Chapter 4

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"Hey! Watch where you're going, bitch."

She sneered at me. "Sorry." I whispered looking down. "Didn't hear you." She said smirking. "Sorry." I whispered again but only a bit louder. "Connor." She snapped her fingers pointing at me. This guy with brown hair, he was tall and muscular. He was smirking at me and I could tell that wasn't a good sign. He walked up to me took my arms and threw me into the lockers on the right side of us.

I closed my eyes groaning. I open them only to get punched in the face. A new start my ass mom. "Hey! Get the hell off her!" Madi yelled punching the guys back getting no where. It was still nice to know she cared, I haven't a someone there for me in a long time. The Connor guy only laughed, "Nice try sweeties." He said laughing at her.

"Hey get your hand off me!" She yelled wiggling to get away from the two guys holding her making her watch me being beat. Connor goes to throw another punch but someone yells. "Let them go!" I heard a female voice yell. The guy turns around and drops me to the ground. "Yeah. What are you going to do about it little girl?" He asks taunting her.

"This." She said punching him square in the face to where he fell to the ground. "Come on guys lets get out of here." He grumbles getting up and walking away. "Yeah! That's what I thought!" Madi yelled making my laugh. "You guys ok?" The strange girl asks us. "Yup." Madi says popping the "p". "Thanks." I say smiling. "Alexandra." She said smiling. "Call me Alex." She said.

"Madison, but call me Madi!" Madi beamed. She really does like people. "Rose." I said smiling. "Where you guys headed?" Alex asked looking at a piece of paper in her hands. "Mr. Payne's History class." Madi said as we walked down the hall way. "Cool, me too." Alex said as we walked into the class room. We sat by each other as class started. Mr. Payne began class I looked over and noticed Alex was practically drooling over Mr. Payne.

"Madi." I whispered making my elbow hit her arm. "What?" She whispered back. "Look." I whispered pointing at Alex. Madi began cracking up and soon I joined her. When we couldn't hold our laughter in anymore, the whole class went from quiet to our laughs filling the air. "Is there something you'd like to share with the class Madi and Rose?" Mr. Payne asked crossed armed.

"Yes!" Madi laughed. She pointed at Alex still starring making us laugh even harder. I could see Mr. Payne trying not to laugh but you could see his smirk. "Well that is nothing to laugh about." He said smirking. He walked over to Alex's desk and smacked his rule down on her desk. "HOLY HELL!" She yelled falling backwards in her chair.

Madi and I just began laughing harder. "Shut up." Alex growled sitting back in her seat properly. "Ok, let's get back on schedule class." Mr. Payne said looking at Alex but she didn't notice. She was too busy looking down at her desk whispering to herself. A few more minutes after Mr. Payne went on about world war 2 the bell rang.

"Bye, guys. I got to go to poetry." Alex said walking down the hallway. "Well we have to get to Mr. Styles class." Madi said cheerfully. "Oh yay more school." I said sarcastically throwing my arms up. "Hey! I like his class." She says crossing her arms. "What? Are all your teachers hot?" I say laughing. "You'll see." She did in a singing tone. I laugh a little more, as we walk into Mr. Styles Science class.

I looked at him, "I take back what I said." I said with my mouth open. Madi starts laughing at me, I am glad I met her. Not even one day of knowing each other and she's already one of my best friends. "Told you." She says and takes a seat in one of those tables where two people sit. I follow and sit next to her as the late bell rings.

After this class we have lunch and last period then we leave. "Ok, class! Tomorrow we are going to dissect frogs!" Mr. Styles says clapping his hands together. "Ew!" Madi yelled making the whole class start laughing. "Yes Madi it is nasty but we learn from it." He said chuckling a little himself. Then he went on and on about the frogs insides until the bell rang. "Bye class!" He said waving.

We walk to lunch just talking about random things. Once we get our lunch Alex waves us over to the table she is sitting at by self. "Hiya Alex!" Madi said sitting down. She must be just normally this cheery. "Hi guys." Alex said taking a bite of her salad. "Hey." I said just watching them eating. Madi eating a chicken sandwich and Alex eating her salad and pizza. Weird combo but I guess it works.

I just use my fork to poke at my pizza. I just sit there as Alex and Madi talk about some guys. "Rose? Are you ok?" I hear Alex ask me. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I." I said smiling. "Well you haven't touched your food." Madi said motioning to my food. "Just not hungry today." I said shrugging. "Ok." Madi said smiling. We all dumped our food in the trash as the bell for next period rang.

Only one more period left then I can go home.

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