Chapter 20

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Rose's Pov-

I slowly open my eyes feeling a cold hard surface underneath me. I blink making sure my eyes are open because all I see is darkness covering yet I can see the white glow of my dress I was wearing. I don't even own a dress, nor do I like wearing them. I look around like a confused lost puppy trying to figure out what's going on.

I walk a little bit and it doesn't even look like I've been moving but I have. "Hello?" I call out but it only echo's off into the distance. It was cold breeze blowing against my arm. It slowly began it get lighter but once I was beginning to see I wish I couldn't. I almost fainted right on the spot from the sight that was in front of me.

It was the windowless, concrete basement I was forced to stay in for two years of my life. One old bathtub with the legs perfectly white in the corner, a grey bucket, and a small twin bed thrown lazily on the floor. The reason I'm afraid of the dark, afraid of everybody I don't know. The place where Drew made me spend some of my childhood at.

I began to back up into the corner of the boring grey walls that felt as if they were closing in on me. Soon enough my back hit the hard wall and I slid down slowly. Just as I was about to bring my knees up to my chest I noticed my white dress that had once glowed was now a pair of ripped bloody jeans and a baby blue thorn shirt.

Exactly what I wore for two years since I was stuck in the dark, cold, empty room. I begin to tremble just wanting to wake up from this nightmare. Sadly, no one wanted me to wake up because I heard the pad lock begin to be unlocked. I didn't want to be here anymore it was like I was reliving this terrible moment in time.

The metal door began to creak open and I noticed I had looked like I did when I was 11. When the door was fully open I saw a real life monster walk toward me, in other words...Drew. He came over to me and bent over to me, he pulled some of my hair behind my ear. "Hey sweetheart." He smiled at me.

I cowered under his touch, and closed my eyes tightly. He forcefully cranked my neck up toward his face and so close I could feel him breathing on my lips. I shivered, chills running down my back not good ones either. "Look at me when I speak to you." He hissed at me. I nodded carefully and opened my eyes quickly.

"Good, now how about we play a game?" He said smirking at me, I had a horror-stricken face. He picked me up and threw me onto the small bed climbing on top of me. I screamed and screamed but no one could hear because the walls were so thick. Tears streaming down my face as he had ripped my clothes off.

Now here is the weird part that even when I was little I didn't understand, I began to hear a beautiful voice sing to me. But it was only in my head. I knew it was a man singing and it was the first time I had ever heard it. It always gave me hope even though it was the first time I heard it and was also my last time.

But the song gave me hope, and I felt like it was for me.

"Your hand fits in mine,

like it's made just for me.

But bear this in mind it was meant to be,

and I'm joining up the dots,

with the freckles on your cheek.

and it all makes sense to me."

I never understood it, but then I was ripped out of that horrible memory and pulled into another blackness filled place. This time I could see but it was as if there was nothing for miles and miles. I looked down and I was in a white and purple dress now with no shoes or socks. "Rose." A voice echoed throughout the miles of nothing.

I looked around but found nothing, "Hello?" I called out to anyone. "Rose, you have a choice. You can stay and join the others or go back down to your loved ones." The same voice echoed. It sounded familiar, so familiar that it hurt. "What? What do you mean!?" I ask yelling at nothing. No answer.

"Tell me who you are! I know you, I just have too!" I call turning all over the place looking for them. "Rose, how do you forget your best friend?" A painful familiar voice said from behind me. I whipped around so fast I could have fainted. "Brandon?" I whispered once I turn around fully. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was my best friend, my one and only friend, my rock, my everything.

"Yes, Rose." He smiled stepping into the light so I could see him clearer. He still had dark brown hair swept to the side, tight black jeans, signature beanie, and paramour band t-shirt. I felt tears brim in my eyes as I processed it. I ran full force toward him and jumped in his arms taking in his scent of old spice.

I held him to me as if the world was falling around us. I thought and pulled back still holding onto his arms. "Wait..I thought you were...dead?" I asked confusedly. "I am, and I am here I send you back to earth or heaven." He said smiling. I thought about it and knew what I had to do. "Earth, please Bran." I said smiling so much it hurt.

I can't even remember the last time I got to get a hug from my best friend, let alone even talk to him. "Okay, but I must warn you people aren't always what they seem to be." Brandon said getting serious which I have rarely ever seen him like. "What do you mean?" I ask raising an eye borrow. "Not enough time." He said like he was being rushed.

"Why can't you come with me? What do you mean? When can I see you again?" I ask quickly, not wanting to leave. "In your dreams, I'm always with you Rose, Bye." He smiled waving as I began to fall. "Wait come back!" I yell as loud as I can while I fall. Not to long after I blink my eyes open starting to feel a burning bright light.

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