Chapter 44

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Alex's Pov-

"I think I'm just going to go home, Madi." I yawned as she drove down the dark road. "Okay, I don't think Rose is coming back tonight anyway. Those two will probably stay up all night watching movies, like always," She laughed as she turned down the street towards Liam's house. "Thanks for the ride, I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled and jumped out, running inside. "Shit that's cold." I shivered and walked into the kitchen. I was looking for the Nutella, stopped realizing it was on the top shelf in the cabinet. "Damnit." I said as I jumped up and down trying to reach it.

"All I wanted was a Nutella sandwich." I groaned setting my head against the counter. "Need some help?" I heard a deep voice ask nicely from behind me. I stiffened for a second but just realized it was Liam. "Hey, baby." He kissed my forehead. "Hello, could you help me?" I asked shyly. "Of course, lovely." I watched as he easily stretched up and grabbed it. His shirt went up slightly showing the very bottom of his six pack. I bit down on my lip as he turned back toward me. "Th-Thank you." I sound like a complete idiot. I take the bottle of chocolate and hold it in my hands.

He looks in my eyes, I see lust and love. He looks down at my lips for a split second before pinned me up against the white wall. I instantly drop the object making it thump against the ground. Liam pressed his lips onto mine and licked my bottom lip. I opened my mouth and rubbed my tongue up against his making him moan in my mouth. Liam pressed his hips onto mine harder, after a few minutes we pulled back. "You okay with it?" His soft voice asked. "Of course, I love you." I said crashing our lips back together.

I hopped up wrapping my legs around Liam's waist as he holds my ass. He walks up the stairs and into his room without once breaking our kiss. He set me down on his bed and I smiled into the kiss as he hovered over top of me. I really do love Liam with all my heart.

Madi's Pov-

I was driving carefully down the road, and I stopped at a red light waiting for the non existing cars to go when my phone began to ring. "Hello?" "Hey, Madi!" "Oh, hi Niall." I smiled holding the steering wheel with one hand. "Do you want to...uh...come over and hang out?" His voice stumbled around his words, it was adorable. "Uh...sure." I blushed, good thing he couldn't see. "Cool, see you soon." "Bye." I hung up and drove toward Niall's house instead. I was shaking because of how much I was nervous.

I pulled into his drive way and knocked on his door. He opened the door in a t-shirt and a black pair of sweatpants. "Hey." He smiled that bright smile at me. "Hi..." I looked down, I was blushing. Damn, this boy makes me blush so much. "Want to watch a movie?" He asked closing the door behind me. "Sure." I smiled. "I'll pick out the movie you make the popcorn?" He said turning toward a cabinet full of DVDs. I walked into the kitchen and waited for the popcorn to be done. I jumped slightly when the microwave beeped and took the popcorn out and into the living room where Niall was waiting for me on the couch.

The movie's main menu was already up and the lights were all off. I sat on the couch and noticed what the movie was. "A scary movie?" I raised my eyebrows. "I'm a cliché kind of guy." He shrugged and smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and giggled. He started it and let's just say by the end I was in his lap. "It's like one in the morning, do you...just want to stay for the night?" Niall rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. I turned bright red, "Uh...yeah." "I have some clothes you could wear." He said walking upstairs and I followed behind him.

He walked into what I'm guessing is his room and pulled out a pair of shorts and a big t-shirt. "Here you go and the bathroom's just down the hall." "Thank you." I smiled sweetly at him. "Y-Yeah." He turned a light color of pink, making me giggle under my breath. It was so cute! I changed into the clothes and just shoved my other ones into my purse. I walked back into his room to see he was now shirtless, I know that I blushed hardcore. "Uh...where do I sleep?" I said making him turn his head.

"Oh! You can use my bed." He flashed me a nervous smile. "A-Alright." I said as he turned off the light and I climbed into his bed. I heard him suddenly start to head for the door. I reached out and by luck got a hold of wrist. He froze and suddenly I wasn't so nervous and awkward anymore. "Niall where are you going?" "The...couch." I loved his thick Irish accent, it always made me swoon. "Just sleep with me." I stated still lightly holding on to his wrist. "Uh..." "Please, just sleep with me?" I asked. "Okay." I let go of him and felt him climb into bed.

I was shivering because I was still cold. "Are you cold?" I felt Niall's warm breath on the back of my neck. I shivered even more, but not because I was cold. "Yeah." Then Niall's arms wrapped around my waist and pull my face into his chest. He was so warm, I snuggled into him so more. It was silent for a few minutes and I couldn't fall asleep. "Madi?" "Mhm?" "I-I've always thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world, ever since the first day you walked into my classroom. You were always so cheery and tried to make friends but no one ever noticed you, but I always did. You're the only one I'd ever want to say this to.....I love you Madison." My mouth was dry and I thought I was dreaming. "I-I" I couldn't form words. I felt overwhelmed with joy and love, "I've always loved you too, Niall." I could tell he smiled and held me closer.

Harry's Pov-

"Boo bear?" "Mhm?" I felt Louis hum against my back. I turned towards him and looked up at him, his eyes were closed. "I love you." I just take time to sit back and really appreciate Louis as a person. He's the most kind, loving, open-hearted person I've ever known. I still remember the first time I realized I was gay and in love with Louis Tomlinson, my best friend. "I love you too, Haz." He kissed the top of my head. I blushed, I still blush at everything he does. Just like I was a sixteen year old boy again. I slowly slip into a deep sleep in Louis's warm arms.


"Harry! Harry, wait up!" I turned around to see Louis running after me. I smiled and stopped walking. He stopped in front of me resting his hands on his knees out of breath. "What are you doing here?" I asked turning my head to the side slightly. He looked up at me with his ocean colored eyes. "I came to walk you home, I don't want you walking by yourself." He smiled, still out of breath. I blushed lightly, "Really? Thanks! But you didn't have to wait my tutoring sessions are pretty long." I looked down at my dirty converse.

"It was worth the wait." He stood up, he was so much taller than me. But I guess that makes sense I am sixteen and he's nineteen. "Let's get going then." I pointed towards the exit, and Louis merely nodded. I turned around and started to walk but then a body came falling onto mine. "I-I'm so sorry Harry! M-My shoe was untied and we s-started to walk." Louis was stuttering. He was hovering over my body that was laying on the cold, dirty school floor. My eyes widened quickly and I pushed Louis off of me and ran into the boy's bathroom, and into a stall.

I noticed the bulge in my skinny jeans and slapped my forehead, I'm such an idiot. Now Louis probably doesn't want to even be my friend. I heard the bathroom door open and footsteps stop in front of my stall. "Harry?" "Go away." I groaned. "No, let me in." I didn't answer. "I guess I'll have to come in myself." Louis head popped in the stall from the bottom of the door. I stumbled away and sat on the toilet seat. He stood right in front of me and leaned down, getting so close to my face. "What happened Harry?" "Uh.." Louis smirked, he knew! He had to know! "You know, I don't think you're weird." He said softly. I looked up at him, "R-Really?" "Of course, wanna know why?" I nodded and he smirked once again. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I found myself kissing back, but Louis pulled away. "Because I'm the same way."


I woke up smiling and over at Louis, snuggling closer. I love how everything falls into place perfectly in the end.


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