Chapter 24

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Rose's Pov-

I tugged on my sleeves of my jacket before finally walking into the art room. I ducked my head down rushing to my desk in the back of the room. I try to think about other things rather than what had happened between Zayn and I. But that turned out to be a lot harder than I had imaged. "Rose!" Mr. Malik smacked a ruler to my desk, snapping me back into reality.

"AHH!" I screamed in my high squeaky voice. He pretty much made me pee my pants all right. "Were you paying attention?" He asked bouncing the ruler around in his hands. "Uh...yes?" I said but it came out as more of a question. "Really?" He looked down at me and I didn't like the devious look held in his eyes.

I nodded slowly. "Would you like to explain what I was talking about?" He rested his hands on my desk leaning down. " stuff.." I trailed off, alert of my surrounds. Every ones laughs in the classroom bounce off the colorful walls echoing. "Since you think it's your free time, why don't you say after class all week." He smirked walking back to his desk.

I gasped, and loudly too. "Oh, that's not enough for you? How about two weeks." He said making a sly smile at me. That little shit, he's doing this for his own entertainment. I noticed I was glaring at him, but by now it was too late to do anything about it. "Love, I didn't think you'd like spending so much time with me!" He said full of joyfulness.

"Until Christmas break you are to stay in detention with me." He smirked one last time before turning to his computer letting the class free. The class breaking in fits of laughs under their breaths at me, while getting supplies for the project due on the 19th. I sighed rolling my eyes at Zayn, he has too much spare time on his hands.

I got up grabbing a blank canvas, some paint tubes, and sat in the corner dipping my paint brush in my paint. Then I was just off, I didn't know what I was painting like always. I never really look at the picture until I am done, I don't know why. I have always been that way though. I hummed the tune of Imagine Dragons, Demons.

I was in my own little world blocking out the world until the bell rang making me jump. I sighed packing up my things seeing everyone else had already left the classroom. I set my canvas in the back room, hiding it so no one would see it.

"I wish that I could take you to the stars, I'd never let you fall and break your heart. And if you wanna cry or fall apart, I'll be there to hold you." I heard the most beautiful husky voice sing, but it had sounded so familiar that it hurt. I slowly followed the sound of where the voice had come from. It lead me back to the art room, there I see Zayn singing quietly.

I had listened to about a few more seconds until he began to turn around to do something. His mouth flew open as he stopped singing. " heard that?" He struggled to find the words to form sentences. I nodded, but Zayn quickly whipped around facing his desk and he began to gather his papers.

"Mr. Malik?" I said not knowing if he wanted me to call him Zayn or not. He acting as if he didn't even hear me. "Zayn?" I said walking toward him. Soon enough I was right behind him, I brought my hand up to his shoulder. "Zayn...did you write that?" I asked gently as if he'd run away any second.

He suddenly dropped his things he was holding onto his desk, like he was frozen. When he started to regain himself, he threw papers into his bag, you could tell he was frustrated. That he wanted nothing other than to get out of this building, get away from me. Zayn couldn't stop dropping things as he stuffed papers into his bag.

He walked around to the other side of the desk, he began to breath deeply. Zayn dropped the box of pens and pencils on the ground, and he let out a loud groan. He fell into his black chair, huffing a single breath from his mouth. He turned the chair side ways as I walked around his desk. "Zayn.." I trailed off once I was in front of him.

He only flinched covering his face with his hands. I walked closer to him and removed his hands from his face. "Zayn." I whispered my hot breath swirled around our faces. When he still didn't respond I cupped his cheek with my hand. His eyes flew open faster than I could think.

His chocolate brown stared into my ocean dark blue ones. "Zayn, I'm sorry if I hit a nerve." I whispered, while leaning down to be face to face with him. "You don't have to tell me." He closed his eyes standing up so he towered over me. "It's alright, love." He said pulling me in for a warm hug.

My stomach had burst into weird little spasms. I didn't like the feeling, at all that's for sure. "You need a ride home?" He asked pulling back to look at me. "Yes, please." I squeaked, immediately started blushing bright red. "Come on." He chuckled in that deep voice of his. He grabbed his bag, as I threw my over my shoulders.

We walked out the doors together not even picking anything in his room up. We chatted about our days, laughing together like nothing else ever mattered. Zayn carelessly threw his arm over my shoulders, so I would be tucked into his side. His heat radiating onto me, so that the cold winter weather wouldn't give me that bad of a frostbite.

We jumped into his small black car, he blasted the heat for me. Avicii, wake me up softly playing on the speakers. It was silent in the car, but not the awkward kind the comfortable kind. I loved being around Zayn, I had no idea really why. He just made things better, I guess it was because we got along so well.

Zayn pulled down my street and I wished that this car ride would never end.

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