Chapter 3

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Staceys pov

After 'mum' left Harry barged in my room "what the hell do you want?" i snapped "Stacey why did you have to say that to mum..." i stopped him "she is not my mum, maybe biologically but i will NEVER see her as my mum" i said "just grow up will you, she is still your mum whether you like it or not now i suggest you apologise to her" he said sternly, i just laughed "you think you can get me to apologise, good luck with that" i snickered "will you stop being so immature, your acting like a five year old" he said raising his voice "ohh getting angry now are we?" i said trying to annoy him... it was working "Stacey just talk to mum will you" he said nearly shouting "how about no, one she is not my mum and two you cant tell me what to do, you are nothing to me" i said "Stacey i am your brother and she is your mum, deal with it" he said walking out.

A couple of hours later i was aloud to go, and guess what i have to go and live with Anne, i am not going to call her mum no way, i cant believe Samantha is making me live with her, she said she didnt want me to leave and yet she was basically chucking me out and sending me to live with her. "Samantha your the one who said you didnt want me to go and i dont want to go, why are you doing this?!" i said to her "because it is for the best Stac, you deserve to be with your real mum" she said "but i dont want to live with Anne, i want to live with you and Danny" i said "we will always visit you sweetie and you can visit us as well" she said as Des 'dad' put the rest of my things in the car that Danny packed up because i refused to. "Come on sweetie lets go" Anne said "dont even dare call be sweetie" i snaped.

When we arrived i stepped out the car and pulled my smokes from my pocket and lit one only for it to be taken out my mouth "now this is one thing that will be stopped" Des said "who the hell do you think you are, you cant decide that, you havent been here for none of my life and you will not tell me what to do" i snapped and liting another and walking off down the road.... maybe if i get hit by a car again then i can stay away from them.... actually no because i cant smoke in there.

A couple of hours later i had walked around and found a club, i looked at my outfit Black skinnys and a pink crop top... it will do, i walked in showed them my fake ID and went straigh to the bar.

*time skip*

this guy i am making out with is cuuuttteeeee, he had light brown quiffed hair, really tall atleast 6ft, muscular and a great kisser. We was dancing along to the music until i got pulled off of him"what the hell?!" i screamed and turned around to face the one and only... Harry Styles. "Stacey mum and dad are worried, now lets go home" he said pulling me out the club "but Harrrryyyyy i was hav-ving fun" i whined "i dont care you have drunk way to much" he said "i ammmm noooot eveeennnn drunk though" i slurred "yes you are" he said pushing me into the car and slammed the door shut. "you need to sort your attitude out Stacey, no more drinking, no more smoking, none of it" he said "thats not up to youuuu" i sing songed.

a while later we pulled up at the house Harry dragged me out of the car, by this time i had sobbered up but not alot "stop dragging me i can walk by  myself" i slurred and ripped my arm out of his grasp, i started to wobble to the door and then tripped over just at the front door "yeah because you can really walk on your own" he scoffed "shut up" i scowled. He opened the door and Anne and Des rushed over "where was she?" Anne asked "At the club she is absolutely hammered" Harry said "nooo i'mmm not that is youuu" i slurred "Take her to her room" Des said Harry picked me up "what are you doing??!!" i asked giggling "carrying you up the stairs" he said, he layed me down on the bed and pulled covers over me. 

Next morning i woke up with a throbbing pain in my head, how much did i drink last night.... i slowly stood up and wobled a little, i made my way downstairs and into the kitchen and saw Anne and Des and Harry in there talking i stumbled in and searched the cupboards and found a glass, i filled it with water "how are you sweetie?" Anne asked i just ignored her, and walked back up stairs not before i heard her talking to the others "i wish she would forgive me" .. ha i will never forgive her. I got to the room i woke up in and saw my stuff, i guess this is my room then.... joy.

Harry walked into my room "urg what do you want now?!" i said annoyed, he has been in my room about 20 times this morning and its getting on my nerves "just talk to her Stacey she is in bits down their, just wanting her daughter to talk to her" he said fustrated "well maybe she should have thought about that before giving me away" i snapped "i thought she already explianed and yes i know your angry, i was when i found too, but she is your mum and she wants her daughter, she was young and already had Gemma and i was a baby, she couldnt handle it Stacey when will you see how sorry she is and how much she regrets it" he said walking over and sitting at the end of my bed. "Because Harry, that is why i am like i am now, when i got older and realised that i had no real parents i felt unwanted and useless, i was bullied in school Harry my life was crap, but i got over it and i started smoking, drinking, beating people up. she is the reason i am like i am" i said "well that can change Stacey, you can stop smoking and drinking and you dont have to feel unwanted or useless, she is here and she wants you just let her" he said "its not that easy Harry i have been like this for years ok, i cant magically become a new person in a day" i said staring out my window "but you can try Stacey you dont have to act all tough anymore, you have people who love you and your pushing them away Stacey, why cant you see that people want to help you" he said "what are you trying to say, that i have a poblem or something because it sounds like it" i snapped getting angry "i was not implying you have something wrong Stacey i just.. i just wish you would talk to mum and stop snapping at everyone that talks to you and trys to give you a happy and healthy life" he said "what if i was happy ayy what if i liked living with Samantha and Danny, i liked living there, they treated me like their daughter, they loved me" i said "yes but now you have your real mum and dad and your pushing them away Stacey its hurting them" he said "i dont care Harry you all took me away from people i love and that love me and treat me like there own family" i said burying further into my pillow "yes but Stacey your real family love you why cant you see that, they want you to love them too, they want you in their lives" he said "whatever Harry just get out of my room" i said "just atleast give them a chance Stacey" he said before walking out.

I woke up when i heard the door opening "urg why cant people leave me alone" i muttered as i looked at who came into my room... Niall ... what the hell did he want "urm hi" he said "what do you want?" i snapped "i was just saying that there is some food down there if you want some or i could bring you some up" he said "urm no" i snapped and turned around "what is your problem?" he asked "me i dont have a problem but you will if you dont get out my room" i threatened and the then heard my door shut... thank god.

A/N - Hey guys sorry i havent updated in like forever but i have been really busy revising for exams, they are still not over yet, 4 more left until november, but i decided i would upload, just for you guys. :)

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