Chapter 9

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Zayn's Pov-

"So you were watching me?" Rose asked smirking. She made me want to kiss her so badly. I had to get out of here before I do something I'll regret. " to go." I said quickly. I mentally kill myself. I sounded like a freak! And I blotted out the classroom, I could hear her running after me so I ran faster.

I jumped in my car and speed down to the road, I looked out my mirror to see Rose pulling her hair. I sigh driving down the road to my house. Funny thing is that I only live two blocks from Rose's house. She makes me go crazy without even knowing it. I am starting to think it's more than just a school crush.

I pull up into my drive way and hop out of my car. I walk into my house throwing a stack of papers on my coffee table. Well looks like I am going to be up all night. I sigh and make a pot of coffee I start to grade some papers but my mind keeps floating back to Rose.

Rose's Pov-

I finally get home after walking for so long. I get a phone call as soon as I walk through the door way. "Hi." I say answering the phone. "HEY GIRL!" Madi yells. "There go my eardrums." I say rubbing my ear and place the phone over the other. "Sorry. Anyway, where's you live?" She asks cheerfully.

Always so full of pep and never one upset bone in her body. "37th Kelsey road." I said flopping on my couch. "Ok! We'll be over soon! BYE LOVE!" She shouts. "Break my other eardrum." I mumbled flipping through the channels. "Whatever, bye love!" She says. "Bye Madi." I say and hang up.

Well I am going to change into some Pj's since they'll probably be here soon. I walk up the steps and quickly throw my Pj's on. I run back down stairs while putting my hair into a messy bun. Yeah, I have an obsession with superman. I don't know why, I just do. I jump onto the couch turning the channel to a older Taylor Swift interview.

As soon as I got situated the open busted open. "I'M HERE!" Madi yelled just walking in my door. "There's this new thing and it's called knocking you should try it some time." I said rolling my eyes playfully. "May be to high tech for me." She said shrugging. She jumped onto the couch next to me.

"Well hello!" I said waving at her. We started laughing, "Wait, where's Alex?" I ask looking around. "Ugh! Madi try carrying your own bags next time!" Alex yelled throwing some bags by my door closing the door. "Madi.." I said and turned toward her. "What? She's the strongest!" She argued putting her hands up in defense.

"No I don't!" Alex huffed plopping herself onto the other side of the couch by me. "It is true." I said carefully. "Ugh!" She groaned sticking her face into one of the pillows. "But that still doesn't make it fair. Madi.." I said innocently. We started to watch the Taylor Swift interview, "I'm bored!" Madi said overdramatically.

"So let's play a game." Alex suggested shrugging. I nodded in agreement, but I wanted to take it back when I saw the smile Madi had on her face. "Gather round children, we're about to play a game that Madi mastered in the 5th grade." She said smirking. "Oh god." Alex whispered in my ear making me chuckle.

"Let's play truth or dare." She said rubbing her hands together like some evil lady. "We got ourselves in some deep shit now." I whispered in Alex's ear making her laugh this time. "Now, who would like to go first?" She asked looking at us. "No one, guess I'll just randomly pick someone." She said shrugging.

She closed her eyes and thought for a moment, "ALEX!" She shouted pointing at her. "Aww! Why me?" She whined throwing her head back. "DARE QUESTION THE ALL MIGHTY FINGER!?!?" Madi shouted wiggling her eye borrows. Such a dork, but I guess I'm stuck with her. Alex sighed, knowing she'd never win a this fight.

Madi lifted her finger and blew on it like it was a gun. Alex and I gave her a weird glance like "really?". She shrugged wiggling her finger tips. "Ok. Soooooooo...." Alex trailed off thinking of who to pick. "Madi, is it true you have a thing for Mr. Horan?" She asked pushing her with her elbow and wiggling her eye borrows.

What's with the wiggling of body parts today? "" She said looking around the room, any where really but us. "Madi, we're right here." Alex said snapping her fingers in front of her face. "You know we won't tell anyone." I said trying to get her to spill the beans. Why is that even an expression?

I mean who wants to spill beans every where anyway? Getting off track, back to the real world. "Come on!" Alex said looking like her head was going to explode. "Well...I'm not really sure. But for the most part..." She said and whispered the last part quietly. "Spit it out woman!" Alex shouted grabbing her shoulders.

"Off beast." She said playfully pushing her hands off. "Well than!" Alex said crossing her arms. I start laughing at them, strangest friend relationship ever! "You can tell us Madi!" I said loudly, smiling. She took a deep breath, "Yes, I think I may have a tiny, small, crush on Mr. Horan." She said looking like a thousand pounds were lifted off her shoulders.

"I KNEW IT!" I yelled getting up and dancing. "OH YEAH!" Alex yelled dancing with me. "So you guys don't think I am weird?" She asked playing with her fingers. "Yes we think you're weird." Alex said smiling. "But, not the terrible weird. We love you, only if we just met." I said smiling. "Yeah! Plus you and Mr. Horan would make an adorable couple!" Alex said as we were still dancing.

"Aww! Thanks guys! I love you too!" Madi said smiling. "Well don't just sit there let's blast some music and start dancing!" I yelled putting in a Bruno Mars cd. "GIVE ME YOUR ATTENTION BABY!" We screamed together dancing all over the house. I think it's not going to be so bad living here. I got the best friends anyone could ever ask for!

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