Chapter 30

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Madi's Pov-

I was making a peanut butter and Nutella sandwich. It was completely quiet in my house expect the lower voices that came from the TV in the living room, happy voices. I brought my sandwich to the brown couch in front of the TV, and took a huge bite as the happy couple reunited with each other. I glare at the television, "Stupid people." I mutter stuffing my face again with my sandwich.

I change the channel only to find a station where family's hug it out after the huge "problems" in a movie. "Why does every movie end happy? Not everyone gets a happy ending." I grumble crossing my arms across my stomach. I look over at the clock to see it reads, 3:55. Well good thing I have off work until the 2st of January or I would have been late for work.

I can't even begin to understand the place where I work, it's so confusing. I don't know how I even got a job there but I did. Oh yeah, I work at a ihop. I know it doesn't sound confusing, but I don't get how they make the pancakes. Yes, I work as a waitress and a part-time cook. When the guy "explained" everything to me he was talking so fast that I couldn't hear anything but "Humph, mm hmm."

Then whenever I tried to ask what he said he claimed that, "I was just messing around and not listening." So it's a bit of a disaster when I need to make some kind of banana, strawberry pancake mixture. The rest is pretty easy to learn by myself. I sighed sitting on the couch realizing that I was talking to myself in my cold, lonely apartment.

I should see if Rose or Alex want to hang out, wait Rose is with Zayn. I pout in defeat, but don't get me wrong I LOVE the fact that Rose is finally admitting she likes Zayn. I mean holy hell woman how could you turn a guy like Zayn down anyway? Or argue you don't have any feelings for him? I think about Alex, and happily jump to my cell phone selecting her contact.

It begins to ring while I wait for her to pick up quietly. "Hey, Madi." Alex says sounding a bit worked up. But I decide to over look it because I wouldn't want to talk about something. "Hey, Alexxxx!!!" I yell dragging her name out longer than needed to be. "God dammit, what do you need?" She laughs slightly. "Want to hang out?" I ask getting back to a normal tone.

"Sorry Madi, I'm...uh...hanging out with...Liam." I could practically hear her blushing over the phone. I laugh loudly picturing her reaction when she said that, "Okay, hang out. Have fun love brides!" I shout not waiting for her to reply to hang up. "Ugh." I groan leaning into the couch more. Well now I can't hang out with Rose, Zayn, Alex, Liam, Harry, and Louis. Harry and Louis usually have date nights together on Sunday's.

That leaves only one person...and I really don't want to call him...Niall. I like Niall so much, but it hurts knowing he would never like me as much as I like him back. Because that one day we "went out" together he meant as a friends rather than having a "student-teacher" relationship. I felt as if someone had crushed my heart into a million little pieces that day.

Like someone had taken my Nutella and made me watch them eat the whole thing. Hey, you gotta love Nutella! I pace around my living room, eat some ice cream, grab my phone about ten billion times, and stare intently at my door for about an hour before I finally pick up my cell phone and click on Niall's contact.

After about 4 rings I feel as if I shouldn't have called at all. I mean what if he says no, what if he is busy, what if he- "Hello?" His strong Irish accent rings through the phone making my knees weak and I'm not even standing. "H-Hey, Niall." I say mentally killing myself for stuttering when talking to him, but I just can't help it.

"Oh, Hey Madi." Niall says the sound of something closing in the back ground. I take a breath in before talking to make sure not to struder this time. "I was wondering...if you wanted to hang out?" I finally spit out maybe a little too quickly. "Sure, sounds great." He says in his voice. "Great, I'll be over in about..5/10 minutes." I smile almost on the verge of screaming from happiness.

"Cool." I could hear him smile. Is that a thing you can say? Hear him smile? Well I'm going to use it anyway! "Okay, later." I say standing up throwing a pair of shoes on. "Bye, love." he replies hanging up. I grab my keys not being able to stop smiling, Niall called me love. Well, I call everyone love too...but it feels special when he says it toward me.

I hop into my car as it snows crazily now. I blast the radio like I always do and sing to Unconditionally by Katy Perry. I may be over using this word but I think...believe I love Niall with all my heart even if he doesn't love me back. I feel tears stinging in the corners of my eyes, everyone who has ever gotten close to me ether pushed me away or left.

Just walked straight out of my life, their was one person who used to seem like the only person who would ever love me or stay with me. But they left...they always do. Tears begin to run down my face feeling like they're burning as they do. I couldn't hold any of this in anymore, I begin crying and I don't mean crying I mean balling my eyes out.

Tears come out like waterfalls but then my vision is blurred and blocked by them. Soon I don't understand what's going on until it's too late. My car triers loose control under the icy roads and I begin spinning. Tears only come out faster as I slam my foot on the break, and the next thing I know is that a car just slammed into me head on.

Then as I scream the words suddenly starts to spin leaving me to scream louder until I am met with the darkness that consumes me.

Niall's Pov-

It's been about an hour, and I begin to worry about Madi because she still hasn't shown up yet. No, she's Madi she's probably saw a Starbucks near by and stopped to enjoy some coffee there. No, she didn't! Are you a fucking retard? I take some deep breaths to try to stop from completely freaking out. You're already there. Ugh, leave me the fuck alone! I'm so worried about Madi I think I might rip my hair out...repeatedly.

Go look for her, she needs your help. No, she doesn't she'll be here any second. I try to convince myself but it's not working too well. She needs you! GO NOW! "Okay, god you're right." I say throwing some shoes on running out to my car. I start to head for her house, but I'm stopped at a red light. The radio starts to go off, "Two girls caught into an accident." I turn it up immediately.

"The two girls, Allison Marrie, and Madison Cartwright. Madison's had spun out of control from the amount of ice on the roads and Allison had frozen breaks causing her to hit Madison head on." Oh, shit. Oh, shit! "Allison is in ICU and Madison is in surgery as we speak. A metal piece of one of the cars had been plunged into Madison's side causing a rib to break hitting her lungs."

I ignored the cars honking from behind me, and quickly regain myself speeding toward the hospital. I quickly speed dial Liam, and he answered after the 5th ring. "Hello?" He sounded as if he had just woken up. "Mate, listen meet me at the hospital. Get everyone together." I breathe out as I make a sharp left turn cutting off a few people making them honk.

"What? Why?" He asks confusedly. "Madi." I squeak out with one tear sliding it's way down my cheek. I hang up on him without another word.

Please, Please be okay Madison.

It's already bad enough we were just here about 3 to 4 weeks ago.

I don't know what I'd do if something happen to her, my whole world would come crashing down.

Because I love Madison Cartwright, and I'd do anything for her.

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