Chapter 18

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*2 weeks later*


Staceys pov

I was finally able to go home, and so were my babies. Charlie has been living with Harry these last 2 weeks as Niall has stayed with me in hospital so i wasn't on my own. Charlie is brought here everyday to see us and his brothers and sisters. Charlie was coming back home tomorrow, so we can get the babies settled.

I was changing into the spare clothes i brought with me to the hospital, whilst Niall was packing up the babies things, the car seats were aready in the car, so all we had to do is carry Alexa and Logan out to the car and strap them in. Hopefully there arent that many papz, and hopefully there is security guards, no doubt there wont be.

I qucikly changed Alexa into a cute pink baby grow, that had a rabbit on. I wrapped her in a blanket. Niall dressed Logan into a green baby grow with a 4 leaf clover on it. He wrapped Logans blanket round him and left enough to cover his face from the fans and papz outside. We  picked them both up. My bag on my shoulder and Alexa in my arms, and Niall with the babies bag on his shoulder with Logan in his arms. We walked to the exit saying goodbye to the nurses.

We got to the doors and met Paul, "right you'll have to make it quick, we have security holding them back as best they can" he said and we nodded. We coveredthe babies faces and Paul stood directly behind us. We opened the door and rushed to our car, the noise was way to loud and Alexa started crying. I gently rocked her whilst walking to the car. I climbed into the middle seat and strapped Alexa in. Niall Strapped Logan in then put our bags in the boot. He got into the drivers seat and carefully drove out of the car park and home.

We arrived home and there were fans outside the gate. We drove through the gate and they closed before fans could get in. Thank god. He parked and we got out. This time i was holding Logan and Niall was carrying Alexa. We got the bags out the boot and headed to the front door. Niall unlocked and walked in. I walked through and shut the door behind me. The fans outside the gates managed to scream loud enough to upset Alexa. Niall rocked her gently, and she slowly calmed down.

We walked to the living room and sat down on the couch, with the babies still in our arms, we cuddled together, staring at our children we both smiled. Tomorrow when Charlie comes home, our famiy will be here. We will be complete. Me and Niall with our childen, Charlie, Logan and Alexa. We stayed there for a while, silently just thinking about everything that has happened.

"i love you" Niall said breaking the silence. "i love you too" i said. We shared a short sweet kiss and i rested my head on his shoulder.After a while we got up and put themin the moses basket we have right next to the couch. There was two of them, one with green bedding and another with purple. I placed Logan in the green one and Niall placed Alexa into the purple one. I walked into the kitchen to make lunch.

"Babe shall i just make a sandwhich?" i called out "yeah" he answered. I got the bacon out and started cooking in. I buttered the bread and gotthe lettuce and tomato out. Placing the lettuce and tomato on the bread i went back to the bacon. Turning it. Once it was done, i turned everything off, placed the bacon in the sandwhich and cute it in half. I took both plates out to the living room, and handed Niall's his and sat down next to him. "cheers babe" he said "no problem" i said and we both ate.

*6 months later*

Today Charlie is 2 years old. The babies are nearly 7 months old, time went quick. The first couple of months with the babies home with us, it was difficult, Charlie would sometimes wake up with them, and cry because he was tired, so most of the time he would come and sleep in our room now. The babies wake up less in the night and are awake for more of the day.

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