Chapter 5

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Stacey's pov

Its been a couple of months since we have been on tour, i may have opened up to Harry a little and get along slightly with them, but i am still not talking to Anne and Des, i phone Samantha and Danny everyday and they are happy that i have been nicer to the boys.

This morning wasnt to great i woke up and was sick straight away, i hate throwing up its horrible. I stumbled down the stairs and started raiding the cuboards for some mac and cheese, i really wanted to right now.

"Hey Stac, what you looking for?" Harry said walking into the kitchen "i really fancy some mac and cheese have we got any?" i asked just then Louis walking in the room "geeze Stacey anyone would think you were pregnant" he said and then i froze.... Now to think of it i hvanet come on this month and last month how the hell could i miss that, and i was sick this morning and yesterday morning and i am craving food. "Dont even joke about that Lou" Harry said sternly.

I was panicking oh god what if i am pregnant, no i am only 17 i cant have a baby, i have no job, i drink and smoke. Luckily El was here for this month and luckily i have gotten quite close with her, she is really the only real friend i have thats a girl.

"Urm i will be right back, i am gonna get El to come with me to the store" i said and ran into the living room where El was sat "El come to the store with me please?" i asked giving her a pleading look "ok" she replied happily.

We walked to the store as the tour bus was parking in a car lot to give the drive a brake "urm El i might need to help" i said looking up at her "whats up?" she asked "urm well i think i might be pregnant in fact i think i might know that i am pregnant" i said "what how do you know?" she asked with a shocked expression "urm well it didnt click until Lou joked about it this morning as i have been craving food, i woke up being sick today and yesterday and i only realised that i have been on in a the last two months" i said "ok then lets get to the doctors" she said "thanks El" i said and then panick came over me.

I remember the last person i slept with its the day i first met by brother and the day i got hit by the car. "OMG El what if Harry disowns me and then Samantha and Danny disown me, what if Harry sends me away and tells me not to come back, what if Anne and Des say i am a disgrace towards the family and kick me on the streets, i cant do this alone El i cant i am only 17" i cried. 

She pulled me into a hug "listen Stac, Harry loves you, your his sister, he has just got you and he is not going to disown you, look how hard he has tryed to gain your trust he cares about you he will support you. but i have a question" she said pulling away "what?" i asked inbetween sobs "do you know who the father is?" she asked and i nodded "who is it?" she asked "Niall" i mumbled "what?" she almost screamed "i went and got drunk ended up in his room the next morning, it was the first time i met any of them and then later that day is when i got hit by the car" i explained "and he was the last person you slept with?" she asked and i nodded.

We arrived at the doctors and they saw to me straight away because of El being famous. They put the gel on my tummy and scanned it "there is your baby" the doctor said and i burst into tears its true, i am 17 and pregnant just then El's phone rang "hello....yeah i am with her.....why......ok we will be there soon....sorry something came up ....... we have to tell you something when we get back to the bus........yeah ..... ok bye love you" she said and hung up "El i cant tell them" i said "Stac you will have to if you want i will tell them ok" she said an i nodded "would you like a copy of the scan?" the doctor asked "yes please" El answered for me, seconds later we was walking out, El had the scan in her bag.

"Stacey it will be fine trust me" she said "it wont El they are all gonna hate me" i said "i will tell them if you want me to" she said "please" i said and she nodded s we arrived at the bus, i wiped my tears and walked on heading straight to the bathroom to clean my face and let El tell them.

I am pertrofied, i cant even look after my self let alone raise a baby, Harry and everyone else will hate me, especially Niall, i mean he is the dad but it is also his fault that i am pregnant, the idiot didnt wear protection.

I must have been in the bathroom for about half hour so i carefully walked out of the bathroom and inti the living room where everyone was sat and then i knocked my arm on the wall and made a bang, all their heads turned to look at me.

"Stacey how could you be so stupid" Harry screamed and then for about the millionth time that day i broke and tears were streaming down my face, El was wrong Harry is mad at me, he is right i am stupid. I slowly walked back into the bathroom when some forcibally pulled on my wrist "i asked you a fucking question" Harry snapped more and more tears were streaming down my face, i would normally be able to stand up for my self but i couldnt right now.

I am scared this is the most angry i have seen Harry and i dont like it, i am scared because he is hurting my wrist and he looks like he is about to hit me, i can see the anger in his eyes as he waitsfor my response and i am scared because if he abandons me i will have no one, Anne and Des already hate me, Samantha and Danny will hate me when they find out.

"y-your hurting m-me" i whimpered as his grip got tighter "i dont care answer the question" he yelled , i looked back at everyone else who all had shocked expressions. "Harry calm down" i heard El say "yeah mate seriously your hurting her and scarring her" Louis said but Harrys grip only got tighter.

I whimpered more "H-harry p-p-please y-your h-h-h-hurting m-me" i said crying even more, he let go of my wrist and shoved me to the floor, luckily backwards, i landed on the floor with a bang and i was in too much pain to move, emotionally and physically.

El ran overe to me and tried helping me up, but my body was frozen, i couldnt get my self to move i just laid there on the floor my mind blank and my hands resting on my tummy, not being able to bring my self to speak i just listen to people around "Stacey please lets just get up and sit on the couch" El said but i just stayed still "El me and Zayn are going to talk some sense into Harry" he said giving her a quick peck "ok i am going to try and get Stac to get up for the floor" El replied, "this is all my fault" i heard Niall say "its not all your fault Niall" El said trying to reassure him "yes it is El, if i put protection on none of this would have happened if i wasnt so stupid and didnt go out that night this wouldnt have happened" he said, i wanted to say something but i couldnt get my self to.

"Niall and Liam please just lift her up and carry her to her bed, i think she needs to relax, and get some sleep and sleep off some of the stress, its not good for the baby" El said and then i felt my body being carried and placed on something much much comfier than the floor.

I just layed there for a while then finally drifting off into a well deserved sleep.

A/N - Sooooooo guys! whats up?!

I will try and update soon, dont forget to vote and comment and follow me! i will follow back :)

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