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Rose's Pov-

"Class of 2014 everyone!" I couldn't stop smiling, Madi was on my left and laughing like a mad woman. Alex threw her hat up with the rest of our class. I just gripped mine in my hand, rubbing my fingers against it. They tried so hard to get me in this dress...without bracelets on. "Fuck this school!" Alex yelled making quite a few people give her a nasty look. I just rolled my eyes and laughed under my breath. Madi and Niall were officially dating now, they were the most adorable couple but they make out way too much. I laugh harder at the thought. Really I don't think relationships are all about things like making out and cuddling, I just like the thought of someone always being there for me. Someone to always love me and that I could love back.

Turns out Alex was seven months pregnant, with Liam's child. Of course no one knew that but us. She was a stubborn ass girl and wouldn't miss one day of school. Her words were and I quote, "I'm going to show all those assholes that I will finish school damnit!" Harry and Louis are thinking about adapting a child together. I think they'd be the best parents in the whole world. Zayn and I are amazing, well for a bit I was pissed at him. He told me about Perrie, and let me tell you my reaction was horrible. I realized he did what he needed to, speaking of she's in jail now.

"Hey, babe." Lips skimmed my ears, ever so softly. I jumped back and looked around. "Zayn! You can't do that you could still get fired." I whispered setting a hand on his chest. His brown eyes were sparkling down at me, "I don't fucking care." I bit my bottom lip and stared at him. "Stop." Zayn groaned closing his eyes. "Huh?" I gave him a confused look. "Don't bite your lip like that." He squeezed his eyes tighter. I looked down and noticed he'd gotten a boner. I smirked and leaned forwards. "Why not baby, is someone embarrassed?" I whispered in his ear. "Ugh." He growled lowly. I pulled back and laughed, oh my lovely boyfriend.

"You look beyond gorgeous by the way." He said, I giggled. "Thanks, you're not looking to bad yourself." I winked. "Come on guys!" Louis called us over. We looked over and saw everyone by the beat up old van Louis owned. They smiled and waved us over. I ran dragging Zayn the whole way, I don't even care anymore either. "Geez, you two love birds couldn't be anymore close." Alex pointed at us. I grinned widely showing off my teeth. "Let's get this party on the road!" Alex and Madi cheered. We all hopped in the van and began driving down the road. "Do you girls want to change quickly before we head for the cabins?" Louis looked at us in the review mirror. "God, yes!" Alex groaned holding her stomach. We stopped at my house so we could change.

I opened the door to see my mother sitting on the couch enjoying her cup of coffee. I smiled at the scene, I told my mother not to come because she had just gotten home from a trip, so was tired and you could tell from a mile away. "Hey, mum." She turned toward us and ran over to me. "Come here my beautiful girls!" She pulled us into a big bear hug. She'd been home a lot more then when we first moved here. She was like a mother to all of us. "Alex! My dear, you're getting so big." Her eyes started to tear up. "I know, I'm so happy! But this little sucker hurts like a moth-" "Don't finish that in front of mum." Madi scolded her.

"It's true though!" She groaned. "Madison, how are you and Niall?" She changed the subject patting Alex on the top of her head. "We're great, Mrs. Cl-" "I told you Niall, call me Callie or mum!" She smiled up at him, she was the reason why I'm so short. "Harry!" She brought him into a big bear hug. "Hello, mum." He chuckled leaning down to hug her. My mother loved Harry, after all he was my best friend. "Louis, honey...how has it been since Harry quit?" She placed a hand on his shoulder. "Annoying, but I've gotten used to it." Louis showed off his perfect teeth. Harry quit because their boss is an asshole toward them being a couple. "Zayn, my future son-in-law!" He chuckled and I pointed towards my room at Madi and Alex. We quickly raced into my room, well as quickly as a seven month pregnant lady can.

"So how long are we staying at the cabins?" Madi asked while slipping on her shirt. "I think two weeks or so...?" I answered hopping, trying to get my pants on. "Ugh, can someone help me unzip this fucking dress?" Alex was struggling. "Sure thing." Madi giggled and I laughed. "It's not funny!" Alex pouted. We finished getting dressed, and rushed down the stairs. "Let's go!" Madi yelled right in my ear, making me flinch. I laugh and everyone said goodbye to my mother. "Bye, mum." I hugged her tightly. "Bye, Rose." I smiled at her one more time and ran out, into the van. I sat in the very back with Zayn. "Hey, baby." I yawned in reply. "Just sleep." I nodded and cuddled into his lap.


"Rose!" Louis voice echoed throughout my ears, snapping me awake. "Louis." Zayn warned carrying me inside. I laughed lightly as he walked up the stairs and set me down in the room we were sharing. "Let's go down and meet everyone by the lake." "Okay." I leaned up on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek. He lead me all the way down the stairs and outside where the lake was on the right side of the cabin. The sun was just beginning to set and it's beautiful orange color was reflecting onto the lake's body of water.

I leaned my head on Zayn's chest and looked around. Alex was asleep in Liam's arms, Madi and Niall were laughing and eating some kind of sugar coated junk food. Harry was playing with Louis in the lake, Harry was being child like and splashing water at Louis making him playfully push them both underwater. Everything was exactly everything I could have ever dreamed for and more. "It's beautiful." Zayn's voice vibrated my own body. "Yeah, it is." I breathed out. I turned around so I was facing Zayn's chest. I looked up at him to see him already staring at me, I blushed slightly. "You've changed my life, and I couldn't thank you enough." I whispered, a tear running down my cheek.

He wiped the tear away and took my face in his hands. "Don't cry."He said softly. "We've both changed each other's lives, and everyone around us helped. It was for the better, I will never let you go Roselyn Bell Clark. You're mine now and mine forever." He rested his forehead on mine. "The feeling you give me is a burning passion that will never blow out." He said bringing me into his chest. I gripped his shoulders my sobs shaking both of us. "And you're mine." I cry in his ear. This tears aren't sad tears, these tears are joyful tears. I couldn't be happier with any other family.

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