Chapter 42

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Zayn's Pov-

"W-Why don't we just talk like civilized people?" I asked, trying so desperately to get away from her. "But babe, you wouldn't call me for just a talk." She said pressing herself onto me even more. "Of course I would, I thought it'd be nice to just sit down and just have a nice chat. Maybe watch a movie.....and cuddle?" I wanted to throw up from my words, but there was nothing I could do if this plan was to work out the way Louis said. "Like a date." I forced a smile on my face. "Really?" Her express lit up in a second.

Her expression almost made me feel bad for what we were going to do, almost. "Of course...babe." She finally got off of me. "Let me go change first." Perrie started to walk away. Oh shit! "Wait!" I said quickly. She turned around, "What?" "Um, it's okay you don't need to change." I said. "Okay!" She giggled and walked over to me. That was a close one. "Let's watch this one!" She said waving around a chick flick. Hell this is going to talk longer than what I thought. I smile and nod. She turned away to set it up and I rubbed my head while she wasn't looking.

Louis's Pov-

"Where the hell would she keep them?" Niall pulled at his hair. We'd gone through every part of her room and other hall closest where would it be? I go to lean on her wall but fall over. "Ugh." I groaned and rub my forehead. "What?" Niall walks over helping me up. "It's a turning wall!" Niall said, loudly. "Shh!" I whisper shouted at him. "Sorry." He said turning a light pink color. "There's the videos." Niall points. Two video's filled with Perrie taking bribes, "tutoring", and screaming at her students.

"We got her now." I smiled widely. "Perrie will be banded from her teaching ever again." I high-fived Niall. "She wants to play with fire, so can we." I smirked as Niall grabbed the videos. We got out of Perries room and carefully went out her back door. I texted Zayn our secret code, "Hey dude! Want to hang out tonight?" Now if Perrie tries to tell anyone about Zayn's little secret they won't believe her because they'll think she's lying to cover her ass.

Zayn's Pov-

Perrie was laying under my arm as we watched the horrible chick flick, when my phone started to ring. I got it out and saw it was from Louis. "Hey dude! Want to hang out tonight?" I smiled and replied "k". "Hey Perrie, I got to go. The boys just invited me out and I don't want to them to get spurious if I said no." I said and kissed her forehead. Come on, hold in a little longer. You can explode when you leave. "Alright, babe." She walked me to her door. "Come back anytime." She winked before closing the door.

I walked down the street until I knew she couldn't see me, and waited for the boys to pick me up. I jumped in the back, "You got them?" I asked Niall and Louis. "Right here." Niall waved it around while Louis was driving. "Thank god, you don't know how many times I wanted to scream at her." I sighed as we drove away.


Rose's Pov-

We all decided to spend the night at Madi's house. Alex was playing video games on the floor while I sat on the couch with Madi. I can't believe all that happened to Madi, it's horrible. Madi was of course texting Niall. I was sitting here drinking tea when Madi spoke up. "Hey, Rose you never did tell us why you had a break down." Causing Alex to pause her game and turn toward us. "Uh...well.." "You can tell us you know that." Madi smiled so sweetly and I couldn't say no after all that stuff she just told us.

"You guys remember that guy Drew?" They nodded. "Well it was about after the time I had just gotten back home from being with him. My father took me to the mall and I was very skittish around people because of him. We went into Hot Topic my favorite store but then I started to see Drew's face everywhere. I was going crazy, I had a panic attack and was taken to the hospital." I sighed, Madi rubbed my back telling me it's okay now. "I was sent to a mental hospital after that because they thought I needed special counseling." I was trying so hard to keep myself under control.

"I stayed there for a week with mentally ill people, some were very violent. Some were rude, and for some reason they all like to target me. I was going crazy seeing nothing but a white room. So I wanted to make some color.. They wouldn't give me paper, or any kind of pencils. With them all targeting me and not getting to draw I guess I did go a bit crazy. So I made my own ink on my white clothing. I cut myself with the plastic knife they had there, and they had to give me more blood. Turns out they sent me there in the first place was because my father never told them about me actually getting kidnapped." My warm tears were falling from my eyes.

"He told them I had gone completely crazy and tried to hurt him. Turns out my father was the crazy one, which is why my mom and father split in the first place. Also why I...cut when things get hard, and why I have panic attacks. You just watched me have my first panic attack in two months. I promise I don't cut anymore either, I've been clean for almost a whole month. I just didn't want to tell you because I thought you'd think I was looking for attention." I cried harder.

"It's over now Rose, we'll always be here for you." Madi hugged me and I could feel her tears on my shoulder. Alex jumped in my lap and hugged my waist. "Seriously without you guys where would I be?" I laughed and they smiled at me. "Sitting in your room with your drawing book in your face." Alex replied making us all laugh.

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