Chapter 36

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Rose's Pov-

Well it's Christmas in two days and I have no shopping done once so ever. I guess I should really go call the girls and get shopping. Great shopping with Madison is going to be wonderful, note the sarcasm. I have no idea what the boys would want though. Well maybe I do but I have no idea for Zayn for sure. I pick up my phone and start calling Madison first. "Hello?" Her sweet voice rings threw the phone. "Hi Madi, want to go shopping with me for the boys?"

"Sure! I'll pick you up in 30!" She squealed happily into the phone. Then as I opened my mouth to reply she was gone. "Thanks Madi." I mumbled to myself then hung up the phone. I hopped up the stairs while calling Alex's phone. I was quickly throwing on clothes as she answered the phone. "Hello?" "Hey, you want to go to the mall with me and Madi?" I asked jumping to get my leggings on faster. "Yeah, I need to finish Christmas shopping anyway." She said as I heard small movement in the background.

"Cool, you gotta be here in-" I stopped to check the time. "About 5 minutes or Madi will leave without you." "I just woke up!" She said and I heard her running around starting to throw clothes on. "Well hurry, see you in a few." "Wait wait! Ros-" I laughed as I hung up the phone. I ran down the stairs shoving my wallet in my boot. I know I'm pretty weird, I just don't like purses.

"HELLO PEOPLE!" Madi screamed opening the door. You'd never know that just three days ago she was dead and came back to life. I smiled loving her here. "Hey Madi, Alex should be here in ab-" "I'm here!" She ran through the open door painting. "Right now!" I laughed. "Okay, LEGGO!" Madi yelled skipping merrily out of the house. "Crazy?" Alex looked at me. "Oh yeah, crazy." I nodded. "LET'S GO!" I yelled pulling Alex with me to Madi's car. It's like nothing could break us and nothing could ever keep us apart, not even death itself.


"H-How can you be wearing that?" I shivered rubbing my arms together. "It's just a dress." Madi shrugged continuing to skate right along. "Yay!" Alex screamed, doing a small jump and landing perfectly. Madi thought it would be a good idea to take us skating before we went shopping since I've never been ice skating. Bad idea, completely horrid. I was shakily making my way back over to the benches. I was there before Madi pushed me out onto the ice.

"Let's just go shopping now guys!" I call out to them from my spot. No one was there that early anyway, probably because it was only about 8 o'clock in the morning. I woke up early this morning and I have no idea why. "Okay!" Alex said while doing small jumps toward me. "Fine." Madi pouted dragging out the "e" more than needed. She's just like a child, and only Madi could pull it off.

"Let's go last minute Christmas shopping!" Alex shouted and pointed in the direction we were walking in. We walked to the food court and stood right in the middle. "So let's split up, that way we'd get more done." I said wanting to get this shopping done, I hate shopping. "Alright that sounds cool." Alex shrugged her shoulders. "That way we can get each other's presents!" Madi had a huge smile planted on her face.

"Okay, we meet here at 12." I checked my phone and saw it was only 8:47 A.M. "Bye guys!" Madi took off down the white floors in the mall. "Well I'll see you later." Alex laughed walking away. "Goodbye!" I waved walking the other way. First person on my list was Liam, okay that shouldn't be that hard. I walked into a random store and it just so happened to be a clothes store.

I looked in the men's section and ended up buying Liam and Niall their presents. "Two down, and five more to go." I mumbled to myself. I walked into a van's shop and right on the spot got Louis's present. I got Harry a great gift along with Louis's. "Now I only need Zayn's, Alex's, and Madi's." I smiled and walked into a Hollister grabbing Madi's gift. I knew that she'd love it! I looked around in a Bath & Body's works and got a awesome smelling present for Alex. Now for the hardest one, Zayn's present.

I walked and walked that mall for probably about two or three hours not finding one thing. I thought I was hopeless until I came across this small shop in the back of the mall and found the most perfect gift. The lady at the small counter was about 50 and had dark brown hair, long hair. "Hello, I'll take this please." I said giving it to her and she smiled a real smile at me.

"Alright, is it for someone special?" She asked while putting it into a bag. I know for a fact I was beat red. "Uh, yeah." I smiled. "Thank you." I said after she rung up the item and handed it to me. "Have a wonderful day." She smiled, her winkles meeting at her eyes. "You too." I waved walking toward the food court to meet Alex and Madi.


"So? What was wrong with you a few days ago?" I asked Alex again. "I had some personal family problems, and Liam was trying to help me." She chewed on her fries. "So Liam helping is a bad thing?" Madi sipped her soda while crossing her legs. "I thought it was, I thought he was lying to me. That he just wanted to play me." She looked down at her food. "Our Liam? Sweet, smart Liam?" I was shocked that she'd think that. "I've had a hard childhood." Alex said and she explained everything to us.

I felt so bad that I couldn't do anything, that I couldn't go back in time and change it. "Alex, I wish I could've helped you sooner." Madi set her hand on top of Alex's. "I never thought that I could trust anyone." She said sniffling a few times to stop from crying. "You can trust us Alex, I promise you that." I smiled up at her, and I saw her smile lightly. "You know where I've been staying?" She sniffled as one tear feel, although she was smiling.

She didn't wait for our reply, "Liam's house." Her smile had widened if it was possible. "He brought me there after I had passed out..."


Alex's Pov-

"I am in love with you Alex." He spoke softly connecting our lips. I felt as if I was melting into his lips, and I know this was bad. But I seriously couldn't care. I felt my worries slipping away from my grasp. I gripped Liam's hair instead of my worries now. He held onto my hips as if his life was dependent on it. I pulled away before things got anymore heated.

"Liam..." I trailed off looking deeply into his puppy brown eyes. I didn't know how to say I loved him back, I've never felt like this before. His eyes were begging me for an answer, the answer he wanted was one that was hard for me to express. "Liam, I-I think...I-I love y-you t-too." I finally chocked out. I looked down my bright red covering my hair.

"Hey." He said and moved my chin up so I was looking directly at him. "I really do love you Alex, and I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you to love me if you don't." He smiled sadly at me. That moment I wanted no one else ever in my life, that Liam was a giver and would do anything to make me happy even if that means he suffers.

"I love you so much Liam, and I know I want you and only you." I smiled pushing him to the bed and connecting my lips to his again.

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