Chapter 20

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Niall's pov

"urm well me and Stacey were talking and i was wondering... will you be my Best Man?" I asked. He looked shocked "no" he answered, i stood there shocked, i never thought he would say no, i mean i am marrying his sister, surely he would want to be the best man and plus he his my best mate, i thought he would jump at the chance of being my best man. I never thought he would turn down the offer. I just nodded and walked back into the living room past everyone and walked up stairs. 

I thought he would be happy for me, for Stacey but obviously he is not, he probably only acts like he doesnt hate me for Stacey. He hates me, i bet you he hates me. He is -well- was my best mate. He looked so happy when he heard Stacey was pregnant with twins he was bouncing for joy, i thought he would of wanted us to get married so we were a proper family.

He looked hapy when we told them but maybe he doesnt want to show everyone else he hates me for the sake of the band. Tears rolled down my eyes, i shouldn't be cryinng, this is supposed to a time for me to be happy, i just got engaged to the girl of my dreams, the love of my life. I should be skipping down the street yelling how happy i am but no, i am sitting in my bedroom because my best mate, my soon to be brother in law, doesnt want to be my best man.

I was deep in thoughts i didn't realise someone had come in until i heard her voice "Niall, Baby what happened, why are you upset?" she asked "i don't know i should be over the moon, but Harry i thought he would of wanted to be my best man but he said no, he hates me, he only acts happy around you and the other boys, he looked so happy when i told him we were engaged but then he turned down the offer of being my best man, he is my best mate, but clearly he doesnt think that anymore" i said "Niall listen to me i don't care if Harry doesn't want to be your best man, you can have anyone as your best man, the only thing i care about is that i marry you, i don't care who comes and who doesnt i just know that i will marry you no matter what" she said and i smiled.

"I guess, and i know it shouldnt bother me, i am happy i get to marry the love of my life that will soon go by the name of Stacey Anne Horan" i said kissing her lips in a soft peck. "I love you Mr Horan" she whispered against my lips "I love you too soon to be Mrs Horan" i replied kissing her again. This is one of many things i love about her, she can cheer me up whenever she makes me happer just being in the same room as me.

"Lets go back down stairs, lets not worry about the wedding yet we have over a year" she said and i nodded pulling her up and carrying her on my hip down the stairs and into the living room.  "Dada, Mama" Charlie said running and attacking my legs "Hey Bubba" i said ruffling his hair. I walked over to the couch ignoring Harry's gaze. He had a smirk on his face, i sat down with Stacey on my lap and my back towards Harry. I felt my phone buzz. 

- Hazza - Turn around -

I turned around and looked at him holding a .... white board WTH ??!! He flipped it around. 

~ I was joking, of course i'll be your best man ~

He burst out laughing, i quickly remover Stacey and Charlie from my lap and placed them back down. Before i ran and tackled Harry to the floor "Your such a tw*t i thought you hated me" i said "your so gullable for believing me" he chuckled pushing me off of him and standing up holding out a hand for me i just pulled him back on the floor and got up walking back over to the couch, lifting Stacey and Charlie before sitting down placing them on my lap again.

"Dada" i heard a voice say, it wasnt Charlie, i walked over to the play pen where Alexa and Logan was, Logan was asleep and Alexa was wide awake smiling "Dada" she said, my grin rose and i picked her "Baby you said your first word and you called me, your going to be Daddy's little girl aren't you" i cooed tickling her side. "Stacey did you hear her she said Dada not Mama" i bragged to Stacey. "Yes i did" she said walking over to us "My baby girl said her first word" she cooed taking Alexa out of my arms. Everyone else was just watching us, i will write it in her baby book" i said.

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