Chapter 11

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Staceys pov

I have been out of  a coma for a week and my baby still hasn't woken up, i can't stop crying. My son is in a coma, i dont know when he will wake up but i want to cuddle with, i want to hear his crys and screams. I want to watch him grow older. But i need him to wake up.

Niall has been by my side since i woke up, except going to the boys to shower and change. Harry has been visiting me and the boys have visited a few times. The nurse has taken me to see Charlie once, i want to see him again, but they won't let me until i am released and Charlie has woken up. I just want to see my baby.

Mothers should get to see there baby. I need him to wake up. "Hey Stacey" Niall said walking back into my hospital room. "Hi" i barely whispered. I just don't feel like talking to anyone. "How you feeling? any news on Charlie?" he asked and i shook my head no. "My sons in a coma, how do you think i am doing and no the nurses won't tell me anything" i snapped. "Stacey i know how you feel, don't forget that he is my son as well. i know its hard but we have to stay positive for Charlie's sake" he said.

"i know, i am sorry. I just.... i just want to hold my baby and i can't. i want to hears his crys and screams" i said starting to cry again. "Hey, hey, hey he will wake up. I want to as well. and when he does which will be soon, we will hear his screams and crys and we will get to cuddle and hold him, sing and whisper to him. and we will get to watch him grow into an amazing grown man i promise" he said issing my forehead.

"Thank you" i whispered, his head was resting an inch away from mine, i need to tell him how i feel, and now is the best chance i will get. I leaned my head up and shut my eyes, soon feeling his soft lips on mine, he starts kissing back and our lips moved in sync.

"urm.. sorry.. am i interupting something?" the nurse said making us break away from eachoher. "no, what is it?" i asked catching my breath. "Charlie he is waking up" she said and a smile instantly formed on both mine and Niall's face. "can we see him?" i asked and she nodded, Niall helped me out of the bed and helped me down to wear my little boy is. 

We walked in, he hadnt opened his eyes yet but his hands were moving and so were his feet. We walked over and stood next to his baby bed. "Hi baby, open your eyes for mummy, please, we love you so much baby boy" i whispered as he opened his eyes, "thank you baby, i love you so much and so does daddy" i whispered as he looked from me to Niall again and again.

"You will both be free to go home in a couple of days." The nurse said and i smiled wider. "Can we hold him?" i asked her and she nodded. I carefully picked him up in my arms and rocked him "I missed you so much Charlie, i am so sorry this happened, i will never let anyone hurt you baby i promise, i love you so much my little angel" i whispered. After a couple of minutes, i passed him to Niall to hold.

Half hour later Niall went back to Louis' to use his laptop to look for a new house that is furnished and will be ready to move into, in the next couple of days. Harry had come to keep me company. "How you feeling sis?" he asked "better know that i know Charlie is ok and awake" i answered honestly, my face lighting up at the thought of my son.

"Thats good, how has Niall been treating you" he asked "fine, same as usual to be honest nothing has changed, he keeps apollogising about Amy though saying it was his fault about what happened" i said a small smile tugging at my lips. "You fancy him dont you?" Harry asked "what are you talkign about no i don't" i lied "yes you do, you smiled when i mentioned him" he said smirking.

"ok just a little bit" i said thinking back to when we kissed earlier, the smarks i felt just like when we did the day of the fire. "something happened between you hasnt it?" he asked and i shook my head no. "sis i know you are lying, what happened?" he asked "we may have kissed the day of the fire and today before the nurse told us the news about Charlie" i said blushing and looking down.

"knew you would tell me eventually" he said with a smirk and poked his tung out at me. he is so childish. Sometime i debate who is more childish him or Louis. "only cos you pressured me into telling you" i answered.

"yeah, yeah" he said.

*Next day*

Niall burst through my doors of my hospital room. "I found the perfect house" he said "it is in the country, safe area, just on the outside of london, gates around the property, 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom, house garden, fully furnished its amazing, perfect place for Charlie to grow up. and i already brought it" he added "wow, did you even go and view it?" i asked worried that someone might have conned him "yes i just got back from viewing and buying it" he said. "And i have the keys to move in already" he said.

*Couple days later*

Today is the day that me and Charlie finally leave the hospital. I couldn't be more happy. "Hey stacey, i went shopping and got my self some clothes, i didnt know your size so i just brought you a pair of my new sweat pants and a top, to wear and then i will go get you some clothes,  tomorrow" he said handing me his clothes to put on.

After i had changed we went and got Charlie and Niall signed us both out. When we got to the house it was beautiful. The counryside around it made it 100x better. He looked cosy and quiet just how i like it.

We walked in and Niall showed me the nursery for Charlie, since Charlie was asleep i layed him down in his crib and turned the monitor on. I grabbed the other one, and made my way back down the stairs. I looked and saw Niall sprawled out on one of the couches, and i sat on another.

"Come sit here Stacey" Niall said pointing to his lap "i am fine" i said a bit awkwardly, i would love to sit on his lap, but it would be awkward. "Just sit here" he said and i sighed, i stood up and went and sat on his lap. The next thing i knew was his lips were on my neck making there way to my jaw.

"Niall what are you doing?" i asked, he just ignored me as his lips found mine. I kissed him back, loving the feeling of his lips on mine, the sparks i can feel, and the fireworks exxploding in my body. He pulled away after 5 minutes. "Be my girlfriend" he whispered against my lips. I nodded my head before smashing my lips back into his again.

My babies dad is my boyfriend.

Niall Horan is my boyfriend.

The boy i had a crush on is my boyfriend.

Can life get any better right now??!!


Sorry i didnt update at the weeked.

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Bye.... :)

Chloe xx

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