to come home, but as it was it was super boring so I decided to check in with Lissa via texting.

'Liss? How's everything?'

It didn't take her long to respond to me.

'Stressful, as usual. How's the wedding plans coming along?'

'Ugh. Can we not speak about the wedding? '

It was a good five minutes before she had respond.

'Rose.. have you talked to Dimitri about what I told you?'

'Not yet. I just don't want to hurt his feelings, Lissa. It's more complicated than it turns out to be.'

'Understandable, Rose. Well when you do decide to tell him, which I'm pretty sure you are, just don't do it too roughly. I mean he had already lost you from Cancer. Don't break him completely. '

I sighed. Man... Was I that harsh? Wait a minute of course I was! I shook my head and tried to swing the conversation towards her than me.

' So what is going on at Court? Any thing new happening?'

'Not really. Just a bunch of long meetings and decisions if I should put guardians out in the field early, which by the way, I am not for at all. '

'Seriously!? They're still trying to make that happen? '

'Yeah, well, mainly it's the Badica's that's really pushing for it. '

'Why push it? The novices can't go out into the feild before their 18. It'd be like fodder in a pig pen. '

'That's what I was trying to get through to them, but they wouldn't see reason. '

'Well they're absolutely crazy. That's for one thing.'

'Yeah, I know. Look, I'll call you later. Christian just walked in. ;) Bye!'

I rolled my eyes at the text, but sent a reply anyway possibly knowing I'd not get any response back.

'Don't do anything I'd do.'

I placed the phone on the desk by our bed, finally feeling exhaustion hit me fully. I let out a yawn, lightly placing all the wedding plans on the desk as well before I had gotten under the warm covers. I had soon fell asleep, thinking of battle and too young novices.


A light shake woke me up a few hours later. I rolled over, rubbing sleep from my eyes as I let my eyes land on Dimitri's Brown eyes.

"Comrade." I croaked, my throat dry from being asleep.

"Hi Roza. " He murmured softly as he laid next to me. I saw he still had on his guardian gear, but wasn't really interested in changing out of them yet. He was too focused on me.

"What have you been doing?" I asked him softly as I snuggled closer to him.

"I had a few guardian meetings I had to attend. You know at the guardian headquarters? " He said and I saw his brown eyes big, but insanely tired.

"Everything alright? " I asked him, sitting up, but all he did was grab my waist, pulling me to his body before he had spoke.

"Yes, Roza. " He spoke softly, his breath hitting my neck.

"Alright. " I told him and relaxed my body into him.

He smiled and let his lips leave trails around my ear, making me shiver, but also moan.

"Wait. " I told Dimitri as his hand had already slipped under my shirt. "I need to talk to you about something. Something important. "

"Okay." Dimitri said. "About what?"

"Well, I... " I bit down on my lower lip now, contemplating if I should tell him or not.

Dimitri sensed I was hesitating. "Roza. You can tell me. It's okay. You can tell me anything. "

I gulped down a lump, feeling like a huge weight was coming up in me. I just didn't know how he might respond.

"Do you think we can slow down the wedding plans? You know make it a bit slower?"


I honestly think this chapter wasn't all that great, so I may re write it again probably when I get up, but it will more than likely will be tomorrow night if anything.

Thank you guys for reading!! :)

Also, I am currently in the process of editing the first book- Shattered Wishes. Once done with that book, I'll begin to edit this one after it.

Well, it's 2 am here and I have a long day ahead of me when I get up. So night guys! :)


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