Chapter 13

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We pulled up to my house and Mr. Malik parked the car. I got out and started walking to the door, Alex and Liam got stuck at a red light so they are pretty far behind us. I stopped in front of the door and begin digging through my backpack for the keys. "Looking for something." Mr. Malik said from behind me making me jump.

"Did I scare you?" He asked chuckling. I turn around to see him holding my keys. "Can I have my keys?" I asked holding my hand out. "Let me." He said walking passed me and unlocking the door. "How did you know which key it was?" I asked mouth agape. "It was the only key that looked like it fit through the lock." He said shrugging.

"So strange.." I trail off going into the house leaving him to come inside. I throw my backpack by the door and kick my shoes off. "It's not much but it's a house." I said going to sit on the couch. "It's not that bad." He said looking around closing the door. "I am going to go change quickly, just..uh..make yourself at home." I said smiling.

"..Ok.." He said before awkwardly sitting on the couch. I turned around and walked up the stairs. Once I got in my room I threw on some pajamas as I was pulling the sleeves down I stopped. I looked at my wrists, cuts. You heard right, cuts. I should have never cut on my wrists, it's too obvious. I bet you're completely confused right now, well I used to be bullied badly.

That's all I'll tell you now but maybe later you can know the whole story. I pull my sleeves down before walking back downstairs to see Mr. Malik laying on his back on the couch. His eyes were closed and he sighed deeply. Wonder what he's thinking about, I could get him back for earlier. I slowly and quietly walk over to him, when I get to him I stop.

What could I do to scare him? I got it! I back up before running and jumping onto him. "Ugh!" He yells as his eyes shoot open. I sit on him as he lays on the couch. "Got you." I said smirking. "You're good." He said smiling. "I know. I know." I said laughing. He starts laughing with me, but we stop as his eyes catch mine.

I got stuck in his chocolate brown filled eyes, they sparkled as they met with my dark blue ones. He started to lean up to me as I leaned down, everything seemed to disappear and I let all the voices in my head telling me this is wrong to vanish. We leaned in, just as our lips were about to touch the front door opened.

I jumped off so fast I fell to the ground, I calmed down when I saw it was just Mr. Payne and Alex. "What are you doing on the floor?" Alex asks raising her eye borrow with a smirk. "Nothing. Nothing! Just...uh..checking the carpet." I said smiling. Mr. Payne and Alex gave me a look like they don't believe me. I brush my hand across the carpet. "Yup, all good." I said quickly standing up.

I walk into the kitchen and grip the counter. I sigh, why did I do that? "Ugh!" I groan slamming my hand against the counter. "THERE SHE WAS JUST A GIRRRLL, SHE EXPECTED THE WORRLD-" I cut off my phone answering it. "Hello?" I said leaning against the counter. "Hey girl!" Madi's cheerful voice rings through the phone.

"Hi." I said trying to sound happy. "Can Niall and I come over?" She asks giggles and a few shuffles go on the other side of the phone. "Sure, everyone else is here." I said walking over to the fridge. "By everyone do you mean Mr. Payne and Mr. Malik?" I could hear her smirk. "Yes." I said opening a bottle of water. "We'll be right over. GET SOME GIRRL!" She yelled the last part.

"Madison!" I whined closing the fridge. "You in a little bit...lover girl." She giggled quickly before hanging up. I sighed, about to walk back into the living room but my phone went off again. I answer the phone making it stop playing Read all about it Part 3. I love that song, it's so meaning full. "Hello?" I say sitting in a seat at the island.

"Rose?" I hear a husky voice say. "Mr. Styles?" I ask furring my eye borrows. "Yeah, Louis and I want to know if we could hang out." He said, he must be referring to Mr. Tomlinson. "Why not, everyone else is here." I said shrugging. "Ok, where do you live?" He asks happily. "Did she say yes!?" I hear a higher voice yell. "Yes boobear. Now quiet I am on the phone." Mr. Styles says.

"Sorry about that." Mr. Styles said. "No problem. I live 37th Kelsey road. " I said playing with my water bottle. "We'll be there shortly." He said. "Ok, bye." I said about to hang up. "Bye." He said back. Just as I was about to hang up the phone. "Come on boobear! We're leaving babe!" Mr. Styles shouts before hanging up.

So Mr. Tomlinson was the higher voice earlier. I hang up before walking into the living room. Mr. Malik was on the couch as Mr. Payne and Alex were sitting on the love seat together. I was about to go sit down but someone barged in the front door. "I'M HERE! LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Madi yelled with Mr. Ho-Niall behind her. I can't get used to calling him that!

"Take a seat, but we still have to wait for Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Styles." I said sitting by Mr. Malik on the couch. "Wait. Harry and Louis are coming too?" Mr. Payne asked confusedly. "Yeah?" I said, but I don't know why he was confused. "HI Mr. Payne! Mr. Malik." Madi said wiggling her eye borrows at Mr. Malik's name.

"You guys can call me Liam." He said smiling. "Ok." Alex said dreamily. He didn't even notice! How do you not notice that? "And call me Zayn." I hear Mr. Malik say. I look over at him and smile, nice name. Alex and Madi both think that I like Mr. Malik but don't want to admit it. I don't they are just plan out crazy! I rolled my eyes at her, She and Niall sit in the chair.

He sat down then she sat on his lap, they are very friendly. He smiles back, "Great, ZAYN." Madi said overdramatically saying Zayn. I look over toward her to see she's smirking. I wish I could rip her eyes with a spoon, both her and Alex. I know they are going to make me suffer tonight. I glare at her and she sticks her tongue out.

"Tomlinson in the house!" Mr. Tomlinson yells. What is it and people just barging into my house? "Hey guys!" Mr. Styles waves. They kick off their shoes and walk into the living room. Mr. Styles sits by me and Mr. Tomlinson sits on the floor in between Mr. Styles legs. "Hey best friend." Mr. Styles says turning toward me.

"Hiya best friend." I said smiling. "So what are we doing?" Mr. Tomlinson asks then kisses Mr. Styles' leg. "I don't know Mr. Tomlinson." Madi said turning toward Alex with a smirk. "Don't call me that, it's Louis." He says smiling. "And I am Harry." Harry said flashing a quick smile. Madi nods at Alex and she nods back.

"Truth or dare." Alex said with a smirk rubbing her hands together. Great, I am dead.

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