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What could go wrong? I questioned myself as I entered the portal into Cat's house. Oooh let's see I could trip somewhere fall and lose the baby, or I could-
My thoughts were interrupted by Cat.
"Yeah.... thanks?"
"When are you due?"
"I think in like 4 months," I sat on the couch.
"That's soon....."
"Not reallly"
"If you think about it... it kinda is"
"Ummm okay......"
"Girl or boy?"
"I think a girl. I'm still trying to grasp on to some things, I really don't remember much about the baby, just that she was an accident."
"Oh, well that sucks."
"Not really, a kid that's unplanned isn't gonna be loved any less than one that is, Zach and I wanted a kid eventually."
"You just got one a little sooner than planned."
"Well going to, since she's not born yet. JUST FOUR MOTHER FREAKING MONTHS CAT!!!"
"You do realize we have school tomorrow right?"
"So that's why Zach took me out shopping.... hmm, guess I just forgot! Like everything else!"
"Wait, he took you out shopping? Like for clothes?"
"Yeah? "

We headed to the house and I quietly walked in while Cat waited outside. So quietly I guess they didn't hear me. Zach and mom were talking, about? Sounds like me.
"Zach, you have to be careful not to mention anything about it. She can't know!"
I can't know what?
"I know, I just feel bad keeping a secret from her!"
"Well you shouldn't, you'll be fine! Now go get her from Cat's house!"
"You don't need to, I'm right here," I said as I walked into the kitchen.
"How much did you hear?" Zach panicked
"Enough," I flipped my hair onto my back, "Cat wants to take us to go get supplies for school tomorrow...."
"Okay, let's go!" Zach guided me out of the house.

Zach was acting rather strange, it wasn't his normal strange, it was a strange strange. I was almost scared by how he was acting. He carried everything up to our room, he started arranging all my school stuff, not letting me near it.
After what seemed like hours of waiting for him to pack his stuff too, mom called him into her room. I went on instagram for a little, then actually listened to their conversation. Thin walls are fun!
"She's not gonna like me keeping this secret from her!"
"Well she won't know about it, now will she?!"
"She's gonna find out eventually mom! And I don't know how she's gonna react." Zach finished

Pregnant By Zach ClaytonWhere stories live. Discover now