Chapter 7

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"That wasn't funny guys." Madi grumbled crossing her arms as we walked to our next class. "Yes it was!" I said laughing with Alex. "Whatever." Madi huffed. "What do you guys have next?" Alex asked laughing. "Drama." Madi mumbled. "Oh come on, Madi!" I said trying to cheer her up. "It wasn't that bad." I continued.

"Say that for yourself! I tripped walking out the door because I was starring at Mr. Horan." She said throwing her hands up. "Oh, so you do confess to staring?" Alex asked laughing again. "What? Huh?NO!" Madi yells as we walk into the drama room early. Alex and I laugh. We stop seeing Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Styles starring at us wide eyed.

"HI!" Madi yells. "Goodbye." Mr. Styles says quickly leaving the room. I wonder what that was all about? "Hey, Madi." Mr. Tomlinson said sitting in his chair. I could tell something was brothering him, the way he wasn't loud or optimist the whole class period. "Goodbye class." Mr. Tomlinson said bluntly when the bell rang saying this class period was over.

It wasn't my business so I wasn't going to bother him. "Mr. Tomlinson seemed down in the dumps today." Alex said tugging on her backpack straps.

"Yeah, it was like he wasn't Mr. Tomlinson." Madi said frowning. "Hey, maybe he just was feeling sick today." I said as we walked into history. Early, we are always early. We took our seats and Alex did what she always does, drool over Mr. Payne. "Alex!" I yelled making her jump. "What?" She whined. "Nothing it's just fun." I said smirking because I knew Mr. Payne was watching her every movement.

Madi and I started laughing at her. "Hey, at least I am not a Horan lover." Alex said smirking at Madi. Madi stopped laughing but I just laughed harder. "I do not!" Madi yelled at her. I looked at Mr. Payne's desk to see he was quietly chuckling to himself, watching us. I laughed even harder if it was possible.

"Don't think I forgot about you Malik lover!" Alex yelled and I immediately stopped. "Woah, Woah. I didn't do anything that even proves that I even find him attractive!" I said as the bell rang. We all stopped as everyone pilled into the class room. Why would she think that? "Ok class let's get started." Mr. Payne said rubbing his hands together.

All period he went on and on about something but I wasn't listening. I was thinking about that dream I had last night. It was so real, like it actually happened. It was horrifying yet wonderful, no it wasn't wonderful. The bell rang breaking me from my thoughts. Oh joy I get to try and dissect a frog with Madi! Let's hope it's not going to be as bad as I think.

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