Chapter 12

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Rose's Pov-

I opened Mr. Horan's class door and walked into Madi climbing on top of Alex as she tried to tell something to Mr. Horan. Mr. Horan looked like he wanted to bust out laughing. I closed the door behind me and set my back pack on the closest desk. I walked over to Madi and Alex. "What are you two doing?" I asked making them jump.

"She is-she is trying to tell the forbidden!" Madi said jumping and pointing at her. Alex just shrugged and went to open her mouth again but Madi jumped on her and covered her mouth. I looked at Mr. Horan, before laughing. Soon he joined with me and we laughed, pretty much crying and we were on the floor holding our stomach's.

So right now Madi was on top of Alex covering her mouth as Alex tries to get her off Mr. Horan and I are laughing on the floor holding our stomach's. I hear the door open but we don't stop we just continue what we are all doing like nobody ever walked into the room. "Uh...I don't know what to say." I hear..Mr. Malik say.

Mr. Horan straightens up and tries to stop laughing. I stand up still laughing a bit, "H-Hi." I say laughing waving to Mr. Malik. "Hi?" He says but it sounds more like a question. "Niall, we going to hang out now?" Mr. Malik asks. "Yeah, just hold on." He said looking at Madi and Alex. "Madi off of Alex and let her tell me what she was going to." Mr. Horan says but I could see a smirk tugging at the comer of his lips.

"She's not allowed to tell you!" Madi yelled still on top of Alex. "What's going on?" Mr. Malik whispered in my ear. I shiver as I could feel his warm breath on my ear. I turn toward him, "Watch." I whispered back. He nodded slowly, watching. Madi was standing by Alex looking a her shoes and fidgeting.

"Go a head Alex." Mr. Horan said smiling. "Madi really likes you!" She yelled smirking. "ALEX!" Madi screamed chasing her around the room. "Is that true?" Mr. Malik asked me. "Very." I said smiling. As Madi was going to run past Mr. Horan again he stopped her. "Do you really?" He asked eyes shining bright.

"Yeah." She replied shyly. "I like you to." Mr. Horan whispered but I still heard. Madi looked up at him and you could not explain how much joy you saw in them. "Can...we hang..out then?" She asked shyly. I have never seen Madi so...shy! Mr. Horan looked at Mr. Malik as if asking he can.

"Sure." Mr. Malik said smiling. "Of course, Call me Niall. All of you can call me Niall." He said smiling. They walked out talking and laughing. "Wow! I am sooooooo smart!" Alex said walking over to us. "There goes our ride." I said sighing. "Aw I didn't think of that part!" Alex said snapping her fingers.

"You were going to hang out with Niall weren't you?" I asked Mr. Malik. "Yeah." He said holding on tighter to his bag. "Why don't you hang out with us!" Alex suggested. She's just full with ideas today she isn't she? "Sure, we have to stop by Mr. Payne's room." He said smiling. I saw Alex drop her smile making me chuckle quietly.

"Great!" I said walking out with Mr. Malik. "Is Mr. Payne hanging out with us?" I asked smirking at Alex. "Hopefully if he isn't too busy." Mr. Malik said as we walked into his room. Mr. Payne was doing something on his computer, while biting his lip and furring his eye borrows. I looked at Alex and I wanted to die of laughter right then.

She was staring at him and biting her lip looking like she wanted to rip his clothes off right there. I couldn't take it I started laughing, making Mr. Payne look over at us. "Hey girls, Zayn." He said waving. So Mr. Malik's name is Zayn? That's cute, really-wait Rose stop it! You can't fall for a teacher.

I could ruin their job or my school education and with our that I won't go to collage. I mean Alex and Madi are good at doing things in secret but I am terrible at it. Well for bending the rules I am I hide..other things. "Liam you want to hang out with us, Niall finally went off with Madi." Mr. Malik said or should I say Zayn.

"Finally Niall has liked her for to long and didn't say anything! Ok, I'll be right there." Mr. Payne said gathering his things. Alex and I looked at each other. "WE WERE RIGHT!" We yelled together starting to do a little crazy dance. "What are you doing?" Mr. Payne asked. We both stopped and turned around seeing Mr. Malik and Mr. Payne staring at us.

"Let's get going. I am going to take my car, anyone wanna come?" Mr. Payne asked. "Yes! Alex does." I said pushing her toward him. "Ok." He said while Alex glared at me. I smiled sweetly at her, "Where are we going?" Mr. Malik asked. "Rose's place! No one's ever there." Alex said smirking at me. It was my turn to glare at her, I know what she was trying to do!

"Meet you there." Mr. Malik said while Alex and I had a glaring war. "Ok, we'll follow you." Mr. Payne said walking to his car with Alex. Mr. Malik and I jumped into his car, he started to drive to my house. Wonder what Alex if going to try to pull, she's evil today! Evil!

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