Chapter 10

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I woke up to someone leaving out the front door, I look up to see my mom just walked out. That means it's like 6:45 time to get ready for school. "Madi. Madi. Madi. Madi. MADISON!" I yelled poking her. "AHH!" She screamed falling off the couch and landing on Alex. "What the hell!" She yelled. "Wonderful way to be waken up." Alex muttered.

"Well hurry lazes we're going to be late to school if we don't start getting ready." I said standing up walking up the steps. "IF YOU'RE NOT AWAKE WHEN I GET DOWN THERE, YOU WILL BE POURED WITH ICE COLD WATER!" I yelled from my room. I could hear them scramble getting up, I laughed.

I ran down the steps grabbing my backpack on the way down. I see Madi in the kitchen trying to open the cereal box. "Come on you son a bitch!" She yelled at the box. I laughed slightly, they are great friends. "Is she still trying to open the cereal box?" Alex asked from behind me laughing.

"Madi, give it to me." I said opening my hand. "Here but it's being a-" She cut herself off by gasping. "See, easy." I said laughing. "Show of." She muttered. Alex and I laughed as she poured her cereal. I looked at the clock and it was 7 o' clock, geez we got to leave soon. Madi was eating her cereal and Alex was eating an apple while I sat there with nothing.

Alex finished her apple but Madi hasn't finished her cereal yet, I mean come on how long does it take to eat CEREAL! "Madi come on we're going to be late." I said walking toward the door. She sighed, then shoved the whole rest of the cereal in her mouth. And she grabbed her bag running out the door.

"What just happened?" Alex asked me as I locked the door. "Our friend is an idiot, that's what happened." I said as we were walking to the car. I got in the back seat as Alex jumped in the passenger seat. "LET'S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!" Madi screamed, yup no more eardrums for me. Alex looked at me and shrugged.

"LEGGO!" She yelled pointing forward. Oh what the hell. "TO NARNIA!" I yelled and we all began laughing as Madi started to drive. It took 10 minutes and we got to school. I jumped out of the car, Madi was playing Justin Bieber. I hate that guy and his music, sorry if you like him but I just can't.

The bell was about it ring so we all ran down the hall way and into Mr. Horan's classroom. "Ahh! Just on time." Mr. Horan said as the bell rang. He was mostly looking at Madi, but I don't think she noticed. What is with students and teachers at this school? It isn't even allowed.

"Take your seat today we are going to talk about how squares and be divided. " I wasn't even listening, god I do that a lot now. "Psst! Rose!" Alex whispered as Mr. Horan was talking. "What?" I whispered back. "Look at Mr. Horan and Madi." She whispered.

I looked over to see Madi staring at Mr. Horan and he was staring back, he kept having to rethink about what he was talking about. "They so like each other." I whispered smirking. "Oh yeah." Alex agreed chewing on her pencil. "Rose, Alex, is there something you'd like to share with the class?" Mr. Horan asked with his arms crossed.

"Yes! But sadly we would get you in trouble." Alex said smirking then shrugged. "Alex, what are you doing?!" I whispered. She's crazy, if she's going to do what I think she is. "How about you girls meet me in my room after school." He said before going back to his lesson. He looked....nervous! Oh yes! Alex and I are getting a couple together today!

The bell rang and everyone pilled out. We started to walk down the hall to drama class. "TO DRAMA!" I yelled getting some not so nice looks from other people. "YES!" Madi yelled after me. "MR. TOMLINSON HERE WE COME!" Alex yelled and we all started running down the hall to his class. We busted the door open, panting and laughing. So we sounded like cows dying.

I looked up to see Mr. Styles and Mr. Tomlinson talking and laughing. Yay! "H-Hey!" I yelled waving still trying to catch my breath. Mr. Tomlinson jumped away from Mr. Styles. "O-Oh hey. Now it's not what it looks like." He said panicking. "I already know." I said chuckling. Alex and Madi looked so confused, I guess I forgot to tell them.

"How?" Mr. Tomlinson asked raising a eye borrow. "Yesterday, after class Mr. Styles wasn't acting the same so I decided to talk to him, and he told me everything. I told him it'll be ok. Now we're best friends." I said smiling. Mr. Tomlinson smiled like there was no tomorrow. "Back the truck up." Madi said looking confused as ever.

"What the hell is going on?" Alex asked but it looked like she had a clue. "Well.....Mr. Tomlinson and I are dating." Mr. Styles said hugging Mr. Tomlinson. "But, you can't tell anyone." Mr. Tomlinson said..looking...serious. Wow that's a first they must really love each other. "I promise!" Alex said happily.

"Wait! You mean I used to think Mr. Tomlinson was hot.....when it turns out he's gay?" Madi said with a shocked face. "Yup." Mr. Tomlinson said popping the "p". "Well shit." Madi said huffing. We all started to laugh at her, I hope they get married one day. They're perfect for each other.

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