Chapter 22

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Rose's Pov-

It has been three days since I was in the hospital, and one day since I came home. Tomorrow I get to go back to school, and I wasn't looking forward to it. Everyone knows that I was in the hospital, just not exactly why or how. Which means Connor and his wonderful group of friends will take it upon themselves to embarrass me.

I had been having dreams about Brandon every night since I had woken up that day. I didn't realize what I had said to Zayn until it was to late. I didn't want to talk about it because it brought uncomfortable feelings. I think Zayn got the hint because he never asked about it again. I tried not to think much about what had happened to Brandon. It had always made me cry for days and I hate crying.

I feel like a hopeless girl who can't do anything for herself. The house phone started to ring snapping me back from staring at the commercial on TV. "Hello?" I picked up the phone. "Hey Roselyn. How are you feeling?" My mother's sweet voice rang through the phone. Ugh, I hate when she calls me that. "Fine, mom." I breathed out. Talking taking my breath away, well the tiniest things do from the accident.

"Sweetie! I am so sorry I couldn't be there for you. It's just I couldn't get a airfare ticket in time, and by the time I could my boss wouldn't let me." She explained so fast that I am surprised I understood her. "Mom! Calm down it's ok, I understand." I said trying to reassure her. "But I am your mother and you're only 18. It's not fair." She tried to start again.

"That's life mom, it's not fair. I am an legal adult now, and this is your career. Something that you have dreamed about your whole life." I said in a loving, understanding tone. It was quiet for a moment, before she spoke up. "You learn well." She laughed before continuing. "I promise I will make this up to you." She said serious tone of voice.

"Mom you do-" "Non sense! We could spend a whole day, just you and me." She cut me off, and I could tell she was smiling. I couldn't help but smile too. "Ok. So when you get back on the 4th, what could we do?" I ask happily. "Oh honey that's the other reason I called." She mumbled. "What?" I asked confused.

"I won't be getting back now until, January 13th.." She trailed off. Of course, I should have seen this coming. " you won't be here for Christmas?" I asked hoping that she was joking. "I'm sorry Rose." She said gently. "I love you Rose." She said after I was silent for about 10 minutes. "Love you too." I said with no emotion right as I hung up.

I threw the phone lazily back onto the hook. I carefully shuffled my body so I could lay down, every now and then flinched in pain. Once I was fully laying on the couch I checked the time on my iPod, 3:02. Madi and Alex would be here soon to check up on me. I tried to stay awake but I couldn't I was so tired. I slowly fell into a dark sleep.

I was woken up by the sound of the front door closing and a pair of feet walking toward me. I didn't open my eyes due to how lazy and tired I still was. They stopped in front of me then quietly left going toward the kitchen. I figured it was just Madi and Alex. Wait.....there was only one pair of foot steps though.

So I carefully, and painfully walked toward the kitchen. I stopped at the door way catching my breath, and the pain in my side burning deep inside of me. I saw someone's back toward me as they shuffled through some plastic bags they had. Setting somethings onto the counter next to them.

I walked behind the mystery person and took all my strength to jump onto their back. "Bloody hell!" The husky voice yelled dropping a few things they were holding. They regained their breath and set me down in front of them. I looked up to see Zayn. He had some light stubble on his face, and his hair thrown up with some gel.

He looked attractive in that outfit, causal but still great. (picture of outfit up top) WHAT AM I SAYING?!? "Hey, isn't it a little cold outside to be wearing just that small jacket?" I asked trying to get him off the fact that I just stared at him for like a hour. "I should ask you the same question seeing as you're only in that." Zayn replied smirking.

I remembered that I only had on shorts that just barely covered my butt, and my shirt that showed 2 inches of my stomach. If my face wasn't already red it is for sure now. "Soo...what are you doing here anyway?" I asked looking up at him considering he's like 5 inches taller than me maybe 6. "It was my turn to check up on you." He smiled brightly.

"I see." I said in a weird British voice. "Are you mocking me?" He asked raising his eyes borrow. "Yes? No? Maybe?" I said with the same terrible British accent. "You're going down." He said playfully. He held a huge smirk on his face, which by the way scared me just a bit.

"Zayn?" I said slowly backing away, then breaking out in a small jog since even now my side was on fire, but it didn't matter. Zayn some how made me feel so much better. "You're going down Rose!" He yelled running after me. "Never!" I yelled as we ran around the living room. But sadly enough he caught up to me.

"Got you!" He said laying me down back first on the couch. He hovered over me knees on each side of me, making sure not to touch my left side. He smiled at me then brought his hands up. "No! No! Zayn!" I yelled wiggling to get away but made no success. He smirked bringing his hands down to come in contact with my thighs.

He knows I am over ticklish right on my upper thighs, because big mouthed Madi one day decided to tell everyone. He begins to tickle me to death, and I am laughing non-stop. "Zayn! P-Please stop!" I say as laughs escape my mouth. "Say you're sorry." He teases me like I'm 3. "Never!" I shout. "Alright then." He shrugs and laughs.

I begin to laugh like the mad hatter. "Ok! Ok!" I say trying to move his hands, it doesn't work. "What do you say?" He talks like you would to a baby. "I'm SORRY!" I breath out before laughing one more time. He finally stops tickling the crap out of me. He's still hovering over me, and we stop moving to catching our breath.

I only now realize that we're so close that I could feel his breaths on my lips. I look up to meet his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. I see his eyes flicker down from my eyes to my lips. He licks his lips, and slowly we both without knowing lean closer. Someone throws the front door open and Zayn and I fly away from each other.

"HEY ROSE! You feeling better-" Madi stops talking as she walks in seeing us nervous and on edge. "Hey Madison. Well I got to get going, bye Rose." Zayn jumps up and practically ran out the door. "That was weird." Alex said as Madi skipped over to me. "Do you know what it was about?" Madi asked as she sat next to me.

I pause a moment before answering. "I have no idea." I mumbled. Alex who sat in the chair next to the couch didn't look to convinced. It wasn't a complete lie, I really had no idea what just happened between us.

I can't believe I almost...kissed my teacher...

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