Chapter 33

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Niall's Pov-

Holy shit, Rose just opened up to me. Louis owes me 20 bucks. "Rose, you have to know that none of it was your fault." I tried to explain, get her to believe it but I knew she'd never believe me. "If you think I didn't do it than you have to believe me when I say what happened was never your fault." Her soft voice said with her back facing me. I sighed, I know she told me this only to make me truly believe I didn't do it...but I want to maker HER believe what happened wasn't her fault.

"Okay." I slowly breathed out, I wanted to make her happy. I also know that Madison wouldn't want me to be drowning inside myself either. "Let's get's raining." She said with such an emotionless tone. We walked back, with Rose walking ahead of me the whole time. It gave me time to think, and i don't know if that was a good thing or not.

I began to wonder if I did anything differently, even said something different...would it have turned out this way in the end? Or would those simple words save not only Madison but the poor other girl from pain. I couldn't help but think of all these possible things that could've happened differently. Rose stopped suddenly making me run into her because of how deep in thought I was.

She didn't move an inch, she just stood still looking forward. "Don't ever tell anyone about what I told it?" She didn't even give me enough time to answer before she took of inside the glass sliding door to the hospital. I sighed and kicked the stoned wall next to the sliding doors. "Why can't anything go right?" I mumbled before heading in after her.

When I came to the place where everyone had been waiting they were all sitting in their seats they have been for a while. "You're back." Liam jumped up the second I walked back into the deadly white walled room. "Yeah.." I quietly trailed off. "Go see her...before they won't let you anymore.." Harry was the next to speak up. I looked up from where my eyes were planted on the ground.

"O-Okay." I shakily let out a breath as I walked over to the doors and pushed them open. "Room 146..operating room.." I caught Zayn's words quickly then ran down the hallway. I was breathing heavily, and I pretty sure everyone in the building could hear my heart beating the thousand miles a minute. I slid to a stop on the white tailed floor, and stared at the door. I just kept reading the sign over and over..."146, Operation room, ICU."

I don't really know what in me clicked but something told me to get in there...and fast. I walked into the brightly lit room, with...of course white walls and white floors. But the floors had some blood on them, tools were pushed in the back on a metal table....and they had blood on them. Then under the bright lights was a metal table with something under the blue cover.

I didn't want to believe they'd leave her like this, but I know it was Madison. I lifted the blue covers to see her once cheerful, always smiling face changed to a very pale, ghost like version of herself....her smile was gone. Then in that moment it did feel like the world had beaten me down into nothing but a pile of dust. I couldn't take seeing her like this, I broke down into tears. I grabbed a hold of her hand, and squeezed tightly.

I wished for this to be nothing more than a detailed nightmare, and hoped that I'd wake up to see she got to my house safely. Reality had hit me hard, and I don't know if I could keep myself from drowning. "Did I make it?" She laughed weakly. "MADISON!" I carefully engulfed her in a huge hug. "No need for yelling." She murmured, her voice sounded so weak that it hurt my ears to listen. Right now, I could care less though. She was alive and breathing that's all that mattered now.

"Mr. Horan are you okay I he-" Then all you hear is things falling to the floor. I whipped my head around to see it was the doctor...and he had his mouth opened with his things all over the floor. "What? How?" He was amazed I could tell. "I've never seen such amazing things happen to the things that happen to your group of strange friends." He had no words, but he was smiling. He quickly scooped his stuff up and hopped over to Madison.

She smiled at him when he arrived to her side. "We'll need to conduct some tests to make sure you're okay, Mrs. Cartwright." He smiled down at her deadly scary pale body. "Alright." She spoke quietly, but luckily he still heard her. "Mr. Horan, please wait in the waiting room with the others while I conduct a few of needed tests." He nodded his head toward me. "Sure." I kissed Madison's forehead and skipped to the waiting room filled with depressed people.

I burst through the doors, and skipped out. The look on everyone's faces was priceless, I wish I had a camera! "Hey." I dragged out the "y" longer than needed. They were speechless too, with some of their mouths hanging opened. "MY BEST FRIEND JUST DIED AND YOU'RE WHAT? OVERJOYED?!?" Alex stood up screaming in my face.

I only smiled back to her waiting for anyone else to respond so I could tell them the wonderful news. "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED HER? BUT NO YOU'RE SMILING IN MY FACE NOW, AND OVERJOYED?!" She continued waving her finger in my chest. Fuck, I feel bad for Liam if they ever get in a fight.. "Done?" I asked my smile still shining bright as ever. "NO FUC-" "She's not dead." I cut her off, not really wanting to know what she was going to say next.

Alex slowly calmed down and let the words finally hit her. "ROSE!?" She whipped her head toward Rose looking so innocent in Zayn's arms. Rose jumped up running toward Alex. "ALEX!" She screamed, and they ran into each other's arms. "MY MADI!" Louis happily cried jumping up bringing Harry with him as he hopped in his place. Harry smiled watching his boyfriend cheerfully bouncing. "No way." Liam smiled like crazy doing the bro hug with Zayn.

Zayn smiled hugging Liam back, I loved how one thing could lift everyone's mood. That a few seconds ago we were mourning, now we're rejoicing for Madison's life to be brought back to her.

I never realized how much one person could effect another....until now that is.

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