Chapter 26

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*Two weeks later*

Rose's Pov-

"I talk a lot shit when I'm drinking babe-" "Ugh." I groan as my alarm clock goes off saying school's going to start soon. I roll myself out of my bed landing on the carpeted floor. I quickly hop into the shower and change into my clothes for the day. I run down the stairs and into the kitchen knowing I'll be late.

I grab my keys for the house and head out the front door locking it behind me. Just then I hear a honk come from behind me. I turn around to find Madi waving her hands like crazy out her drivers window with Alex sitting in the passenger seat. I jog over to the car and jump into the back seat. "Hey guys-, what are you wearing?" I ask Madi as she starts to drive us to school.

"Cute isn't it?" She says cheerfully as she makes us listen to Justin Bieber. "Yeah, if you want to blind someone." Alex says laughing under her breath. "I happen to know these boots are very cute and warm!" Madi scoffs pulling into a parking spot. "Maybe if you were Beyonce." I say making Alex and I burst into fits of laughter as we walk to our lockers.

"You guys just don't have style." She huffs applying some more lipstick. "Sure, we're the ones with no style.." Alex trails off wit hone last quiet laugh. "That's right." She said checking her make-up one last time in her locker mirror. While Alex fixes her shoes, I just stand there being the non-girly one I am stuffing books into my backpack.

"So, you guys excited for this being the last day of school then WINTER BREAK!" Madi shouts as we walk into Mr. Horan's classroom. "Hell yeah!" Alex yells throwing herself into a desk. We are the first one's in the room, I don't even know where Mr. Horan is. "Oh yeah, I didn't know how much longer I could take being in detention with Mr. Malik." I sigh getting my math book out.

I swear they just made school to get rid of kids for the day making them suffer. "You wish it was longer." Alex wiggles her eye borrows at me. "No way! That man is driving me crazy!" I said pulling my golden locks of hair. "Yeah with love." Madi suggested nudging me. "He keeps making me clean the art room." I rolled my eyes shrugging off Madi's comment.

"Does he make you wear a-" "NO!" I yell knowing exactly what she was going to say. Alex and Madi both laugh at my reaction. Mr. Horan comes into the class room. As class began I didn't realize how fast the day had slipped through my fingers. Before I knew it was lunch and I wasn't hungry.

"So what are you guys doing this winter break?" Alex asked as we walked to our usual lunch table in the back of the room. "Nothing, my mom is working out of town until January." I replied with a quiet sigh. "What about you Madi?" I asked turning toward her seeing her plop a strawberry into her mouth.

"I-uh.." She trailed off rubbing her hands together. I raised my right eye borrow at her, realizing that she'd never talked about her family before. She hasn't even talked about her where she lives or about life at home. "I am staying at my house." She replied trying to get our attention off of her little freak out, I guess you could call it.

"Wow, you guys sound like you have a rocking winter break planned out." Alex chuckled lightly. "Yeah." I said quietly as I sit there watching Alex and Madi eat. "What are you doing then, Alex?" Madi asked smile planted on her face, but I could tell it was forced. I pushed it aside though knowing she'd probably not want to talk about it.

"Well, I am just going to stay at my house with" Alex answered just as the bell rang singling the last class of the day was to start soon. "How about we hang out this break then?" I asked as we walked out of the lunch room. "Yes!" Madi yelled extciedly. "Ok, see you guys tomorrow then!" Alex yelled running down the hallway to her gym class.

I walked into Mr. Malik's room as the bell rang. He turned to look at me a smirk clearly marked on his face. I waved at him walking to my seat all the way in the back of the class room. "Well, I suppose you can all work on your projects." He said looking straight at me. I rolled my eyes, biting my lip to hide my smile forming.

I got my canvas out, and worked pouring my heart out on this canvas. I hummed a small tune like I always do, today I was humming The Vamps: Wild Heart. I am in love with their voices.

*Class ended*

I packed my canvas up with the rest of the paints in the back room. The bell rang and everyone made there way out of the art room so fast I barely noticed. "Here I got the desks today Zayn." I said grabbing a cloth getting it wet before ringing it out. I was about to wash the closest desk to me but Zayn stepped in front of me.

"Can I help you?" I asked sassily. "Yes." He chuckled in his deep voice that makes my knees shake. No, Rose you can't like your teacher that's not right! I yell at myself for even having that thought pop into my head. "Let me take that." Zayn says taking the piece of cloth I held setting it on the desk behind him.

"Rose." He said coming closer to me. My breath was caught in my thoat. "Y-Yes?" I asked quietly, trying to back away. I couldn't even breath, I had no idea how I was moving my limps. "I have never wanted anyone as much as I have wanted you." He says looking at me in lust and love. "I-I can't. It's not right." I said still backing up, but then my back hit the wall.

"Doesn't matter, love is love." He said, hands on either side of my head.

Before I could even think his lips were on mine.

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