Chapter 2

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Harry's Pov.

After that girl left we all sat down and pestered Niall about her, well more of the other boys i didnt really feel right abou talking about her like that... i dont know why. 'mate she was fit' Zayn said to Niall 'yeah she was' he said 'i cant believe she dont like us' Louis said still shocked at what she said 'i know' Liam said My phone started ringing and i answered 'Hello?' i answered 'Ahh Mr Styles this is Sarah from London Hospital, your sister has just been hit by a car, and we need you down as fast as we can' the woman said 'Gemma omg is she alright?' i answered 'urm yes she is fine its not her its your other sister, it says that your mum and dad are her mum and dad on her birth certificate, her name is Stacey Anne Styles' they said 'oh ok well um i will be there shortly' i answered 'ok see you soon' she said and i hung up 'what was that about?' Liam asked 'urm well apparently my sister has been in an accident' i said getting up as the boys followed me 'what Gemma is she ok?' Louis asked worridely 'shes fine but apparently i have another sister' i said and they all gasped 'but what how when why WHAT?' Louis screamed 'whatever i need to go to the hospital apparently she got hit by a car' i said and walked to my car, all the boys jumping in. We arrived at the hospital 'urm here for Stacey Styles' i said to the receptionist 'Harry thank god you came your mum is not answering and neither are her adoptive parents your the only one who answered' she said 'urm can i see her birth certificate?' i asked she nodded and showed me

Mother - Anne Cox

Father - Des Styles

i have another sister... mum gave her up for adoption but why? 'urm can i see her?' i asked and she nodded 'level 2 room 234' she said 'thanks' i muttered and made my way upstairs the boys following in tow still as shocked as i am. I arrived at her room just as a doctor was coming out 'ahh Mr Styles, you sister is in a coma,we dont know how long she will be but hopefully it is soon' he said 'can i see her?' i asked and he nodded i walked in and gasped... i will kill Niall.... 'I am going to kill you Niall' i said through gritted teeth 'why what have i done?' he asked and then stepped and took a look at my sister 'oh sh*t' he mumbled 'look Harry you cant exactly blame him he didnt know she was your sister' Liam said patting mu back 'i guess' i said and sighed 'that mean my sister hates me... great' i said and took a seat next to her bed. i called my mum and she answered 'Mum get to the hospital now' i said 'why are you ok?' she asked 'i am fine its your daughter who is not' i said 'what happened is Gemma ok?' she asked 'not Gemma mum, Stacey' i said and she gasped 'h-h-how d-did you k-know s-she is you sister?' she aske d'the hospital phoned me mum how could you?! how could you give your child up for adoption?! i whisper yelled down the phone 'i am on my way' she said and hung up. The boys still stood shocked and she started to stir, her eyes opened 'what the hell are you doing here?' she growled in a groggily voice 'listen Stacey..' i started 'how do you know my name?' she snapped'Stacey just listen ok, the hospital phoned me..' she cut me off again 'why would they phone you?' she asked 'Stacey seriously! i am your brother' i said and she looked shocked and shook her head no but then stopped and clutched her head, then mum walked through the doors 'who is that?' Stacey asked pointing to mum 'That Stacey is a little someone called Mum' i answered 'GET OUT' Stacey screamed 'Stacey ple...' mum tried 'GET OUT' she yelled again 'ALL OF YOU GET OUT' she screamed and broke down in tears. We all left her room and watched as the doctor went in.

Staceys pov

Why would she show up now??!! why does he have to be my brother??!! this cant be real please say that its a dream... scratch that a night mare. i pinched my arm and screamed nope this is definatly real, the tears poured from my face and wouldnt stop, i heard the door open and i looked up and saw the Doctor 'ahh Miss Styles nice to see you again' he said , it wasnt my first time i ened in a accident, i broke my arm and wirst when i was drunk,'you too' i said sarcastically 'well your lucky that your injurys arent any worse i would say your quite lucky' he said 'you was in a coma for about an hour and she have broken no bones, you have no sprains just a couple of bruises they should die down in a couple of weeks' he added 'ok thanks, does Samantha know i am here?' i asked 'we have tried phoning her but she is not answering' he said 'can i have my phone then?' i asked 'yes' he said and gave it to me, i text Samantha teling her to come here and the Doctor walked outside and staretd to talk to my so called Mum and Brother 'Listen this isnt the first in fact she has broken her arm and wrist on drunken nights, they said when the ambulance got there she was smiking and her smoke was still in her mouth and her hand still holding it, she  id known to drink a lot' the doctor.. oh yes be my guest tell everyone about my life 'w-what my d-daughter smokes?' my "mum" asks 'yes she has for over a year' the doctor answered 'and she should be able to leave here in about an hour or two 'Hi Doc can i see Stacey i just got her text how is she?' Samantha asked frantically 'yeah sure go in' he said and she rushed into my room 'Samantha' i said as she embraced me into a hug 'oh Stacey what happened?' she asked sitting in the chair next to my bed 'well i was skating across the road then bamn i wake up here' i answered 'Stacey you have to be more careful' she said 'and who are they out there?' she added 'oh well the woman is my "mum" and the curly boy is my "brother"' i said emphasizing the words mum and brother. 'Oh..' she replied sadly 'i knew this day would come but, i dont want you to leave now' she added 'trust me i am not leaving anywhere with them' i answered 'but Stacey they are your family' she said 'No Samantha you and Danny are my family, she have raised me for 17 years and always treated me like your own daughter' i said and then looked around to see everyone standing at my door, mum looking sad and Harry had a look i couldnt read.'What?!' i shouted at them, mum looked taken aback 'Stacey honey' Samantha said sternly 'u-u-urm c-can w-w-w-we t-t-talk?' my "mum" stuttered 'whatever' i said rolling my eyes as everyone left except for her 'what?' i asked a little bit snappy 'Stacey i am sorry ok, i was young i h=already had two kids i couldnt handle another one, Harry was still only a baby and it would have been hard handling to babies, i am sorry if i hurt you but it was best for you' she said 'how was it best for, growing up without knowing who my parnts were and knowing they didnt want me' i yelled 'of course i wanted you but i couldnt handle it Stacey, i was scared and young and i thought it was the best option for you' she said as tears rolled down her face. 'whatever just leave me alone' i said and facing the other way 'Sta..' she started 'no. get. out. of. my. room' i growled and watch her walked out of my room, and a load sob coming from the hallway.

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