What The... HELL?!

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"I don't understand why you did this Grace!! Why would you try to kill yourself!!!" Zach cried, how am I supposed to stand here and watch the love of my life cry because I was a fucking idiot!!!!
"Sissy... Why did you??"
"Emily.... Umm.... Zach might've got me pregnant, and mom brought it up, she started calling me names and I just couldn't take it!!"
"But that's not a reason to kill yourself!! You should be able to get through it, you need to handle the pain, not pass it on to others and ending everything! Can't you see Zach loves and misses you!?!?!? Sissy, Zach needs you! Zach needs you to be there for him, through everything!! When I'm watching over you two, your both smiling, laughing, kissing, cuddling, yelling at each other in a cute way!! You need each other!"
"I know! I'm so reckless and selfish! I never think of anyone before I do something!! I act on instinct!!"
"It's a good thing you act on instinct, you just need to second guess it sometimes!"
"You give good advice for being 5...."  I said awkwardly, I looked over and Emily was gone... WTF!!
"Baby I need you to come back to me!! I don't want to go through this again! I don't want to not be able to see you baby girl! I know you probably can't even hear me but..."
"I can hear you Zach...." I said sighed, I ran my fingers through his hair but he didn't feel it. I watched my hand move as I ran my hand through his hair. What the hell is going on?!?!
"Grace, I need you baby!!!" Zach broke out in tears, I don't know what to do..... I can't do anything!!
"ZACH!!!!" Out of nowhere these guys with masks pick me up by my arms, and drag me through the wall. "PUT ME DOWN!!!!!" I started kicking and screaming, I don't know where they're taking me and I don't know why! "EMILY!!"
"Emily can't come down here!!" A raspy, chill sending voice replied
"She's in heaven, her visiting hours are up..... And so are yours!!!" They threw me in a brick cell, WHERE AM I?!?!"
"A place you never want to be!" One of the men smirked and walked off.

After hours of sitting, I actually thought of something...
"Nononono think Grace think!! Okay how did you get from inside you to watching yourself?! Oh yeah!! You fucking killed yourself GREAT!!!! FUCK ME!"
"Have you read the bible lately Grace... Ann...Cooper...." A man with horns came around the corner
"How the fuck do you know my name!??!!"
"Ooooh!!! Another swear word to add to the list!!" He smirked, he snapped his fingers and the 2 guys with masks came out, pulled me out and put cuffs on me, feet together with chain up to the wrists... I swear I'm not in jail!! We walked down a lot of stairs and finally stopped. There was a lava pit in the middle, and people in these weird tube things, I think they're dead, people were working til they dropped!
"You know how in the bible God says something along the lines of whoever kills themselves shall go to hell?? We'll here yuh are honey! Don't worry you'll still get visiting hours, we will start you off easy since you're so young!" He smiled and walked away.... I took a look around.... What the in the actual fuck......... I'm seriously dead!?!?!?!?!?!!!!

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