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Hands quickly covered my mouth and eyes, I was kicking things and people, someone grabbed my wrists and ankles tightly, it hurt!! A hand uncovered my eyes after I was handcuffed to the van, my arms out above me, and my legs widely apart. I knew exactly what they were gonna do!
"If you fucking touch me Zach will find you and I swear to god he will kill you!!!" I screamed jerking around to not get touched by the men.
"Fucking? That sounds fun! Doesn't it boys!?" One called out grinning at me, he moved right beside me and put his hand on my thigh, moving it up slowly.
"Get your god damned hand off of me before I hurt you!!"
"Yeah, like a little 15 year old is gonna hurt me!!" He cackled, the van slammed on the breaks, the doors swung open and Nicole hopped in the back.
"Long time no see Grace!!! So tell me, did those pregnancy tests come back positive? By the looks of your stomach, I'm guessing no." I kept my mouth shut about the baby, if she found out I was pregnant, she'd make the guys hurt me, probably kill me and the baby!
"Why the fuck did you take me!!!!??" I yelled jerking on the handcuffs
"I told you we're gonna have fun this year, didn't I?? Well since you have sex with Zach all the time..... I thought it wouldn't be so bad if someone else got in you!" She smashed the blindfold back on me, I was uncuffed, thrown into a basement. "You have about an hour left, do some thinking of how much fun it's gonna be when Zach sees you having sex with another guy, oh and here's some water!" She slammed the door shut, locked it and I heard footsteps up the stairs. Suddenly I'm having an anxiety attack, I was crying like never before, I sprinted around looking for doors or windows, but none! I looked for cameras and none! I got my phone out and called Zach.
"Babe calm down! What the fuck do you mean your in a basement?!" Zach sounded worried
"I was thrown in the back of a van!! I have no clue where the hell I'm- I'm at!!! Nicole set up a bunch of guys to fucking r- r- rape me and she was gonna send you stuff of me supposedly cheating on you!!!!" I spat out crying harder and choking on my words. I dashed around a corner and heard something beeping. "Go to the police Zach!!!! There's something in here beeping and with my luck it's a bomb!!! "My phone's on 85% I'll keep you on the phone and hide it!"
"Baby girl, I swear to god I'm gonna find you!! If anyone comes near you, hurt them!" I heard the car door shut, and tires screeching, Zach was on his way to the police station and he's not even legally supposed to drive!
"Zach...." I fell to the floor crying, holding my phone tightly.
"Yes baby?" Zach's voice cracked, is he crying?
"I hear footsteps coming down the stairs... I love you... So much!!!" I sobbed
"I love you more!!! Protect our baby! And please, God....... STAY SAFE!! I love you Grace!!" He cried
"I love you Zach!" I turned the phone off and ran by the door, I sat on the floor, and as I was wiping away my tears, the door opened. I scooted back as 2 shirtless men came near me. One grabbed me and pulled me up, the other went where I heard the beeping.
"Looks like we are gonna have ourselves a fun time! But don't worry Grace, we'll use condoms so your little boyfriend won't be freaked out if you're all of a sudden pregnant!! By the way, I'm Dany, and the bigger one holding you is Jason." He smirked grabbing my arm and dragging me to the wall, it had hooks on it..... There was a metal bar about 2 feet from the wall, and a mattress on the ground. I struggled trying to get out of their grip but they were too strong. After 10 minutes of fighting, they chained me to the wall, my legs were very far apart and my arms were above my head. They ripped off my clothes and theirs, put on condoms and forced me over the metal bar. One entered me, pulling on my hair and moaning.
"Damn you're tight little princess! We're gonna have to fix that!!" He pushed in farther and tugged on my hair, I screamed in pain. "Dany get the tape and cover her mouth!!"
"Here drink this!!" Dany tried to shove the 'water' down my throat and taped my mouth shut. I all of a sudden felt drunk, it was now Dany's turn. He unchained me and I was not aware of anything that was going on. Dany was HOT and looked about my age so I let him do whatever! After all I'm drunk right? And this is all a dream?! He pushed me down on the mattress and I started laughing, he was tickling me, leaving marks all over me, he was about to go in me when Jason pulled him back and shoved his clothes in his face.
(I suggest you play All I Want by Kodaline while reading the rest... It's not letting me add the video😭 ~getting my promo in~ If you aren't already, follow me on Instagram _i_luv_brent_cam_taylor_zach_ continue reading)
"The bomb is going off in 6 minutes!!! Get your clothes on, I'll put hers on and then we leave!!!" Jason yelled, WHAT A BOMB!!! NONONONONONOO!!!
"The drug is gonna wear off any second! She didn't drink much!!" Dany yelled as he grabbed my clothes and started putting them on me, I jerked around coming back to reality. Jason held me down while Dany fully took the handcuffs off me. They ran upstairs locking the door behind them, everything was spinning, the beeping was getting closer, very quickly! I sprung up and grabbed my phone, turned on the volume and screamed.
"ZACH!!!!! I HAVE THREE MINUTES THERES A BOMB IN HERE!!" I heard a gunshot from upstairs, then another, and another.
"BABY IM COMING!!" I heard through the phone and walls.
"ZACH!!!!" I yelled, the door busted open and Zach came in. I jumped into his arms crying, he was crying too.
"Where's the bomb at?!?!" Zach freaked out, I ran to the timer and it had 46 seconds left.
"I'm gunna pull the wires, if it goes off and I die, just raise our kid, and know that I did this for you and her! Zach kissed me, better than he ever had before, as if that's even possible! "Grace I love you with all my heart!"
"I love you too Zach!!!!!" I cried as I kissed him, I hugged him really tight and kissed him again.
"Go upstairs and get out of the house!!" Zach went to the timer and grabbed the wires in one hand, I ran around the corner by the door, little did I know that's exactly where the bomb was at.
"ZACH DON-" the bomb exploded and forced me threw the air.

The world was silent, still, and black. Nothing was happening. Everything was frozen, frozen into another world, another day, another life. Time stopped, everything stopped, even my life.

Pregnant By Zach ClaytonWhere stories live. Discover now