Chapter 2

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"Rose!" Mom shouted up the steps. "Coming!" I yelled throwing some bracelets on my left wrist. I jogged down the stairs to see my mom pacing in the living room. She had on a tight black dress with red pumps on. "Mom, you'll do fine." I reassured her smiling. Then someone at the door knocked. "Oh my god!" She said freaking out.

"Mom, answer the door. I'll get plates set." I said walking to the kitchen. She nodded looking in the mirror one last time. The plates were on shelve and since I am so short I had to get a chair. I got them and set them on the table right as my mom and a guy maybe in his late 30's with a grey suit on came in. "Mr. Lynn this is my daughter Rose." Mom says smiling.

"Nice to meet you." I shyly holding my hand out for him to shake."You too, love." He said bringing me into a hug. I was surprised at first but then chuckled a bit hugging back. We all sit down, my mom and Mr. Lynn start talking about business things. After a while I barely touched any of my pasta.

"May I go to my room?" I ask my mom quietly but she still heard. "Yes, love." She said. I could tell she was upset I didn't eat. Mr. Lynn stood up."Well it was very nice to meet you both, but I must be going too." He said smiling at us. "You too, sir." I said looking down. "Oh, call me Jim." He said chuckling. "Ok." My mom and I said at the same time.

"See you at work tomorrow, Amy." He said waving and walking outside to his. "I GOT THE JOB!" Mom screamed jumping around in joy. Soon I joined her, "When are you going to work?" I asked giggling with her. She stopped bouncing around and laughing with me. "Honey, I got the head ascendant job. So I am going to be traveling a lot with Jim." She said taking my hands in hers.

I stopped smiling too. "But we just got here." I said frowning. "I know sweetie and I am sorry. But I get more money." She said she tried rubbing my back to calm me down. "No. When do you start traveling?" I asked taking her hand away from me. She hesitated, "In 2 weeks, but I start working in the office with paper work tomorrow." She said looking guilty.

"When were you going to tell me?" I asked looking away from her. "I wasn't sure how to tell you." She responded. "Whatever, I am going to sleep. I got to go to a new school tomorrow." I said starting to walk up the stairs. "Wait, Rose. You're going to have to walk tomorrow, I have to be to work at 7:00, I'm sorry." Mom said sadly.

"Great!" I said sarcastically, continuing walking upstairs and into my room. I get into my suit case since I haven't unpacked yet. I got out some Pj's and changed into them. After I did that I climbed into bed pulling the covers to my ears. Great, I have to start a whole new school tomorrow and I don't even know one person there. Plus I have to walk! My day is going to be just great tomorrow, Note the sarcasm.

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