Chapter 11

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"That was the strangest lunch I've ever had." Alex said making Madi and I start laughing. "Mr. Payne was only trying to be nice to his favorite student." Madi said wiggling her eye borrows. I laughed more as we came to our lockers. "Not true!" Alex said throwing her arms up. "Oh, yeah. He also doesn't stare at you in class when you're not looking." I said opening my locker.

"No! He doesn't!" Alex shouted making some people look at us weirdly. "We all know that's not true." I said crossing my arms after closing my locker. "I think Mr. Payne has a thing for you." Madi said checking her hair in her mirror in her locker. "Impossible." Alex scoffed. "No it's not, he's only 22 and you're almost 19." I said sticking a piece of gum in my mouth.

"Impossible!" Alex said louder and Madi closed her locker. "Nothing is impossible only impassible." Madi said smiling. "You took that off of Alice in Wonderland." I said raising my right eye borrow. "IMPOSSIBLE!" Alex yelled, everyone in the hallway looked at us as if we were crazy.

We are so I don't blame them very much. "NOTHING TO SEE HERE!" Madi yelled trying to hold back a smile. They all turned away quickly, no one really talks to us because word got out that Alex beat Connor up. "I've always wanted to say that." Madi said cheerily. "Well, I better be going guys, don't want to be late to class again." I said laughing. "BYE!" Madi yelled waving even though I was standing right next to her still.

"Don't forget we have to meet in Mr. Horan's room after school." Alex said reminding me. "Oh, yeah! See you then." I said walking down the hallway. I just walked into class as the bell rang. "Ah, just on time Rose." Mr. Malik said smirking. He creeps me out some times, just that smirk. That smirk makes me think that there's something behind it, like he's doing it for a reason unknown to us both.

I am over thinking things like all ways. I take my seat in the back, "Ok, class work on your project's. Remember they're due Friday." He said before going over to his desk. Thing is I am pretty much done and it's only Wednesday. I take my project out carefully, and think before having my black colored pencil take control.

When I draw I usually don't think very much I just let myself go at it. I can't really explain it but I love doing it. Half way though the class I stop and look at my drawing. I quietly gasp as I see what I drew, and that I was done. It looked like how I felt until I met Alex and Madi, but truth is I still feel like that. I can't get over what happened.

It was all my fault, and I didn't do anything to stop it. It was right in front of me and I did nothing. I wanted to break down crying, "Rose. Please come to my desk." I hear Mr. Malik say. I look up to see he was looking at me, I couldn't read his eyes. That's what bothered me the most about him.

I could read everyone so well, but him. It was like he was some trick question on my math homework that I can't find the answer to. I realized I was just staring at him, I grabbed my bag and walked to the front of his desk. "Yes?" I asked and forced a smile. He looked at me for a moment as if he was trying to figure something out.

"Why don't you go to the bathroom for the last few minutes of class?" He said writing something on a sticky note. I thought about it for a second, why would he say that? "Sure." I said and held onto my bag tighter. "Here" He said handing me the sticky note. I nodded and walked out of the room. I walked quickly to the bathroom, no one was in the hall way.

Once I got to the bathroom no one was there either. I went into the last stall and locked the door. I sat on top of the toilet and hugged my knees to my chest. I let a few tears slip, no you're better than this. I thought trying to dry my tears but more rushed out. The bell echoed through the bathroom signaling that the day was over.

I wiped the tears away and walked out of the stall, I looked in the mirror before taking a deep breath. I walked out of the bathroom looking like nothing was wrong as I walked to Mr. Horan's room.

Zayn's Pov-

"Have a good day class!" I called as they ran out from the bell. I walked around cleaning up the mess left. I couldn't stop thinking about how sad and scared Rose looked. I hope she's alright, and I always thought she was the girl who never stopped smiling. When she came up to my desk she looked frustrated from something all of a sudden, I just couldn't tell from what.

I was looking for anymore trash in the back of the room when I saw a beautiful but depressing drawing a the last desk. It was the same desk Rose sat at, this couldn't be..her project? I walked to my desk and carefully put it inside my bag. Once I thought everything looked clean I locked the door heading to Niall's class.

We always hang out, he's my best friend. I guess since we became teachers we just haven't had time to really hang out anymore. Liam is always trying to hang out with us but we're always busy with school work. Louis and Harry are always going on dates, they live together. I guess I just miss when we were younger, we could hang out a lot more.

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