Chapter 41

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Alex's Pov-

That's horrible, if those scumbags weren't dead I'd go looking for them myself. "Oh, Madi." Rose muttered sadly. Madison fell into Rose arms and began to sob loudly once again. The first thing that comes to my mind about this scene is the saying, "The saddest people smile the brightest." It really is true and especially for Madison. Fuck who knew our Madi was bad ass? Because I'm telling you I would've never guessed in my life. She's just so...cheery and girly, it's actually crazy to think about it.

"Don't cry Madison." That made both of their heads turn. I couldn't stand to see her in such a fragile state anymore. I opened my mouth to speak again and I saw Rose try to tell me just to drop what I was about to say. But I couldn't drop it, that's the thing. "Madison that wasn't your fault, you were just doing all that you could to save the ones you love." Her eyes were closed with some tears slipping out. "But I didn't!" She screamed gripping her hair.

"Do you live with the guilt of thinking you killed them every day?" She pealed her eyes open quickly, setting a hard stare on me. "Every single fucking day." She spat at me. I could tell her emotions were all over the place. "Then why do you act as if it never happened?" I stood up. "The memories haunt me every where I go!" She has standing now. "So you say, Why do you think that is?" I was hammering her with questions. I noticed Rose looking extremely worried, confused, and she was shaking.

"Because I love them!" She began to walk closer to me with every sentence. "And?" I pushed and I wasn't going to stop. "And it's my fault they're dead!" "How does the make you feel?" I took a step closer. "I've wanted to die for the longest time!" She screamed with all she had. "But your not dead." I whispered, loud enough for all of us to hear. Madison's breathing slowed down for a second. "Would you like to know why?" She just bowed her head down.

"You're here for a reason, and one of those reason's is so you can live life to the fullest for your family. It wasn't your fault, and they know that." I said, she looked up at me with a smile and tears in the corners of her eyes. "Thank you, thank you." She hugged me and I hugged her tighter. I pulled back and looked at Rose who was blinking with a blank expression on her face. "Come on." I held out one hand to her. "Come on!" Madi pulled her up off the couch and into our group hug. "I love you guys." Madi's muffled voice said. "Love you too." Rose smiled lightly. "I love you too." I hugged them tighter.

Zayn's Pov-

"Are you sure about this?" "Zayn, quit worrying! It's full proof!" Louis waved me off. I took a few deep breath to calm my shaking down. He's right, it's all a full proof plan. I just need to stop over thinking everything, I mean there's no way Rose would see me or that Perrie would figure out that this is all a fake plan to expose her. Damn I make everything so much more complicated then it needs to be.

"Now remember all you have to do is distract her long enough for Niall and I to get those video types." He set a hand on my shoulder. "Okay..." "There you go! Every thing's goi-" "What if the plan doesn't work? What if something happens?" I began to melt down. "Zayn, bro we have Liam and Harry as a backup plan if anything goes wrong." Niall smiled, reassuring me. "Go get 'm tiger!" And with that Harry pushed me out the car door on the sidewalk next to Perrie's house.

"Wait.." I turned around to see them speeding off down the road. Damn, I hate them sometimes. I sighed and walked up to her door, slowly. Once I go to her door I stopped and wondered if this was all such a good idea. I raised my hand to knock on the door, I'm already too deep to dig my way out anyway. I lightly forced my knuckles against the hard wood door, and almost instantly Perrie was standing right in front of me. I jumped back, her reaction was to just giggle at me like a school girl.

"Don't just stand there! Come in, silly!" She was acting like a twelve year old little girl. "Uh..." I couldn't form any words. She was wearing a very light color pink robe, and something told me I didn't want to know what was underneath it. I shivered at the thought. I could hear her close the door from behind me as I was taking my shoes off.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked, taking everything in. Her living room was quite ordinary, compared to her other house. I shaked my head trying not to think about the time when we were kids and she....broke me. "I am hungry, how about we eat something?" I said as my stomach was rumbling. Might as well get some food while I'm here. I started to walk in the direction of where I thought her kitchen would be. But she caught my wrist, making me stop.

My muscles tensed up and my leg twitched slightly. Please don't let it be what I think it is she wants, I begged in my mind while closing my eyes tightly. "I could go for a lovely dessert, how about you?" She asked but it came out as more of a statement. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "That sounds wonderful." I answered, pleased that she didn't want what I thought she did. Perrie pulled my wrist without warning that it sent me flying. I landed on her boring brown couch.

I groaned and opened my eyes, rubbing my head. I had landed on my back and then I noticed Perrie. My eyes widened, my mouth hung open slightly, and I started to tremble the tiniest bit. There Perrie was with a huge smirk on her face, wearing a school girls outfit! Except the thing is if this was the school uniforms I'd be complaining to the school board. She was sitting in my lap, and I was officially scared shit less. "I don't know why you're wasting your time with that clumsy little girl." Perrie's slim fingers traced the side of my face. "When you could have me."

Louis's Pov-

"Okay. Niall I'll lift you up to the window and once you're in help me up." I whispered and Niall nodded. "Ugh, you're heels are digging into my shoulder!" I whinnied with Niall on my shoulders I can barely stand. "Sorry, this was your idea!" He whisper shouted down at me before jumping through the window. "Take my hand." I nodded up at Niall. Niall was tugging on my hand and I was trying to grip the window seal in my palm.

When I heard her nasty voice, "I don't know why you're wasting your time with that clumsy little girl. There was a long pause before she continued again. "When you could have me." "I'm going to kill her!" I said, jumping in the window and starting to run at where her voice was. "Contain yourself! I feel the same way you do, but that's not going to help anything." Niall held tightly onto my shoulder he had dug his heel into.

It was quite between us for a few minutes. "Ow, that was the shoulder you hurt." I whinnied, turning into a completely different person. "I'm sorry." Niall whispered, waving his hands back and forth. I started to tear up. I am a sensitive person, I can't help it. "Don't cry." He shushed me. I stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes, "You're such a child, Tommo."

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