Chapter 8

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"EWWWW! GET IT AWAY!" Madi yelled trying to hide under the desk. Ok, this even worse than I thought it would. I may have only known Alex and Madi for two days but they're already like my best friends. Everyone in class was laughing at her, but Mr. Styles. Mr. Styles not himself today too? Now it's just plain out strange. Two of the nicest and happiest teachers, upset?

It just doesn't make sense. "Ok class, the bell is going to ring just set your frogs in the tubs." Mr. Styles said bluntly. After I got the frog into the tub the bell rang. "FREEDOM!" Madi yelled running out of the room. I went to the back to clean up before lunch. I was the only person left in the classroom expect Mr. Styles.

When I was drying my hands, I saw Mr. Styles sit in his chair looking as if he's about to cry. I walked over to his chair, "Mr. Styles?" I asked making him jump a little. He looked up seeing me, "Oh, Hello Rose." Mr. Styles says smiling lightly but I can tell it's forced. "Hello." I said smiling.

"What can I do for you?" He asked sitting up straight in his chair. "Actually it's what I can do for you." I said moving one of the chairs so in front of his desk. "Huh?" He asked confused. "I noticed that you and Mr. Tomlinson aren't yourselves. Why?" I asked leaning forward so my arms go onto his desk.

"Oh...we're fine." He said rubbing his nose. He's lying. "You can tell me. I wouldn't tell anyone." I said taking his hands in mine. He sighed, " long as you promise." He said looking me in the eyes. I nod and squeeze his hand. "Ok, Mr. Tomlinson and I But when we kissed in my classroom the principal came in." He said closing his eyes tight.

"So?" I ask watching him as he looks as if he could tear up any moment. "Teachers aren't allowed to date. He said we have to break up or we get fired." He said and one tear rolled down his cheek. "Mr. Styles I am so sorry." I said walking over to him. I bend down and give him a hug. "Let it all out." I said rubbing his back.

He burst into tears, he was shaking from how much he was crying. "Mr. Styles I will always be here for you." I said rubbing his back still. He pulls back, and looks at me. "Really?" He asks shakily. "Of course." I said smiling. "Best friends?" He asks and holds out his hand. "Best friends." I say and shake his hand.

The bell rang for the last period of the day. "Aww, I made you miss lunch." He said frowning. "It's no big deal." I said waving him off. "But can you write me a late pass, I need to go somewhere before class." I said as kids walk through the door. "Sure." He said smiling quickly writing one. "Thanks." I said waving.

I walked all the way across school and to my locker. I opened it and got out my drawing I was working on in art class. I carefully set it inside my backpack and headed to class. I was already 5 minutes late. Why I am always late for art? Only art class, every other class I am early. I opened the door to see everyone's head snap over to me.

Included Mr. Malik's, "Late again?" He asked smirking. "I have a pass." I said holding the paper up. I walk over to him and hand it to him. "Mr. Styles?" He said trying to read it. "Yeah." I said and walked to the back where I sat yesterday. "Anyway, just work on your projects." He said setting the pass on his desk. I take out my drawing, I look at it before making my pencil attack the paper.

I was almost done and I had started it yesterday. I couldn't stay focused because I felt eyes starring at me. But every time I would look up, everyone was working on something. I must be going crazy, wait I am crazy. The bell rang soon later, "Have a good day class." Mr. Malik said smiling. I grabbed my stuff and headed to his desk.

"You have my cell phone." I said looking at him. "He looked up from some papers on his desk. He stood up towering over me, I am pretty short and he is 23. "Oh yeah." He said opening his desk. "Here" He said handing it to me. "Thank you." I said taking it and smiling. "Yeah, it's been going crazy with calls." He said scratching the back of his neck.

I nodded, I unlocked my phone and saw I had 2 texts from...Madi? How did she? I read it and it said she stole my phone yesterday, and that her and Alex should come over to my house. I texted ok back. Wait, how did Mr. Malik know my house number? "How did you know my house number?" I asked looking at him.

" your phone." He said walking toward the door. I ran in front of him to stop him from walking away. It worked, "How'd you unlock my phone?" I asked putting my hands on my hips. He looked every where but me. "I..uh..saw you type it in." He said rubbing his nose. "So you were watching me?" I asked and he looked like he was trying to hold back from doing something.

" to go." He said and ran around me. I ran after him but by the time I got outside his car drove down the road. "UH!" I yelled pulling on my hair. I don't know why I was so upset about it but I was. I sighed starting to walk home. I kicked a pebble against the sidewalk.

Why do I feel like he's hiding something from me? God, Rose why do you care. He has a life of his own, he doesn't need to waste it on a school girl.

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