Chapter 15

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"Aww! Look how cute they are!" "Do you think they're dating?" "Zayn has to like her." "ADORABLE!" "They'd be perfect together." "Shut up guys you're going to wake them up!" "But THEY'RE SOO CUTE!" "Don't make me come over there Tomlinson." I start to turn around snuggling closer to whatever it was. Then all the talking quickly stopped, thank god. I love them but I love sleep also. "Do you think she's awake?" Someone whispered loudly.

I give up on trying to sleep and just yawn. "I don't know what do you think." I hear someone else say then a smacking sound. "Ow!" I open my eyes to see everyone hovering over me. "Uh...can I help you people." I said rubbing my eyes. I noticed that Louis and Alex were the ones arguing. "You. Me. Her. Talk. Later." Alex said pointing at me then her then Madi. Crazy people.

I go to sit up only to be pulled down again. "What the hell." I said completely confused as everyone else is smirking. "I think you have a lover." Louis said smirking. I looked over to my side to see Zayn holding onto my waist keeping me from getting up. I could feel my cheeks go warm, that's what they were talking about. Me and Zayn, all because we fell asleep like this.

I shoot them all a glare and start poking Zayn. "Zayn." I whispered poking him. I heard everyone go into the kitchen, probably to spy on us from there. "Zayn." I said poking his cheek. "Zayn." I said louder still poking his face. "Zayn!" I yelled poking his cheek. He pulled me closer to him, "What?!" He said looking around in alarm.

"Zayn...let go please." I said quietly. He turned his gaze toward me before blushing and letting go. "Thanks..." I smiled, sitting up on the couch. "Yeah.." Zayn trailed off. I was sitting there quietly trying to remember what happened last night. Then it came back, everyone coming over, doing dares, and my mom.. I sighed I'll be alone for a whole month, at least school ends in 3 months I think it is.

After that I'll be free out of school forever, to start my life. The only bad thing would be not being able to see all the boys anymore. "Rose?" Zayn says softly breaking my train of thought. "Yeah?" I ask looking at him. "I-uh-never mind." He says looking down. "What?" I ask wanting to know. "Really never mind." He said smiling. Something told me to drop it, I don't know why but it did.

It bothered me that I could see what was on his mind or hear. "Okay." I said smiling back. Just then everyone walked back in the room. "Hey!" Madi yelled as everyone took a seat around the living room. "What are we going to do it's only Saturday." Liam asked Alex leaning her head onto his shoulder. Everyone began thinking of what we could do today.

"LET'S GO TO THE PARK!" Niall yelled happily, with Madi giggling on his lap. "Ok." Liam said while Alex nodded her head. "We'll met you guys there just go home and change." I said smiling. One by one they walked out the door. Zayn stopped before he walked out first. "Bye, babe." Zayn said smiling at me.

That came out of nowhere. "Ooo la la!" Madi sang. "Someone got a crush?" Alex asked teasingly. "No. I couldn't ever like a teacher, it's against the rules." I said waving them off. We started walking up stairs to my room to change. "You do too!" Madi argued. I rolled my eyes, blowing out a puff of air. "Just get dressed so we can go." I said trying not to smile.

"Oh! You're trying not to smile!" Alex yelled pointing at me. "Ohhh!" Madi yelled afterwards. I shrugged them off walking into the bathroom the change, they were just using some of my clothes. They already have like whole drawers full of their clothes but they want mine. I slipped into some new clothes and went back into my room. I saw Madi wearing something that I have never seen in my life.

"Are those my clothes?" I asked looking at her. "Oh, well the sweater is." Madi said smiling. "Cute isn't it?" She asked doing a small spin. "Yeah." I answered not really sure what to say. I would never wear something like that in a million years, but she pulls it off rather well. "I didn't take any of your clothes, you're welcome." Alex said smiling from the door way.

"Leggo!" I yell running down stairs and out the door. "TO WONDERLAND!" Madi screams following me. "FOR NARNIA!" Alex yelled locking the door behind her. We all fell into Madi's car breathing heavily. "3 words." I painted. "Out. Of. Shape." I breathed from the backseat. We all burst into laughter, gasping for air. When we finally calmed down Madi drove down the road to the park.

We pulled up to the park speakers blasting. "IF YOU ASKED ME HOW I'M DOING, I WOULD SAY I'M DOING JUST FINE. I WOULD LIE AND SAY THAT YOU'RE NOT ON MY MIND!" We sang more like screamed together as Madi parked the car. I have a weird taste in music, and for pop I just so happen to like that song. It's just so catchy, even Alex liked that song!

When I hopped out of the car I noticed that there was no one here. Seriously, there was only our car and 2 other cars. But I recognized them as the boy's cars. "Where do you think they are?" Madi asked looking around. It was pretty misty outside, so the park was eerie. "I don't know." I said looking around also. "Let's go look." Alex said walking a head of us.

Zayn's Pov-

Liam and I just pulled up to the park and it was empty. Not to mentation misty out. Liam's car just ran out of gas as he pulled up at his house. So he called me to pick him up, I see Harry and Louis's car here. I guess Niall went with them to save gas. I stepped out of the car along with Liam. "There they are." Liam said pointing toward the picnic tables.

We jog over to Niall, Harry, and Louis. They were chatting and laughing together. "Hey, mates." I said smiling. "Hey, Zayn." Niall says looking up. "Hey, Liam." Niall says smiling and waving to him. Liam waved back. "Hey, Louis, Harry." Liam said taking a seat in between Louis and Niall.

"Hey guys." Louis says as Harry waves ever since I can remember they were together like they were apart of each other. They were always Harry and Louis, never Harry, Louis. It was everyone knew they were going to fall in love, well it was more like they'd realize they love each other. I always knew each other but they themselves didn't.

"Soo? You like Rose.." Louis trailed off smirking. That made me snap out of my thoughts, and quickly. "No. No!" I said maybe a little too quick. "You seem to be denying it, why?" He asked smirking. I knew he was having fun with this. I made fun of him when he liked someone, I did with all the boys. "Because I don't." I said too quickly again. Holy shit!

"Then why are you panicky and answering quickly? Hm?" He asked, Louis always could tell if I liked someone or not. I don't know how or why but he could tell when anyone did. "Yeah, you have to like Rose." Harry jumped in. Don't encourage him! "Yeah, Zayn." Louis said nodding.

I groaned inwardly, wishing I could just disappear within thin air. "Zayn, don't keep denying. You are only denying it to yourself so you don't feel weird because she is your student." Liam said calmly. He was always the smart one out of us. "Yup! Whatever Liam said!" Niall said making us laugh for a minute.

Something told me to leave, I don't know what it was but it wasn't good. I just ignored it, thinking I was just scared. I took a deep breath in, "Yes, I like Roselyn Clark." I finally breathed out and I felt better but at the same time I felt worse. "See now was that so hard?" Louis said smiling triumphantly. I sighed rolling my eyes playfully, "Very." I said making the boys chuckle lightly.

I still had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that screamed leave. We were all laughing happily one minute then the next I know I am knocked out cold.

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