Chapter 28

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Rose's Pov-

I had stood outside Zayn's house for what felt like a hour, having an argument in my head with myself. Things like "He'd laugh saying it was all on that show punk'd." Or "You would both fall into each other's arms crying together." The one wouldn't leave my head, "What if he was like...Drew?" But I always told myself he could never be like that physco.

Drew was a friend of my mom's, and he always liked hanging out with me. I liked him, and he pretended that he was a nice caring person. He did a pretty damn good job of acting like it. I went with me thinking we were going to the park like he promised, but instead he kidnapped me for about two years of my life.

No Rose, you are here because of Zayn. Zayn is not, will not ever be like him. I yelled at myself before knocking on his door for the first time since I'd been here. There was no answer, "Hello?" I said making it loud enough for someone in the closet room to hear. I pushed the door open seeing it was unlocked. Okay, that's dangerous.

I walk past a living room heading to what looked like a hall way. It was thankfully, and I heard something sounding like shattering glass against a carpeted floor. I look around hearing movements, and head for the door on the left side right by me. I open it, but it doesn't budge. I knock on it. Nothing.

I knock again. Nothing could be heard now but my knocking. "Go away Harry! I already let you in." I hear his deep rough voice groan. I only knock again not responding. I know if he knew it was me he wouldn't ever let me in. I knock about ten more times getting louder with each knock. As I was about to knock again, "FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" He yells stomping over to the door ripping it open.

I jump back slightly from how cold and loud his voice was. He notices it's me after a second, and his eyes turn as big as a Frisbee. "Rose, I didn't mean that-" "I understand, he did the same thing to me." I cut him off laughing quietly at the end. "I wanted to talk to you." I whispered after nothing was said between us for a minute.

"O-Okay." He stutters walking down the hall way. I follow behind me listening to our feet against the hard wood floor. He brought us to the living room I pasted threw earlier. He sat down on the chair and I sat in the black couch next to him. I looked at my hand in my lap studying them. I didn't know how I was going to say everything I felt.

Hell, I didn't really even know how I felt still. I was snapped back into the real world when I finally felt Zayn's stare burning into the side of my face. I looked up at him slowly, and felt my face heat up. "Zayn, What happened on Tuesday?" I asked mumbling. I could feel the world around me become very tense. "R-Rose. I...Uh..." He tried to decide what to say.

I knew this was hard for both of us but no one wanted to be the first to say anything. "Did you really mean i-it?" I finally spit the question out that I couldn't stop thinking about for three days straight. "What?" Zayn asked confused now. I took one deep breath in so I could force these words out. "That you love me." I exhaled quickly, but Zayn still caught every word I uttered.

"Why would I lie?" He said and I had my eyes meet his for the first time since we sat down. They sparkled when he looked at me. I think that's what scared me the most. Why? Because they sparkled they way Harry's did when he looked at Louis, and how my mom used to look at my dad. "Zayn, that day I wasn't thinking about what I wanted." I started out and he stared at me intently, I could feel it.

"I was thinking about what would other people say? I was thinking how much trouble you would get in. I was thinking how this was wrong, that a 18 year old and a 23 year old." I paused for a moment, looking at Zayn. He had a sad look wash over his face. "But then I realized something, I realized that I couldn't keep lying."

"I couldn't keep lying to my friends, to you, and I couldn't keep lying to myself." I stopped waiting for Zayn to say something, anything before I continue. "What do you mean?" He muttered looking at me straight on. "I had fallen completely in love with you Zayn." I said smiling at the end. Zayn was left speechless, he didn't know what I had said. "W-What?" He croaked out.

"I love you." I said once more. He smiled the biggest, and brightest smile I had ever since him pull.

He walked over to me, hovering over my small body sitting on the couch.

"I love you too." He whispered.

My lips fell into place with his.

And in that very moment, I had felt the happiest I had in a long time.

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