Chapter 40

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Madi's Pov-

"Do you want to talk about" Alex asked softly and rubbed my shoulder lightly. I managed to calm down and recollect myself. I could feel the make-up drying on my cheeks. "Well..." I looked down at the cup I was holding and looked into the hot chocolate Rose made us. I began to self-consciously rub my pointer finger against the side of the mug. They are your friends and they deserve to know. "It happened three years ago.."


I brushed off my black skinny jeans and stuck my cold, dirty hands into my hoodie's pockets. My dark red hoodie was on my head and my wavy brown hair was covering my eyes. I walked away from the alleyway with a prize winning smirk planted on my face. My cell phone began to ring, "Hello." I answered and I could see my breath in the dark night.

"Did you take care of them like the orders said?" The rough voice asked. "Of course, boss." I walked down the street getting closer and closer to the shack I call my home. "Good, I'll send your next orders first thing in the morning." I stopped walking. "But it's already three in the morning. How long before you pay me?" I tried to remain clam.

"Don't worry sugar, I'll get your next pay when you finish this next mission." I hated when he called me something so if I'm his girlfriend. "You said that last time! I need to feed my family!" I lost control and yelled into the phone. "If you keep treating me this way then you won't even have a family!" His voice was on edge. "Don't you dare lay a finger on them!" I growled.

"I won't, as long as you follow all your orders." His voice calmed down. I hadn't been paid in almost two weeks. I can't keep risking the safety of my family when I'm not even getting enough money to feed them. "Alright, night then sugar." I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone. I continued my journey home, and I was thinking of what the best solution to this problem would be.

I stood on the sidewalk staring at my wooden, tiny house. The roof had at least five leaks in it, all the doors squeaked, the bathroom sink only spit out brown gunky water, and there are spots of mold around the house. I sighed unlocking the door and stepping inside. I am the one who runs the household.

I have two little sisters that are seven and eight, then one little sister that's five, and two twin brothers that were fourteen. My mother is very sick and the doctors don't really know why. It happened right after my father had died at his "job" and that's why I'm working for the guy I do now. My father was secretly working for a drug dealing company and was the top man, but when he died someone else stole his spot. They made me work for them and if I didn't they said they'd kill my family.

I walked to the room right next to the bathroom. It held all of my brother's and sister's in one tiny room. I moved out of the room a long time ago and onto the living room couch. "Angie, Nicki. Wake up." I whispered, they might as well be twins. Both had red hair, freckles, and brown eyes. "Huh?" Nicki rubbed her eyes.

"Pack your and Angie's bags while I wake the others up." "Why?" "Just do it for me, okay?"' She looked confused but nodded. Next I bent down on the bottom bunk bed. "Lizzy." She moved lightly to show me she was listening. "Have someone help you pack a bag so we can leave." She moved in a nodding motion and sat up. "Matt, Will!" I whisper shouted in Matt's ear. They've always been very close with each other...they were wrapped in one old blanket cuddling on the floor.

"What the he-" "Don't you dare finish that." I scolded. "You know you love me big sis." He smiled and winked at me. I rolled my eyes, "Just pack both of your bags." He raised an eyebrow, "Why?" "I'm getting us got of here." He smiled and his bright white teeth flashed me. I walked out of the room and into mom's. I threw some clothes into a big bag and tossed about 200 dollars I've been saving.

"Mom?" "What's wrong, hun?" She barely had breath to speak. "We need to leave now." She was so small and fragile I knew I could carry her on my back. She sighed and held her head down. "I knew it would come to this one day." I let one tear slip from my eye. "I want you to promise me to put all your focus on getting the kids out safely." Her voice was shaking. "Mom, I could never do that!" A few more tears slip out.

"But you have to." I carefully placed her on my back and felt to make sure my gun was still placed in my boot. "Let's go." I whispered to everyone else waiting in the living room. Nicki and Angie were leading on each other, Lizzy was on Matt's back, and Will weakly held onto Matt's arm. Matt was the one who took charge when I wasn't here. I got them in the car and was speeding down the road. It was one town over I hit a red light and everyone was asleep when it all went wrong.

I heard cars gaining on us from behind and quickly. I knew who it was and pushed on the accelerator. I was flying down the street then they start to shoot a gun at the car. "EVERYONE STAY DOWN!" I screamed and they all woke up fast. None of them knew what I really did for money but I had always had a feeling that mom did somehow. "What's happening, Maddy!" Lizzy's small voice sounded so panicked and scared. "Just worry about keeping your heads down. Matt take the wheel, I got some business to do." I growled. He jumped up and got in the front seat with me. I took my gun out and stuck my upper half of my body out the window.

I began to shoot, I was the most feared and skilled shooter in this part of England. "LOOK OUT IT'S MADISON HEAVEN!" I heard a few random people on the streets scream. I hit the guy driving in the first car and made them crash. I still had two more cars full of men to take out. I took out the second one and had one more left and then my family would be free of these horrible people. "MADDY!" Matt screamed as something rammed into the side of our car making us start to roll down a hill. "AHH!" I heard all my little brothers and sisters screams echo in my ears.

I blacked out and when I woke up it looked to be late afternoon. I looked around and noticed some footprints in the dirt, they probably thought we were all dead and didn't bother. "It's okay guys we're safe." I said and turn toward them. But I noticed that no one was breathing. "Lizzy?" Nothing. "Angie?" Nothing. "Nicki?" Nothing. "Will?" Nothing. "Mom?" Nothing. "Matt?" Absolutely nothing. This was all my fault, and I couldn't get them back no matter how hard I tried. "NO!" I screamed so loud my lungs were burning. I called the police and told them what happened but without including my name.


"The gang was all either killed by me over the years or the police took them in." I had tears running down my cheeks so fast. "I changed my last name, my style, and my hair color. And mostly my out look on life and how I acted." I was breathing deeply. "Madi, why didn't you just go to any other family?" I began to sob by now.

"B-Because...I am a wanted criminal and my father's side of the family was killed a lot longer ago." I laughed lightly and had a small smile on my face. "You know I was best friends with my little brother, Matt." I paused a moment. "He could bring a smile to everyone's face no matter what, but that day I was actually able to make him truly smile."

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