Chapter 6

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I had just finished making dinner for mom when she gets home. Even though she gets off at 12:00 she's still going to be hungry. So I had put the potatoes and cooked chicken in containers. I had already finished the homework that was assigned, but the only homework I had was history and art.

It wasn't even hard. I walked up stairs into my room flopping down onto my bed. Why does everyone always hate me? I miss when everything was easy, when my best friend was still here. I sigh, I walk over to my desk. I take out some lined paper, I picked up my pencil.

I thought for a moment before making the pencil connect with the paper. I was writing a story, I love writing. It's like reading only you get to make the story. It's about a bullied girl who's had enough and decided that the best answer was suicide. Once I finish I look over at the clock to see it was already 9:30.

Was I really writing for that long? I walk over to my bags that I still need to unpack. I took out some pajamas and changing into them. I threw my hair into a messy bun before walking back down stairs. I was just sitting on the couch watching NCIS when the house phone rang. I got up off the couch walking over to the table and pressing the talk button.

"Hello?" I say into the phone heading toward the kitchen. "Rose?" I hear a deep voice say. Wait I know that deep voice. "Mr. Malik?" I ask stopping in my tracks. "Um....uh.......yeah. You left your phone in my car." He said awkwardly. "Oh ok, well can I get it back tomorrow?" I ask going into the kitchen. "

Sure." He said and I could tell he was uncomfortable. "Ok. I will see you tomorrow. Bye, Mr. Malik." I said trying to at least be polite. "Yeah....Bye." He said and then hung up. Well this was probably the weirdest and worse days of my life.

I can't believe I didn't notice that my phone was gone. I got some milk before going back in the living room to see my show was over. Darn! I saw it was 10:45 and I was pretty tried. I walked up stairs and into my room, I climbed into bed. I slowly drift to sleep thinking of Mr. Malik.


"SOMEONE LIKE ME!" I slammed my hand down onto my fracking alarm clock. "I hate school!" I shout covering my head with my pillow. I sigh kicking my blankets. I walked into the bathroom hopping in the shower, after I did all my business I got out. I quickly changed into some clothes then ran down the stairs.

I grabbed my backpack before running out the door locking it behind me. I looked at the time to see it was 7:36 and it takes some time to get to school. I started to slow down when a car pulled up to me. "HEY GIRL!" Madi yelled through the drivers seat window. "Madi? What are you doing here?" I asked looking at her as if she was crazy but then again she is so yeah.

"Need a ride or not?" She asked raising a eye borrow. "Yes!" I said quickly getting in the back seat. Madi started to drive down the road, that was when I noticed Alex in the passenger seat. Madi blasted the radio as we drove. "YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE WE'RE LIVIN' A TEENAGE DREAM THE WAY YOU TURN ME ON!" Madi screamed with the song as Alex and I watched her like she was some alien.

"Do you think it will ever end?" Alex asked still watching Madi. "With her, no." I said as a new song came on. Madi pulled into the school parking lot with music still blasting making everyone look at us. Alex doesn't care to much for that kind of music, and I am ok with it. Just not when your friend makes everyone in town def.

"Where were you yesterday Rose?" Madi asked as we walked into school. "Yeah, we were going to hang out but we never saw you." Alex said opening the doors to school. "Well I had trouble finding the art room, so I ended up being 2 minutes late. I got dentation." I said opening my locker. "Sweet little Rose got dentation? Woah." Alex said opening the locker on the right of mine.

"Shut up." I said getting the books I need out. "But you walked home?" Madi asked getting a book out of a locker on my left. "When did you guys get these locker?" I asked completely dissing Madi's question. "Since the beginning of high school just guess we haven't been here at the same time." Alex said closing her locker.

"Anyway, did you walk home yesterday!?" Madi said basically shouting. "No. Now quiet down people are starring!" I whisper yelled. They all went back to whatever they were doing. "How did you get home then?" Madi asked closing her locker as we started to walk to math. "Mr. Malik drove me." I said walking through Mr. Horan's door.

"REALLY!?!" Madi yelled as we sat in our seat. "Yes! Now shut up!" I whisper shouted. "Girls, something I should know?" Mr. Horan asked looking at Madi. "No." I grumbled leaning back in my seat. "Alright class open your books to page 227." He said facing the board. God why did I have to have math first period?!

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