Chapter 1 - Part 2

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Staceys pov.

A couple of hours later the boys went and i was on my own and getting ready for the clubs. I love fridays so much, i get to drink, smoke and PARTAYYYY!! I had a shower, put my tight black dress on, it comes to just above mid thigh and is strapless. I put my heels on and straightened the waves out of my hair, i put on my make up, i sprayed my perfume, grabbed my bag with my phone, keys and purse and my smokes in and i walked down stairs 'I am off see ya when i see ya' i shouted to my adopted parents. I walked out and down to the club, its about a twenty minute walk from my house. I got with my fake id and went straight to the bar, 'hey this is for you' the bartender said 'from that guy over there'  he added and pointed to a really cute guy staring at me i gav him a cheeky wave and wink and downed the drink, i ordered myself about 20 shots and downed them all. I stumbled to the dance floor and was instantly met by someone grinding against me, i didnt bother moving i stayed moving my hips along with his. I got bored and went straight back to the bar, got some more shots and downed them, i walked outside for a smoke and then went back in after and headed to the bar again and downed some more shots and back to the dancefloor.

I woke up in an unfamiliar place i looked to the boy next to me he had blonde hair with light brown roots, looked quite muscular, he started to stir and he turned around i quickly looked away 'goodmorning' he mumbled .. what was that an irish accent?? i love irish accents. 'urm morning' i said awkwardly, i sat up and pulled the sheet with me, i looked around for my underwear and found them i slipped them on and pulled one of his dark blue button up shirts on i done a couple of the buttons i looked back at him and he was staring at me, he climbed out of bed and put a pair of his boxers on, wow his abs.... i realised i was staring at stopped i recognised him from somewhere i just dont remmber where. he put pjama pants on and they hung low on his hips.... mhmmm. i grabbed my clothes 'where is the bathroom?' i asked 'urm... i will show you' he said and walked out the door, i followed with my clothes still in hand and only in his shirt and my underwear, i walked out into the hallway and instantly faced with another boy, he had curly hair green eyes, i quickly turned away following Niall 'in there' he said pointing to a door, i walked in and closed the door behind me, i looked in the mirror OMG i nearly screamed i have really bad sex hair.... ooops, i slipped on my clothes from last night and tried sorting my hair out, i took the hair band off my wrist and put my hair ina messy ponytail. 

I walked back into his hallway to be met with 5 boys, there was the blonde and curly haired one along with three others all staring at me, 'what?' i asked kinda of snappy they look taken aback but the curly haired boy smirked 'have fun last night?' he asked 'i was drinking, smoking and partying of course i had fun' i sassily said back 'wait you smoke?' the black haired boy asked 'yeah not thats its any of your business' i snapped 'whats your name then?' the really tall boy asked 'Stacey' i answered still standing in the door way of thebathroom 'ok you probbly know who we are?' Curly said 'urm no?' i said sounding more like a question they all looked shocked 'wait what?' blonde spoke 'i dont know who you are,i have never seen you before' i said 'oh well urm we are One Direction' The one with the short shaved head my jaw dropped .. what have i done.... why did it have to be a member of there band .. agggg i am so annoyed. 'oh right well i am going to go now' i said really annoyed 'what why?' Blondie spoke 'because 1. i dont like you guys and 2. i dont want to be here and 3. i have to get home.' i answered honestly Samantha is probs going to kill me i would normally be back by now. 'why dont you like us?' Black haired boy asked 'all of your egos are way to high, your not all that like you make out to be, and your all annoying' i answered walking away and back to his room and grabbed my bag, i slipped on my shoes and headed down the stairs and to the front door, 'well atleast give me your number' Blondie spoke 'urm i dont think so' i answered and walked out, i called a cab and arrived home, i payed the man 'i am home' i shouted to an empty house.

i got showered and dressed into some black skinny jeans and a baby blue crop top, some converse and put my make up on a dried my hair, i straighter the waves out and grabbed my skate board. i grabbed my back pack and headed for Jacobs house. i lit a smoke and started breathing it in, when i felt something force into my side, i tumbled over and landed on he ground, my vision going blurry and i cant here a sound my eyes started drooping then total blackness occured.

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