Chapter 14

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So far Louis ran down the street stripping his clothes in the process making everyone but Harry look away. Madi ate peanut butter off Louis's toes and let me tell you that man never wears socks. Alex had to give Niall a lap dance causing Liam to glare at Niall and Madi to glare at Alex. Pretty funny if you ask me. Liam and Zayn kissed!

They were both awkward and it lasted for a second maybe. Harry pole danced on a street light, people thought we were bums! I have just been hiding in the corner, scared of what Alex and Madi would make me do. Alex had to pick someone to dare and I was trying to sink into the couch more by the second.

"How about...ROSE!" She yelled pointing dramatically at me. "Ugh." I groaned slouching into the couch. "I HAD THE BEST DAY WITH YOU-" I answered my phone knowing who it was. "Hello?" I say while everyone watches me rather intently. "Hey, Rose. How's school? I saw you had two girls over." My mom said happily. She still sounded very tried and over worked.

I put my index finger up to everyone and walked into the kitchen. "Yeah, it's good. And they are Madi and Alex. My friends." I said leaning onto the island. "See! I knew you'd make friends!" She yelled and I heard a few shh's followed. I laughed under my breath, oh mom you're still the same. "Yeah. And I have more friends over right now. When you getting home?" I asked

"That's why I called...." She trailed off. Oh, no this doesn't sound good. "I am going on a business trip." She said quietly. "What?!" I whisper yelled. "For a month." She added softly. "But we just got here!" I yelled throwing my hand up. "I know sweetie. I'm sorry." She whispered. "How could you!?" I yelled again. "I had to, so we can have a roof over our heads." She said and I knew she felt guilty.

I just never get to she her already, but now she's leaving and for a whole month! "I have to go. I love you." She whispered and I could just feel her sadness. "I love you too." I whispered hanging the phone up. I gripped my phone in my hand, shoving it in my pocket. I wiped my eyes not even realizing I was crying until now.

I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room as everyone stared at me. I know they heard me yelling, but I don't care right now. I sat down next to Zayn and Harry again. "Sorry, let's get this game going again." I said cheerily. I smiled and looked all excited. Sad thing is I wasn't even close to smiling it was fake. They all look at each other before getting happy again.

"Ok, so Rose...truth or...dare." Alex said with a dramatic tone. "Dare!" I said confidently. I just want something to get my mind off this right now. Alex and Madi shared a look before Alex dashed over to her. Madi whispered in her ear and Alex shook her head. Madi whispered in her ear again but this time they both looked at each other before smirks appeared on their faces.

Alex ran back over in her seat by Liam. "Rose I dare you to.........go in 7 minutes in heaven with Zayn!" Alex yelled with a smirk. They. Are. Dead. "We don't have-" "No, it's ok." Zayn cut me off guiding me to the closest closet. Zayn shut the door behind him making darkness fall over the whole room. It was a tiny closet so Zayn's body was pressed against mine.

My breath slowed down, and my heart skipped a beat. No! Stop! I can't it's not right! "So..?" Zayn asked trailing off. It's like he wasn't even affected by us being this close. He wasn't even awkward! When I didn't answer I felt his body get even closer if that was possible. "Rose." He said calmly taking my hand in his. "Y-Yes?" I asked shakily.

"You are th-" "TIMES UP LOVERS!" Louis yelled throwing the door open. He completely cut Zayn off, "Mate.." Zayn groaned walking out. Louis followed, "What?" He asked innocently. I walked out carefully not fully understanding what just happened. I sat on the couch by Zayn again but farther away.

"I am tried." Madi yawned digging her head into Niall's chest. "Yeah!" Alex said laying down on the couch her legs going across Liam's lap. Louis cuddled into Harry's side while they were both on the soft carpeted floors. I laid down on the couch and I slowly began to have sleepiness take me over. Just as I was going to go to sleep, I felt two strong arms lift me up and let me lay down by there side.

Then the strong arms wrapped around my waist. I was too tried to even open my eyes. So I just cuddled into their side, and I didn't care because it felt so right. Then lips came in contact with my forehead, "Night, love." I hear...Zayn's deep voice say.

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