Chapter 16

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Nialls pov

The builders have started their work on the extension and the foundation is already down and the walls are being built. Today is the scan and we find out the genders.

"Stacey are you ready babe?" I shouted "yeah be down just putting a top on Charlie" she shouted back.

She came down a couple of minutes later with Charlie and we all walked to the car, we had to take Charlie with us as no one was able to look after him. We didn't mind though I just had to keep holding of him so he didn't go running off.

We walked through the hospital doors and walked over to the receptionist "hello what's your name?" She asked "appointment for Stacey Styles" Stacey said and the nurse nodded "waiting room on floor 4 just walk down to the end of the hallway and the waiting room is there" she replied and we thanked her and walked towards the elevator I pressed 4 and we made our way up.

After about 10 minutes of sitting in the waiting room our name was called.
"Hello Stacey how have you been?" The doctor asked "been fine they have started kicking" Stacey told her "that's good and who do we have here?" She asked pointing to Charlie in my arms.

"This is Charlie our son" I replied "ahh ok then well let's see your babies that are in your tummy then" she said motioning for Stacey to lay on the bed. She put the jelly stuff on her baby bump and started scanning she turned the mic on and we heard both the babies heart beats.

"Well as you can hear they are healthy now you want to know the genders yes?" She asked and we nodded "we'll congratulations your having twin girls" the doctor said.

I looked at Stacey who was smiling I knew she wanted a girl and we got two. "Thank you" Stacey said to the doctor, she nodded and walked out to go and get the scan print outs.

When she came back she handed us the scans and said goodbye. We left and went home, we texted everyone the news of twin girls and just sat on the sofa watching television.

After lunch we put Charlie down for his nap and went back and cuddled on the sofa.

"So we should start thinking about names" I suggested and she nodded "yeah I really like the name Alexa so for shirt we could call her Lexi or Lex or Lexa" She said and I smiled "I like that to but I also like the name Lola" I said "that's sorted then Alexa and Lola" she said and I smiled "there perfect for our children" I said.

*time skip- 6 months pregnant*

Stacey's pov

Today Niall is finally letting me see the extension, It has been finished for a couple of weeks but Niall has been painting, decorating and furnishing it. We walked though the door in the hallway that leads into our new room.

I walked in and was amazing. It was two story but, half of the room had a ceiling and stairs leading up, underneath was a wall with two doors, I opens one and I was the en suite bathroom, It was amazing! I walked into the second one to see the walk in wardrobe, there was a dressing room at the end and a sofa in there with clothes rails all around the side. It's was huge.

I treturned into the main room to see a massive desk with a laptop and desk stuff on. I spiny chair pushed under it. Another sofa against the wall. I walked up the stairs and saw the King size bed and a flat scene on the wall.

Two of the walls were a cream colour, another one of the walls were red and another was a red, black and cream decorative wall paper.

The room was amazing I loved it. I was like a sitting room open plan living room with a bedroom.

"Niall I love it. It's amazing I would have never thought of this ever" I said hugging him. "Well I just thought, that if you and the girls go shopping and you come home, to show everyone the clothes you could use the wardrobe as like a Gorky den type thing and the sofa and desk is if, we just want to relax in our room so we can even just cuddle on the sofa or if we want to go on the laptop or need to do something we have the desk and if one of us is sleeping it kind of gives the privacy so we don't have to be so quiet if we are trying not to wake each other" he said "your amazing" I said kissing him.

Luckily I didn't need to move anything as Niall had been moving my clothes into the wardrobe all day. He got the boys to sort out the other rooms, it was like binding time for them.

We broke away from he kiss and both sat down. We heard the stair gates rattle and we both walked over to them to see Charlie and the top shacking them. "Mama and dada" he said giggling Niall opened the bottom gate and walked up and leant over the top gate and picked him up "hey buddy" Niall said causing Charlie to go into a fit of giggles. Niall carried him down the stairs and we all sat on the sofa Charlie crawled into my lap and put his arms around my stomach. I felt the babies kick and Charlie's head shooting off my stomach, he looked lost and confused.

"Arw baby did the babies kicking scare you? I asked and Niall chuckled "babies love you buddy, your sisters love you" Niall said to Charlie "babas?" Charlie said questioningly pointing to my stomach " yes babas" I said nodding "mama and dada and babas" he said giggling I smiled at my so he was adorable and I love him so so much.

I couldn't wait for my girls to be born, and I can't wait to watch them all grow up, I just hope they won't end up like how I was, I rebel and I hope they don't do all the things I did, like smoke and sleep around and drink all the times.

Niall's phone started ringing and he answered it "hello?" He asked "oh hey Lou what's up?" He said again "URL sure I guess we can, Charlie will have to come as well" he responded "yeah ok see you in an hour bye" he said and put his phone down "Lou invited us out for dinner with everyone else and the boys so we have to get ready" he said and I nodded, he lifted Charlie up off me and then helped me up. I walked Into our new bedroom and went straight for the wardrobe. I picked out a pregnancy maxi dress that is loose over my stomach, I chose some black flats and got showered whilst Niall was getting Charlie ready. After my showed I walked back into the wardrobe and of my outfit on, Niall walked in and placed Charlie down and walked it to take a shower.

I done my hair and make up and went and sat on the sofa in the main area of our room. Niall walked out and into the wardrobe and came out minutes later looking HOT! Charlie was sitting on my lap but crawled off and over to Niall. He was such a daddy's boy.

We left and made our way to the restaurant, we were about 5 minutes late so everyone else was already here. We were guided through to our table and we saw two seats at the end with a high chair. "Hey everyone" I greeted "Hey Stacey" they all said back. Niall out Charlie in his high chair and we both sat down.
Dinner was funny, we all had a laugh, the meal was nice and just catching up with everyone was amazing. After we dinner we all made our way home, Charlie fell asleep in the car so we put him straight to bed.
After that me and Niall got changed and snuggled in bed together until we fell asleep.

A/N - Hey guys, sorry it is a short chapter but I am on my iPod as the Internet on my laptop is playing up.

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3.5k is just amazing so when there is between 3.8k and 4k I will update, I don't know when that will be though.

Thanks peeps you are amazing!

Keep reading ..... X

Bye................... X

Chloe............ X

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