Star Wars AU (Again!)

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*updating as much as I can cuz it's a three-day-weekend and YOLO*

A request from Star-Wars_SkyGurl, completely unrelated to my earlier Star Wars AU other than the fact that they take place in relatively the same universe.

(Takes place during the Battle of Yavin)

Kon finished putting away his tools, and looked up at his handiwork.


"Jealous, much?" He asked the astromech droid, whom he'd nicknamed Sphere long ago.

Kon's teasing grin disappeared as his knelt down in front of Sphere. "Watch out for her up there, okay?"

Sphere beeped and tilted back and forth, almost as if nodding.

Wolf, Kon's best friend and most trusted companion, whimpered, as if he could tell what was going on.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay, boy." Kon scratched the furry beast behind the ears, just where he liked it. "We'll stop it, you'll see."

"Is she ready?"

Kon felt his heart speed up as he looked up at one of the best pilots in the rebel fleet.

M'gann M'orzz was young, but she was talented. She'd been flying ships since she could walk, and barely anyone could beat her in a race. Kon was in a similar situation, except with mechanics. He was the best mechanic that the rebel fleet had. Something about having a tool in his hand and being able to fix things was comforting him. Especially when he was helping M'gann.

Her brown eyes met his blue ones, and they both knew what the other was thinking.

"You don't have to go up there." Kon stood up.

"The fleet needs me, Kon. Besides, what if I don't go? Am I just supposed to stay here and wait while the Empire destroys the planet, and everything that could bring the galaxy hope?" M'gann brushed her shoulder-length hair behind her air, nervously fiddling with her helmet straps.

A few junior mechanics came over to load Sphere into his socket in M'gann's Y-wing, but still the two stood, staring at each other.

"Come here." M'gann slipped her gloved hand behind Kon's neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

Wolf bent over, snout to the floor, and covered his eyes with his paws.

"Come back, okay?" Kon whispered. "I love you."

M'gann smiled at him sadly, "I know."


The next half-hour was the most agonizing thirty minutes of Kon's life. He wasn't allowed to be in the War Room with Princess Leia and General Dodonna, but he and Wolf waited with the other mechanics in the hangar, where the battle's status report was relayed over the intercom.

He tensed every time he heard M'gann's code, Red-One. Pilot after pilot was reported dead, and Kon grew more nervous. He gripped Wolf's fur tighter as the sobs of the youngest mechanic cried, mourning their fallen pilots.

Finally, it was the final run. Only four pilots were left.

M'gann, Biggs Darklighter, Wedge Antilles, and that new kid, Luke Skywalker.

"Come on M'gann, come on," Connor begged. Wolf whined, staring at the speaker they were listening from. Everyone sat at the edge of their seats, waiting anxiously for the news they were all hoping for: that the Death Star was now just a footnote in the history of the Empire.

"Death Star will be in range in five minutes."

The room got about five degrees colder.

"BIGGS!" Skywalker screamed. They had three fighters on their tail. One rebel fighter down, three to go. Kon found it hard to keep breathing.

"Luke, Megs, I gotta pull out!" Wedge told them.

"Luke, stay on target, I'll get the fighters!"

"Oh blast, M'gann, don't do anything stupid." Kon begged her silently.


"Who's that?" M'gann asked.

"You're home free, sweetheart. Now let's blow this thing and go home!" The unfamiliar voice of Han Solo had saved M'gann and Luke from death at the hands of Darth Vader, and cheers echoed through the hanger, knowing victory was at hand.

M'gann and Luke each shot a proton torpedo into the exhaust port and followed Han, Wedge, and the other survivors back to Yavin Four. Kon peered out the hangar door, and in just a second he and Wolf spotted the inferno that was formerly the Empire's deadliest super weapon.

"You did it, M'gann." He whispered. "You did it."


The moment the fighters got back, the hangar was in chaos. Crazy-happy rebels flooded the hall to congratulate the heroes of the day and celebrate their biggest victory.

No one was more excited to see them get back than Kon.

The moment M'gann's cockpit opened, he lifted her out and kissed her.

"I told you I'd come back," she whispered.

"I knew you would, M'gann." Kon smiled at her. "You're my hero."



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