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Louis's Pov-

"Harry! Come on!" I yell up the stairs while quickly throwing some shoes on and a jacket. "I'm coming! God, last time I checked you weren't my mother." He yells back down the stairs, making me chuckle. Finally he comes running down the stairs hopping on one leg because he was trying to get the other shoe on his foot.

I stand here watching my boyfriend with my hands on my hip sassily. He gets it on looking up to met my blue green eyes with his emerald green eyes. "What?" He asks shrugging his shoulders. I stare at him for a minute, note I have to look up at him. "Nothing, let's go babe." I smile turning around toward the door opening it.

I feel his larger warm hands turn me back around with the front door still open. His eyes search mine for a second before he dips his head down to plant his lips on mine. They melt onto my lips like forming mold against your hands. I feel myself smiling loosing myself within him, but he pulls back and pulls the keys from my pocket.

He walks out the door and I stand there stunned at what he just did. "Coming, boo." I heard him say above the roar of the car. That little shit tried to turn me on, on purpose. I am going to get him back when we get home, I think tugging myself to the passenger side of the car. Harry back's out of the drive way speeding toward the hospital.

The closer we get to our destination the more anxiety, and stress I get in the pit of my stomach. These thoughts cloud my head not positive ones either, making me squeeze Harry's heater like hand tighter and tighter. By the time we had parked and jumped out of the car running inside the all white building there was no point in trying to hide my fear.

Harry held my hand tightly guiding me to the waiting room, sensing that I couldn't use my own two feet very well at the moment. Once we got there Niall was crumbing into pieces in the corner chair not letting anyone near him, Liam had Alex planted firmly in his lap as she buried her face into his shoulder small sobs could be heard from her.

Zayn and Rose sat next to Niall somewhat and the only empty chair left. So they had Alex and Rose sit in Liam and Zayn's lap to leave one chair for us to share. Rose wasn't doing any better than Niall, poor girl. Rose was gripping Zayn's all red sweatshirt, while she bend down loudly crying her eyes out into his chest. Zayn held her waist in place so she didn't fall, and rubbed her back ever so gently as if to tell her it's going be okay.

I was glad they finally got together, she had never looked so calm in a situation like this...even if she still wasn't fully taking it well. "Louis." Harry's soft voice called me over to the once open chair he plopped his body into. I guess I didn't notice I was still standing by the door that we came into to reach the room. I quickly made my way over Harry sitting on his lap, it warming me up instantly.

Niall's Pov-

I didn't know how to react, but thankfully I didn't do anything too..bad. Like when I get angry it's not fun for anyone, even if I look like a mad penguin. I was trying to cry quietly in the corner but I couldn't. It would only get louder and louder with every weeping second. Madi has been my everything even before I had started talking to her.

She was always the kept to herself, loud, bubbly person in the middle of my first period math class. The second my eyes laid upon her, I knew she had to be mine. That she was the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, that I wanted to know I loved unconditionally, and that I would protect with all the power I had inside me.

But I failed at protecting her, I couldn't. I wasn't fucking smart enough to even pick her up to bring her to MY house, especially with what the weather is like outside. I pushed her away from me, I didn't want to hurt her...but I know that she's all that I need and will ever need. I am going crazy sitting in this waiting room, waiting for some kind of news about how she is.

I take a second to look around the room once, Alex was basically asleep in Liam's lap(probably from all the emotionally stress), Louis had his head burred into Harry's neck, and Zayn had a firm hold on Rose's waist as her shoulders soundlessly moved showing she was crying into his chest. Damn, we were just in here for her.

I start to wonder if this is how it felt like for Zayn, but then I think it was probably worse for him. Not that I don't love Madi as much as one person can but you could sense a burning love for each other...it's a no brain-er they loved each other since they met. I can't believe rumors haven't started about them yet though.

I couldn't comprehend what was happening the next few seconds but it was like slow motion. Then when the wheels started to turn in my brain, it hit me all like a truck. I dropped to my knees shaking, while tears fell down my face like waterfalls. I didn't look at anyone else but then I couldn't take it. I had to leave before I did something stupid, I ran and ran. I didn't stop, it was pouring outside by now as I ran down the street and getting soaked in the process. Finally when my legs couldn't go anymore I dropped right where I stopped. "Why?" I whispered tears mixing with the rain.

3rd Person Pov-

The doctor's shoes walked slowly down the hallway to the waiting room, he did always hate saying these things. When the door opened everyone was up on their feet, the look on the doctor's face pretty much gave it away yet they still didn't want to believe it. "I'm terribly sorry to announce that Madison Cartwright, has passed away on the operating table." After that one sentence had left his mouth all hell rang through out the hospital waiting room.

Alex had started to rock back and forth in Liam's arms as sobs quietly left his lips. Harry looked down to meet Louis's teary eyes and Harry hugged Louis as he choked his tears out having to take deep breaths in too breath. Rose blinked a few times hoping that she had heard him wrong, she looked at Zayn and said one thing that she had happen to her constantly,"Why does everyone leave me?" She mumbled gripping his shirt and Zayn rubbed her lower back his tears dripping onto her golden hair.

Niall, poor Niall was the last person to really wrap it around his head. He dropped to the ground. It was hard on his knees, he ran his hands through his hair tears flooded his vision. He had to leave before he went crazy, he ran. People screamed begging him to come back, he just kept running not once looking back. He ran out into he freezing cold rain, but kept running.

Rose knowing what he feels like and what he could do runs after Niall. Zayn tries to pull her back to keep her safe in his arms but he reaches out to late. Rose follows Niall into the street running after him, Niall doesn't know it just yet though. Niall doesn't stop for at least 10 miles, and yet Rose never stops following him. He soon enough dropped in the middle of the side walk, his legs finally giving out underneath him.

He lets one more tear out before standing up, he is suddenly furious at himself at not being there for her. He groans pacing in front a tree then faces the tree punching it with all the force his body could muster. "Fuck me." He screams making people in passing cars look, Rose doesn't take notice to them though. "Niall.." She speaks softly after awhile, Niall jumped about 3 feet in the air.

"It's not your fault." She started walking closer to him. "Yes it is." He snapped at her, she wasn't fazed a bit. "No, Niall it's really not. Life can throw unpredictable things at you that you have absolutely no control over." She said now standing by his side. "How the hell would you know? He hissed at her with a icy tone.

She waited a minute before responding to his cold question.

"My best friend died because of me."

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